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5 year old killed by pit bull

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  • Cleveland Metal
    Yep, the laws pertaining to APBT identification are pretty much comedy. Relying upon laymen to ID the breed characteristics that are hard to discern even by a actual pro. And that doesn't include the average animal control officer or policeman.

    The Pitbull breed is very hard to assuredly ID. It's usually someone sayng what people want to hear really.

    Tho it may offend some dedicated followers, Staffordshire terriers and American Pitbull terriers are so similar it's almost being lost at this point. Mentally, they are the same. Some slight physical diffs, but miniscule in the scope of things really.

    People will pretty much confuse a Presa Canario with being a large Pitbull on a quick visual. Totally different animals tho, particularly mentally.

    In case you're wondering, I run a pretty big Pitbull Message board that advocates responsible ownership and developing proper legislation that helps the breed and good owners, as well as promoting safety for the public. I'm pretty involved in the breed.

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  • Rsmacker
    Originally posted by 24seven View Post
    There are 1000 registered pits in the U.K.
    I stand corrected, I was under the impression they had all been taken away and destroyed. Evidently, so long as they are registered and muzzled, they are tolerated, with the aim of being eradicated within a few years thanks to the ban on breeding/importing them. As the man says, there should only be about 1000 PBTs in the UK.

    The interesting thing is that now they have carried out an autopsy, the police have said it was "a pit-bull terrier TYPE" dog that was the killer, not necessarily a full-on PBT. In actual fact, the law allows for any dog "thought to be a Pit Bull Terrier type" to fall foul of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (Amd. 1997), so if a policeman or "expert" decides the dog has the characteristics of PBT, then that's an offence! The dog doesn't actually have to have ANY blood-line relating it to a PBT to be called one!!!! Great if you have a large Staffordshire Bull Terrier then, because many many people think the two breeds are one and the same.

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  • RacerX
    I've had to shoot down some out-of-control dogs. 2 of em were roaming my old neighborhood in Lakewood. In broad daylight they attacked a guy walking with his 6 year old son. Luckily they didn't get to the kid, before the dad picked him up in his arms quickly. I immediately grabbed my .22 LR M-16 copy and ran out to help; as soon as they saw me the dogs scrambled under a truck. I didn't want to hit some dude's gas tank, so I waited until midnight to do my mission. They were walking around the street like they owned the place. I dropped the big one, and the smaller one wised up and ran like hell with some hot lead following. I didn't hit him but never saw him again. I collected my brass and went to bed. Next morning I called the pound to come pick up the dead body. That was an interesting conversation.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by ABSOLUT CHARVEL View Post
    Bill, it sounds like territorial pissing to me. I do the same thing to the wife when were in the shower.

    ...dude, don't get me started..right when that happened..I posted the "Peeco" thread..and it was pulled faster than you could say ..whaddafuck!

    seriously..I must have pissed off some animal rights people or something...pun intened!!

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    Bill, it sounds like territorial pissing to me. I do the same thing to the wife when were in the shower.

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  • horns666
    Hey Guys..John, Emmy, Rich, Jimmy..all you sumbitches..

    I love you guys!!

    Yeah, poor Harley, the damage was done..going under the knife several times and spent too many brain cells..he prolly didn't have that many to start with..he was a AKC Bulldog..Bulldogs are very bright to begin with..we owned prolly 10 in my family over the years..they are "special"..

    Pico, ..he's awesome..he pissed on my bald head ya know..ya gotta love that!!

    I thought he wanted to cuddle, until I felt the warm cascade of flowing pee..:ROTF:

    The bastid!

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  • Emthrax
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Em, I bet their adrenal glands are overdeveloped and cause the speed trip.
    That and their anal glands. :ROTF:
    Okay, I admit, I have met ONE nice chihuahua. It liked me actually (which was amazing). It was still a little hyper piece of shit, but it was nice.
    There, I said it.

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  • Emthrax
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    I tried to adopt a English Bulldog from my sister, since she was always at work her dickwead husband would just throw the dog outside so he wouldn't have to deal with him. Because of this abuse/neglect Harley was pout under three times..once for eating a shoe, once for eating a garden hose and hotwheel and once for something was just a waste of a beautiful animal..
    Bro... I remember when y'all were going through this with Harley. Just makes me sick that he was treated so horribly as a puppy and ended up like this. I know you tried, you were awesome.
    The same thing happens to humans... neglect a kid and beat him and he turns into scum, then he'll grow up and get himself a big dog and ruin that poor animal.
    Those responsible for turning out an animal like that should have to pay, and should have to pay big time.

    By the way, my darling silly cat is sitting right here in my lap watching me type this. She loves these guys right here:

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  • lerxstcat
    Originally posted by Jimmy B View Post
    The young couple next door to me have two pit bulls, each being about a year old. I hear them in the yard working with the dogs on training and behavior every day. When these folks moved in they came over and told us that they had these two dogs and that they would always be in the fenced yard or leashed/muzzled when going for a walk/run.

    I though it was pretty responsible of these kids to take the time to do that and to ask if I had any concerns, given I have two children. I asked the guy every question I could think of and asked to meet his pits. He brought them both over for me and the kids to meet and we talked and played with the dogs for quite a while. Now...

    the dogs got loose one night. The kids and I jumped out of the car and walked to the trunk to carry in the bags and there are the two pit bulls staring at us. I thought I was going to shit myself. I had asked the owner what to do if they ever got loose and he said, "relax and say hello to them by name."

    I did just that and both leaped up into the trunk and looked in my grocery bags. They both "chuffed" at us, cocked their heads, gave the three of us a sniff and walked back home. I called their owner and told them they were on the loose and he apologized and promised to call me when he found out how they were able to do that. He did( there was a loose board in the fence, and all is good. That's my only pit bull experience and it was a positive one.
    This reminds me of my loose Rottweiler experience! I was walking from my car to the newsstand when I hear a guy yelling, "Joe! JOE!!!!! I turn around and a HUGE Rottweiller is runniung at me full tilt from about 40 yards away!

    I went to pull my Buck knife, figuring I'm gonna have to give up my left hand in order to cut his throat as he chews my hand off. Just as I have the knife out and he gets within 5 feet I realize that nubby tail is wagging and his tongue is lolling, he's in buddy mode, not attack mode!

    Then I notice that his bastard owner is laughing his ass off realizing what I HAD thought, and then just realized the dog was a sweetheart! Scared the HELL out of me and I was pissed that dude thought it was funny - but that still beat the hell out of having to fend off a Rottie attack!

    Of course he wouldn't have found it funny if I'd slit the dog's throat - probably would've had to stick him too! But since the3 DOG was innocent I let it slide...

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  • fett
    It seems odd to me that there is such a two-sided argument about a dog breed. That is unless there is a reason for it. And the reason is: A dog is an animal. People have been breeding dogs for centuries to get the right mix of traits that will best serve the dog's purpose. There are hunting dogs; fighting dogs;herding dogs; guard dogs; lap dogs or whatever. Now all these breeds are our "Pets". In every dog there is a button that can be pushed that turns your pet into an "Animal". To think that the dogs we own today are not just generations away from the "Purpose" dogs is dangerous. The nicest dog with the nicest owner will "snap" and go back to the instincts that make a dog a dog. And it is compounded by the breeding that was done to make a Pitbull never let go. Etc, etc, etc. And I love dogs.
    Last edited by fett; 01-02-2007, 03:59 PM.

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  • lerxstcat
    Em, I bet their adrenal glands are overdeveloped and cause the speed trip.

    My late friend Clyde and his wife had a Chihuahua and she is sweet as can be to humans, but doesn't like other animals much. I had to club a German Shepherd once when I took the Chihuahua out to pee and she decided to confront the Shepherd! Good grief, if a 50-foot tall man comes around, I'm not calling him out! Anyway, the Shepherd luckily ran off so I didn't have to kill him. If he'd bit me though, I'd have been pissed at Gracie for starting the shit.

    Certainly it's the humans training the dogs that are the problem, but it doesn't really matter once that specific dog is ruined, like Bill's experience with Harley.

    Unfortunately, people avoid the responsibility by NOT choosing to put the dog down. Harley, I'm sure was great with Bill, but the second time he bit a human, he should have been put down. He can't be cured, and though it's not his fault, HE, THAT dog, is now a danger. It's no different than if he had rabies - that wouldn't be his fault either, but it doesn 't matter. He's a danger to animals and humans now.
    Last edited by lerxstcat; 01-02-2007, 03:56 PM.

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  • Top Jimmy B
    The young couple next door to me have two pit bulls, each being about a year old. I hear them in the yard working with the dogs on training and behavior every day. When these folks moved in they came over and told us that they had these two dogs and that they would always be in the fenced yard or leashed/muzzled when going for a walk/run.

    I though it was pretty responsible of these kids to take the time to do that and to ask if I had any concerns, given I have two children. I asked the guy every question I could think of and asked to meet his pits. He brought them both over for me and the kids to meet and we talked and played with the dogs for quite a while. Now...

    the dogs got loose one night. The kids and I jumped out of the car and walked to the trunk to carry in the bags and there are the two pit bulls staring at us. I thought I was going to shit myself. I had asked the owner what to do if they ever got loose and he said, "relax and say hello to them by name."

    I did just that and both leaped up into the trunk and looked in my grocery bags. They both "chuffed" at us, cocked their heads, gave the three of us a sniff and walked back home. I called their owner and told them they were on the loose and he apologized and promised to call me when he found out how they were able to do that. He did( there was a loose board in the fence, and all is good. That's my only pit bull experience and it was a positive one.

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  • Emthrax
    Guest replied
    I love Rotts, I've never met a Rott I didn't like. I remember one that I used to take care of when her people were away, her name was Rosie and she was such a love!
    I'm not that familiar with PitBulls but a buddy of mine bread them and they all played with their 6 year old daughter. Super nice dogs and he didn't fight them or encourage viciousness with them. The way they look made me a bit uneasy, but people will do that to me too. HAHAHA!

    I dunno... I agree with what John has said about these dogs having a bad rap when the idiocy of their human keepers should be more closely investigated. And any person who does not have their dog on a good leash in public and trained to heel should have to face some sort of reprimand.

    ANY animal can be provoked, even domestic ones. Every person who keeps animals should be very educated about their behavior traits and teach their children how to behave and respect animals.
    And... why people think chihuahua yap-yap dogs are "cute" is beyond me, they are even more insane than cats are. Why do they shake so much? It's like they're constantly on speed. o_O

    Okay I'm done. LOL!

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  • Cleveland Metal
    If a chihuahua was the size of a pitbull, they'd rule the world. But they're small, and everyone thinks their insane behavior is sooo cute.

    Haha.. For a 2 pound dog, Pico sure "thinks" he's king kong, he's hilarious... I've seen how he will menace the mailman... If a pitbull did what he does, they'd have the cops there. Oh wait, they already are! hehe...

    It's funny, my neighbor have three yappy little evil dogs, and the mailman despises them. He walks by and tosses the mail in their yard and won't go in. Then walks into my yard, and if my dogs are out, he'll go all the way top the back of my house to stay and pet my pitbull and rottwieller through the fence for a bit and give them treats.

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  • Emthrax
    Guest replied
    Chihuahuas are the dog of the devil. I hate those mean, nastly little fuckers.
    (sorry Pico)

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