I thought my kid was amazing and he certainly is for what he does..Black/Death/Thrash metal..and I'm a very proud Pappa!!
But, check out this little fucker..reminds me of my of my 'ol VH trib bro, very similiar in style..check out this kid's dynamics and feel..this kid was BORN to fuggin' play..
Maybe VH should keep Mike in the camp and give Alex's throne to this 7 year old kid..what do ya think of that!!
I'd love to throw down with kid on bass..I know we'd make some great noise.
I bought a bass for Vinny for Christmas..I'm going to throw LOTS of funk and fusion at him..I need to expand his horizons a tad..and I certainly will..

But, check out this little fucker..reminds me of my of my 'ol VH trib bro, very similiar in style..check out this kid's dynamics and feel..this kid was BORN to fuggin' play..

Maybe VH should keep Mike in the camp and give Alex's throne to this 7 year old kid..what do ya think of that!!

I'd love to throw down with kid on bass..I know we'd make some great noise.
I bought a bass for Vinny for Christmas..I'm going to throw LOTS of funk and fusion at him..I need to expand his horizons a tad..and I certainly will..
