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How times have changed

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
    Edit: Tim's points are well taken, and there are some BS reasons the administration gets on some kids. However I have been around some of these assclown parents whose baby can't do no wrong. The school admin's hands are tied because the bitch parents cry everytime their [insert mental disability/medication here] kid is special. I got news for those parents, take your special ass to a special school and leave normal kids alone- oh now your gonna sue because your kids shows his dick to everyone at school and beats up chinese kids, why that's normal, of course no one should discipline him, he's special.
    a friend is a primary school deputy principal (grades 1-7 over here) and it frustrates the hell out of him with the attitude of some of these parents. He is always prepared to work with the parents if they are having trouble with a particular child (will call them to discuss approaches to behaviour management, implementing study plans, learning to get along with teachers & other kids, etc) but he says when you see the attitude of some of the parents, it's little wonder where the kids are learning these behaviours.

    He says it's a shame too - some of these kids are basically good and just need some guidance, but the parents are so sure that he/the school/the govt/any other authority figure is out to persecute them and their child, the kid is destined to go nowhere and perpetuate the same shitty attitude into the next generation
    Hail yesterday


    • #47
      You guys are right about some of these parents. Where we live we are surrounded with those sort of people. So self-involved and superficial - it's pitiful. But hitting the kids is not going to fix the kids or the parents. Maybe the principals should get to hit the parents - that would be some funny shit to see on - "Principals Gone Wild - Parent Whoopins".
      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

      - Newc


      • #48
        The passive parents with the "Don't touch my kid or I'll sue" should have had their ass tanned a few times....... Spoiled muther fukkers.....

        There is a problem in today's society..... The kids are controlling the parents..... I see it with families in my subdivision..... If the little bastards don't get there way, they throw a tantrum....... They are breeding and raising uncontrollable self centered animals!!!

        All hail the 'King'
        R.I.P~ RLC


        • #49
          Originally posted by RacerX View Post
          Eh, I got paddled a couple times at public school in the 70s.
          I got my arm grabbed quite firmly and shaken, complete with nails digging in while being sternly spoken too
          .. I think I pissed her off. What can I say? the guy behind me was making jokes behind my head making me crack up and I got the wrath for it.


          • #50
            Originally posted by STLKINGV View Post
            There is a problem in today's society..... The kids are controlling the parents..... I see it with families in my subdivision..... If the little bastards don't get there way, they throw a tantrum....... They are breeding and raising uncontrollable self centered animals!!!


            unfortunerly my parents are raising my 11 year old brother VERY WRONG!
            if he doesnt get what he wants, he gets mad , curses at my parents, slams a couple a doors and eventually gets what he wanted! wtf is this bullshit!

            im only 16 but when i was 11 i wasnt spoiled like that.. my friends werent either.. =/
            If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


            • #51
              Your parents have thrown in the towel. My sister is three years older than me and she put my parents through hell. By the time I hit 16 they had given up. As long as the cops didnt call or bring me home I was golden. Parenting is hard as hell and time consuming. When you start out in life your time is yours. You get married and you have to share your time with your mate. You have a kid and now you are splitting it three ways. Have another one and you are splitting it by four. Some parents just give up along the way for whatever reason.

              Originally posted by MichaelLitvak View Post

              unfortunerly my parents are raising my 11 year old brother VERY WRONG!
              if he doesnt get what he wants, he gets mad , curses at my parents, slams a couple a doors and eventually gets what he wanted! wtf is this bullshit!

              im only 16 but when i was 11 i wasnt spoiled like that.. my friends werent either.. =/

