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I should have known better...(Internet porn story)

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  • I should have known better...(Internet porn story)

    I should have known better....because I'm employed by a very large software company you all know well. So I have no excuse.

    The PC that my kids/wife use is not well monitored for spyware, etc. (my fault because I hardly ever use it). So I guess a couple days ago one of them clicked on something they shouldn't have and some bad shit got installed back door style.

    So then every third or fourth time the kids opened up the browser they would get a lovely graphic picture of a dog humping a chick and a guy with his hand stuffed up some woman's you-know-what. Super.

    I'm so mad at myself for letting this happen and now my 7 and 8 year old daughters have seen this shit. This ever happen to you? Any advice on what to say to them? I suppose the damage is already done now so it doesn't really matter what I say.

    The hard drive is being re-formatted as we speak and I will be installing a very locked down install of the new Vista Premium plus filter/anti-virus/etc.

    DAMN IT, I would like to fucking kill the bastards that did this.
    Last edited by Big D; 12-23-2006, 09:52 PM.

  • #2
    That sucks

    Sadly much can't be done now.


    • #3
      Im sorry to hear this. Im sure the ACLU will just say it'll be ok. Pornographers can do whatever they want. I would just sit them down and explain what they saw and teach them that its not a good thing. Dont run from it. I was exposed at 7 to that kind of junk and I still remember the images I saw 29 yrs ago. I dont allow my kids to even go online. If they need info from the net I will get it for them. pornographers dont have any respect for innocent people. If you are choosing to see it then thats your right but NO ONE has the right to infect my personal property with there spyware and worms. Im sure the ACLU types will disagree but oh well. I wish you the best with this situation and let it be a lesson to everyone else with kids.


      • #4
        Windows Defender is a program that I've used on my PC. I highly recommend it.


        • #5
          Check this out...I don't use it myself, but I've heard from a few people that it works really well.


          • #6
            AVG Anti-spyware is what i use. its a very good program. nothing gets into my computer without me knowing about it.


            • #7
              well damage has been done.. but since they're young they probably forgot what they saw already
              If the crowd is shouting for an encore, but the sound guy is shaking his head, ignore him and play anyway


              • #8
                Originally posted by Tune_Up View Post
                Check this out...I don't use it myself, but I've heard from a few people that it works really well.

                There are quite a few filtering softwares out there, some good and some bad. My in-laws use "America Family Online", but its a service and they block a lot of things that "they believe" to be offensive regardless of what your thoughts might be on the content.

                I remember the kind of stuff I found on the net as a teenager, and with what I know I'll never let my kids have their own PC away from their parents eyes.

                Big D, with any luck they wont understand what they saw and quickly forget about it, but kids have very good memories. Definitely talk to them about what they saw, and what it means. Im sure there's been thousands of instances like this around the world, maybe there's a book or a group out there that can help you with ways to talk about this sort of thing with your kids.

                I did a quick google search but didnt find anything immediately useful, except that everyone agrees that the key is to talk to your kids about it. Maybe a school councelor can help? Just a thought.

                Good Luck and Merry Christmas.

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                • #9
                  Sorry your kids had to see that shit. The amount of spyware and viruses out there is frustrating. Even if you take reasonable precautions there's a good chance you will get something you don't want.


                  • #10
                    It's just crazy isn't it. And we just got our 6 year old daughter a computer for Xmas so she can play her PBS Kids games. I'm going to be keeping a close watch on it. I have not a problem at all with internet porn, but it needs to be regulated and controlled. Our government won't do it because they are more concerned with sending more people to the moon.
                    My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.

