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My good partners and friends on Geraldo!!!

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  • My good partners and friends on Geraldo!!!

    Geez..I sit down to supper.. I switched on Geraldo at Large..and see my two VERY good bros and partners that I trained on the show..I just hooked up with these guys about a month ago to shoot the shit..and shoot the shit they did..

    John and Phil are two of the nicest , coolest cops you'd ever wanna meet, both ride nice choppers and really laid back, fun guys..I was their FTO..I worked/trained these two for over 5 years in the zone car..and If I was there I would definitely be caught up in this shit..that simple.

    You know me, If someone is a asshole I'll be the first to say it, and there IS some asshole cleveland coppers I can't fucking stand..but John and Phil are truly awesome guys. Now this asshole defense attorney Terry Fuggin' Gilbert ..who I almost choked on more than one occasion myself is trying to shove it up these guys asses..that motherfucker!!

    They shot a 14 year old piece of shit..that was robbing people at gun point , he
    's 14, but a violent and BIG dickhead...they received info that he was home, and this is a VERY high risk assignment..well he was hiding in the closet and John and Phil obviously felt that their lives were in danger and open fired killing the suspect, I'm assuming he didn't comply to their orders at gunpoint..these guys are well, trained , seanoned dudes..that I personally had the joy to work with..

    I hope John and Phil don't get in trouble..former CPD cheif Mary Flask , now saftery director is a spineless puppet and he was on Geraldo doing his fucking usual..looking like a deer caught in the headlights , nervous bullshit..that pussy!

    I'm pulling for these guys..they are great dudes..please send all your postive energy to them, they certainly need it in this overly PC world.. I know they'll come out of this clean..I'm confident..but you never know..the Jury is a werd bird..they fucked me, on a very cut and dry case..but at least I didn't get in trouble..I certainly hope these guys will be OK..

    They have a audio tape, ..that was leaked out that is casual in speach..stating "just shoot to kill"..laughing and whatnot..but that's what we always do..that's how we roll with this shit and take care of biz amoung each other..and now this tape is biting them in the ass..because it's not "sensitive"..guys, we are not sensitive or compassionate when taking care of very dangerous suspects..we save "sensitive" for the good peiople that need us, the victims..not the suspects..FUCK!!

    Wish them luck guys..for me..

    Bill Z

    Here is one article..
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

  • #2
    That sucks man, I hope things work out for them. Something kinda similar happen in my town last week. A loser Hell's Angel wannabe shot 3 cops as they executed a warrant for dope at his house. The pice of shit locks himself in the shitter and proceeds shooting through the door. He claims he thought it was a home invasion, but the cops clearly identified themselves, that they had a warrant AND the lowlife's mom anf g/f were home at the time! He could've shot them! So instead of doing 18 months for dope he's getting charged with attempted murder x2 (possibly 3). Fuck the scumbags man, crime is for shitheads and they deserve everything they get.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nuclear Vampire View Post
      That sucks man, I hope things work out for them. Something kinda similar happen in my town last week. A loser Hell's Angel wannabe shot 3 cops as they executed a warrant for dope at his house. The pice of shit locks himself in the shitter and proceeds shooting through the door. He claims he thought it was a home invasion, but the cops clearly identified themselves, that they had a warrant AND the lowlife's mom anf g/f were home at the time! He could've shot them! So instead of doing 18 months for dope he's getting charged with attempted murder x2 (possibly 3). Fuck the scumbags man, crime is for shitheads and they deserve everything they get.
      That's right man..these guys are going to work in good faith trying to earn a honest living and improving people's way of life, risking their lives in the process..

      I swear these fuckin' scumbags have more rights than these good men and woman..

      I wish this shit on the defense attorneys that try to protect these fuckers..I know it's their "job"..but these assholes really buy into their, seperate bullshit from reality you liberal assholes..the only time they do is if one of their own is victimed..which I actually like..because it's brings them down to earth..

      Like a Judge who lets a Pedophile off with a smak on tghe PP..the his kid is victimes and demands fucking Justice..

      That's OK, what goes around comes around with these assholes..and when shit hits the fan..these cops..including myself once upon a time remeber that shit.

      BTW..I wonder if this has anything to do with John and Phil arresting our Mayor's nephew, who I arrested 10 years ago...hmmmm ya think!
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #4
        Damn that sucks! Hope everything works out bro.


        • #5
          Okay, that was weird - my post showed up x4, then after I edited one the other 3 were gone!

          Anyway Bill, I'm rooting for your friends, we have to stand up for the good guys!
          Last edited by lerxstcat; 12-14-2006, 01:32 PM.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            Good luck to them, Bill.
            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


            • #7
              I dont know why they had to shoot thru a closet door? I'm sure the boy was just in there getting cookies for the nice officers who stopped by for a visit. He probably was listening to gospel music on a legitmately purchased ipod and couldn't hear anything commands for the officers who wanted their cookies pronto..

