That was mostly YOUR fault? We played last night. Our set started out KILLER..this new drummer and guitarist really bring us up a few notches as far as energy and attitude goes..we were tearing it UP!!..then...our bass player broke a string. Well, he doesn't bring a back up so he can just switch them out..he has to put on a new string. We've played a few shows without a bass player, I said, lets just go..I thought he would catch up about 1/2 way through the next song..NO...we had to wait for him to change the string. Now, I am NOT blaming what happened next on him, yet I do believe we lost our momentum. We stood there..and stood there..and stood around some more. Anyhow...on to the next song. Everything was going fine...I guess maybe I had to much time to think..hell I don't know. I was worried about my solo in this song anyhow..I am NOT a solo player, and it wasn't exactly worked maybe I over thought everything..we get to the chorus before the solo..and I tear of into the solo EARLY!! Then notice my I keep going (can't stop now..) but now I am aware of my I BOTCH the solo.. a 5 year old would have done better, no I am not kidding. Then I stumble out of what is supposed to be a solo..and fumble through the song the best I could. By now I am completely pissed at myself
Next song, has this "acoustic" intro with chorus and delay..I play it. Not last night, I screwed it up too..I mean BADLY. Anyway we finally get past that nightmare and the rest of the song is fine..except the end. For once it was the other guitarist and drummer who screwed that up. The last couple of songs were OK,. but you could tell we knew we were sucking and we had no energy or enthusiasm..we were just trying to get off of the stage.
So how do you get past that? I've been beating myself up all day over it, and I know when I see the rest of the band on Tuesday I'm going to hear it from them too. I mean we ALL made our mistakes..but mine really stand out.
Thanks for letting me whine...

Next song, has this "acoustic" intro with chorus and delay..I play it. Not last night, I screwed it up too..I mean BADLY. Anyway we finally get past that nightmare and the rest of the song is fine..except the end. For once it was the other guitarist and drummer who screwed that up. The last couple of songs were OK,. but you could tell we knew we were sucking and we had no energy or enthusiasm..we were just trying to get off of the stage.

So how do you get past that? I've been beating myself up all day over it, and I know when I see the rest of the band on Tuesday I'm going to hear it from them too. I mean we ALL made our mistakes..but mine really stand out.

Thanks for letting me whine...