"I think I want a divorce". Yeah, that's what I'm dealing with right now. To go on about me and my wife's history would take a couple pages, but bottom line, we've been best friend for 6+ years and married for almost two. Now she thinks we made a mistake. She's been home maybe a total of 3 hours the past week, after she brought this up on Monday. And I don't know what to think. She's telling me things like "You're too good for me, you could do better", etc. That, and she doesn't think we love each other the way we should? First she's saying she doesn't want a divorce, then does, then doesn't again. Yes, we have our problems, but nothing that's not normal. She's pretty much ripping my heart out and sometimes doesn't seem to care, other times bawling her eyes out. I'm just confused as to how to take this/what to do, lookiing for some words of inspiration or advice, cause I don't know how we'll overcome this without things being akward in the future. She picked a great time of year to pull this shit on me, huh? Anyway
Thanks if you took the time to read all this and give a bro some help.
Thanks if you took the time to read all this and give a bro some help.