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Faith in mankind holiday story.

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  • Faith in mankind holiday story.

    Greetings all. I had an interesting thing happen to me this week that I wanted to share with everyone.

    I was on a business trip in Norfolk, Virginia the first part of this week, and flew home to Minneapolis on Wednesday. I had a short layover in Detroit. When I got on the plane in Detroit, I realized I didn't have my cell phone. I knew I had it in the gate area, because I tried to call my wife. I ran off the plane to look for it, but couldn't see it anywhere. I got back on the plane, sat down in my seat, a little disgusted with myself for losing it, when the woman in the seat next to me asked me if I wanted her to call my phone so I could listen to my carry on bags and see if it was in there. She called my phone, and someone actually answered it...

    I grabbed the phone from her and said: "Hey! You found my phone! Where are you at?"

    He said "I'm at Gate 15."

    I told him "I'm on a plane at Gate 68."

    He replied "I'll jump on the tram and run your phone to you; I'll be there in three minutes!".

    I said "If you don't make it to the gate before we leave, keep my phone and I'll call you when I get to Minneapolis. Where do you live?"

    He said "I live in Detroit; I work at the airport."

    Well, the plane door closed, and no phone. I toss a few drinks back on the plane, happy that I at least stand a chance at getting my phone back.

    I get home, and my wife says: "There's a bunch of messages on the machine from your dad; he said your phone situation is all taken care of."

    It turns out that the guy searched through the names on my phone to find someone who might know who the owner was. I have my parent's listed in there as "Mom and Dad". The guy called that entry, and talked to my dad, who knew it would have to be my phone. My mom called my office and explained to the receptionist what had happened. Our receptionist called my phone and talked to the guy, who said that (get this) there is no airport policy for getting lost items back to people. So our receptionist asks the guy if he would mind doing a personal favor and Fed Ex'ing the phone back to our office, and she gives the guy our Fed Ex account number. He says he works until 11:00 that night, but on his way to school the next morning, he would drop the phone off at Fed Ex.

    The next day (Thursday) our receptionist gets a voice mail fom the guy saying that he has sent the phone, and he gives her the tracking number.

    Sure as shite, at 10:00 Friday morning, my phone shows up at the office.

    Now, what are the odds that if the same thing happened again, that I would get my phone back. I was just lucky that the right guy found my phone. I called him Wed. night and thanked him and told him to be sure to include a mailing address with the phone and that I would make it worth his while. So, after I got the phone, I typed up a letter to him telling him that it is refreshing to know that there are still honest people in th eworld who will help a fellow man out. I also threw in 40.00 to repay him for his time and trouble.

    I thought that especially given the time of year, you all might like to hear that story.

    Happy holidays to everyone.

    - Eric
    Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!

  • #2
    Wow. That is a great story.


    • #3
      Just when you are convinced the whole thing is going to pot someone will step up and do something to change your mind. Thanks for sharing, that was nice to hear.
      Last edited by Jason1212; 12-23-2006, 01:18 PM.


      • #4
        Great story, thanks for sharing that. We gotta ask ourselves: would we have done the same?
        AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


        • #5
          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


          • #6
            That's great, I like to think there are a lot of people around like that dude. I would've done the same thing.
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Now that's great! Thanks for sharing!


              • #8
                I once found a bank debit card lying on the ground at a local store by me. I picked it up, did my shopping and came home with it. I looked up the name of the person on the card and found a few listings with that name. So, I called the person who lived the closest to that store (according to their address.) The Man who answered stated that yes his wife had lost her card that afternoon. Being I had the address from the phone book I said I would be right over. When I got there the wife grabbed the card and gave me a look like I stole it from her. She then said "I guess you want a reward for this, right?" I just smiled, and told her that her smiling face and gratitude was all the reward I needed, then turned and walked away shaking my head. I heard her say something but I just kept walking.

                Wouldn't you know, about a week later, I saw the same woman in the same store where I found the card in the first place. She tried to be all friendly but I just snubbed her and walked away. It wasn't worth saying what I really wanted to.

                Sometimes people just S U C K, even when you try to help them. But I feel good that I did the right thing.
                Charvel: USA Pro Mod Slime Green
                1988 Model 2,
                Jackson: Dinky HSS 'Blue/Orange Flame'
                Gibson: 1978 Les Paul Spl Dbl Cut
                1992 LP Studio 'Lite'
                2005 SG Special


                • #9
                  Wouldn't you know, about a week later, I saw the same woman in the same store where I found the card in the first place. She tried to be all friendly but I just snubbed her and walked away. It wasn't worth saying what I really wanted to.

                  Sometimes people just S U C K, even when you try to help them. But I feel good that I did the right thing.[/QUOTE]

                  You know you did the right thing twice: Once for returning the card and 2nd for being good enough to keep it cordial in the face of adversity. Bravo !!

                  Btw, great cell phone story !! I woulda done the same too !!!


                  • #10
                    Thats a nice story and happy you got your phone back but on the same token saddened that the majority of the people wouldnt do the right thing as this young person did for you....there is only one right and I never can understand why its so hard for people to do...


                    • #11
                      That is a refreshing story


                      • #12
                        There are still some good people on this planet
                        Cold Hollow Machinery


                        • #13
                          Great story. Thanks for sharing it.

