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The RacerX weight loss thread
Quick update: I went to a health fair that my company sponsored last month. I got my body fat tested and also listened to some gal at a booth tell me that exercise only counts for 3% of a weight loss plan, what you eat is 97%. Well all this, combined with the realization that I hadn't lost much weight at all, depressed me and I stopped my regular workouts."Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
If she said to you "You are what you eat" you could have replied to her, "Dear, you are what you shit".
Get back exercising you lazy git, the only person stopping you is you. (Says Mr. Shob, who looks to the mirror and admires his perky man boobs...)Fwopping, you know you want to!
VI VI VI: the editor of the Beast!
There are 10 kinds of people who understand binary. Those who do and those who don't.
OK! Today, Tuesday September 18: Right after work, I went to the (company) gym (for the first time in weeks)...did 30 minutes on stairstepper, then 10 minutes on the a good sweat on. Then about 10 minutes in the sauna.
I still weigh the same
I looked at myself nekkid in the full length mirror - DAMN! My gut is H U G E !"Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)
Well, if it's any consolation RacerX, I've just weighed myself, and I'm 45kgWhat a joke. Perhaps you have an idea as to how I can put weight ON?
Fuck ebay, fuck paypal
"Finger on the trigger, back against the wall. Counting rounds and voices, not enough to kill them all" (Ihsahn).
Originally posted by RacerX View PostQuick update: I went to a health fair that my company sponsored last month. I got my body fat tested and also listened to some gal at a booth tell me that exercise only counts for 3% of a weight loss plan, what you eat is 97%. Well all this, combined with the realization that I hadn't lost much weight at all, depressed me and I stopped my regular workouts.
Exercise and a healthy lifestyle (I refuse to call it a 'diet', since that has the 'temporary' connotation to it) are EQUALLY important to either weightloss or maintaining your weight. I'd say in the event of trying to ADD weight (weightlifting), it's more like food: 60% / exercise: 40%.
The so called 'jojo' effect, which about 90% of the people who try to lose weight have major problems with, has only TWO causes.
And guess what!! BOTH are the person's own fault-->
1) The most logical one: people diet for a short time. (This is the "temporary" connotation to diet) and then resort back to their old eating habits, expecting to maintain the lower weight they've reached through dieting.
2) The biggest cause and BY FAR the most overlooked: "dieting" WITHOUT exercising. People just cut everything from their mealplan and start eating some bowls of soup and some lettuce a day and they lose weight quickly. Once they reach their target weight, what has effectively happened? Your body has metabolized a lot, to MOST of your muscle. You thought you were losing weight because you were losing fat, but it was your precious muscle that was being cannibalized by your own body, fat is a much more potent energy storage vessel, so your body tends to preserve it the longest for the real "dire" situations up ahead, since you body thinks you're in barren lands and are suffering from starvation (thank evolution for that) as well as your insane deficiency in protein and other nutrients.
So they end up on their target weight usually with an EVEN HIGHER body fat percentage, since a lot of muscle has disappeared, but no so much fat. This results in a FUCKED UP metabolism, due to several factors (which I can explain in another post if you want). Thus they start gaining weight again. And once you're in this trap it's VERY hard to get out.
A good weightloss plan would include putting together a healthy mealplan (which means ALL foodgroups, especially proteins, except SATurated fats) of about 6 dinners a day, total calorie count being somewhere around -300 of what you should normally have. When supplemented with plenty of cardio AND weightlifting, this will provide a healthy way to slim down and tone up, WITHOUT sacrificing the muscle.
In conclusion: she should be shot.
Wilkinsi: for a naturally over-skinny person like yourself: lift big, eat BIGGER. Just STUFF yourself with (healthy) foods all through the day and lift (very) heavy.Last edited by GodOfRhythm; 09-19-2007, 09:38 AM.You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.
Keep at it ron try walking too. I walk my dog everyday and that helps a lot...
I've dropped something like 8 jean sizes over the last two years, used to wear 48's now I can go into a 40 with me able to lift it off my stomach....
All I need to do is more upper body workout sto rid my Moob's...
Also weighing yourself is a bit deceptive if you are doing lots of weight work outs as muscle will actually make you weigh more or make you think your as fat...
Well I'm just going to jump right in on page 19. I don't know what you've been eating, how often working out, etc. But if anyone wants to lose weight, follow the Body for Life plan. Get the book and read it, it's motivating, but the basic plan is: eat 6 small meals (which work out to around 300 calories each), do cardio 3 times a week, weights 3 times (different days from cardio). Have one completely "off" day, they have it as Sunday but it doesn't matter, where you don't workout and can eat whatever you want.Unleash the fury.....Texas style!
Originally posted by RacerX View PostYes, ozzuk, that is what happened, I think I was hitting the weights too hard during my summer workout. So I will concentrate on the cardio this time around.
The only thing you should take notice of is your body fat percentage and its steady decline. Keep doing BOTH the weights and cardio. (I can't stress this enough).
I know you guys are just skipping my posts, fine whatever, if you don't want good advice so be it.You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.
Originally posted by RacerX View PostYes, ozzuk, that is what happened, I think I was hitting the weights too hard during my summer workout. So I will concentrate on the cardio this time around.
It's so easy to lose weight. Just cut the cals by 25% and take a walk. It works. That is until you buy avacados for 50 cents a pop.Then you must have corn chips. And, then you are in 7th heaven. "It's a Long Way to Guacamole" (SP).
I am a true ass set to this board.
I swear the reason i've lsot so much weight is by eatinga good breakfast, it's been less normal lately though as I've had hectic recording days which have messed up my diet and stuff...
Though I dont think it's hurt me to eat a bowl of healthy cereal a day and drinking lots of water, thats pretty much all I drink now except when out for a meal or whatever...