I had just got home from band practice, and left 2 of my guitars sitting by the door in their cases. I was planning on moving them after I had a sit down, check my email, drink a beer, etc. However, my wife had invited some people over and simply couild not wait 10 minutes, and had to nag me until I got up to move them. No big deal though. I grab the guitars and my crate of cords and shit, and head for the basement. I'm on probably the 2nd stair down, when I step on something that slides under my foot. Down I go, shit flies everywhere, and I end up on my ass at the bottom. I'm pissed off like you wouldn't believe, and find what caused my fall. A goddamn broom. My wife had left a fucking broom on the stairs. I have no words to describe the ultimate degree of stupidity that would allow someone to do such a thing. The next thing on my mind is my guitars. Fortunately, one of them lands on top of the laundry hamper, a nice soft landing. The Weddington is lying in the middle of the laundry room floor. I can see from where I'm standing that the bottom of the case is bashed in pretty severely, and I get that sick feeling in my stomach. I open up the case (with difficulty since it's so messed up, the latches are stuck) and at first glimpse, there is no damage. The headstock is at least still attached. I examine it closely, and somehow, it survived the impact without so much as a scratch. I played it for a few hours this morning, and it's not hurt at all.
My ass hurts like hell, I'm covered in bruises, and my back feels pretty fucked up, but at least the guitars are okay.
In case you're wondering, my wife did not end up in the hospital.
My ass hurts like hell, I'm covered in bruises, and my back feels pretty fucked up, but at least the guitars are okay.
In case you're wondering, my wife did not end up in the hospital.
