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Boss has Lung Cancer

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  • Boss has Lung Cancer

    I had alluded to this in another thread, but rather than derail that thread, I thought I'd start a new one.

    So, a few weeks ago, my boss' shoulder starts hurting. He goes to the doctor, they do a chest X-Ray, and see some cloudiness on his lung. Turns out he has pneumonia. They do an MRI, and discover that he has a mass on his shoulder bone, and it appears that it may be malignant. So, he goes to the Mayo clinic, they do a full battery of tests, and the diagnosis comes in: lung cancer. Pretty advanced, from what I can tell; they can't operate, and it has spread to his bone.

    I was shocked. He seemed perfectly healthy. He doesn't smoke (though he may have at one time; he only joined our company a year ago, and I didn't know him before then).

    I have only reported to him for 6 months. He definitely joined our company to improve sales in our group, not to make friends. He is very business-oriented, and not excessively chatty. Still, I reached a point with him where we were getting along really well, and had mutual respect for each other.

    His attitude is amazing; he is confident that he is going to beat it. I told him I admire that; I don't think I'd have the same positive outlook as he does if the situation were reversed.

    I will find out next week what his work schedule will be; most likely very diminished. They have already announced who his temporary replacement will be.

    The whole situation has really given me food for thought this season. I hope he comes out of this OK, but it just doesn't sound good...

    - E.
    Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!

  • #2
    E. Sorry to hear that but happy to hear he has a great attitude about it all.

    IMHO thta is thekey to kicking cancers ass...remain positive, believe you can win. That along your prayers and prayers of friends of family you can overcome it.

    I have a friend of mine that had leukemia and medically the outlook was pretty grim. It amost got him, he looked like death but with his positive attitude and prayer he kicked its ass...he's back to work and as normal as can be wise. He has a new found appreciation for life and spirtuality


    • #3
      Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
      E. Sorry to hear that but happy to hear he has a great attitude about it all.

      IMHO thta is thekey to kicking cancers ass...remain positive, believe you can win. That along your prayers and prayers of friends of family you can overcome it.

      I have a friend of mine that had leukemia and medically the outlook was pretty grim. It amost got him, he looked like death but with his positive attitude and prayer he kicked its ass...he's back to work and as normal as can be wise. He has a new found appreciation for life and spirtuality
      Nice story about your friend, Shawn. Good to know that you can fight and win against something like that.

      - E.
      Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!


      • #4
        That sucks ...
        Cold Hollow Machinery


        • #5
          Sorry to hear that; he'll be in my prayers, and he has the attitude to beat the cancer.
          Ron is the MAN!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
            Sorry to hear that; he'll be in my prayers, and he has the attitude to beat the cancer.
            Thanks, Rich. He can use the extra help.

            - E.
            Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!

