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5 year old killed by pit bull

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  • St.James
    When I was in 3rd grade my teacher had to get rid of her dog, an Eskimo Spitz so she gave it to me and my mom. Little white bitchs name was Muffin.

    The dog ended up bitting me many times and when we went to get rid of her she bit the guy who took her in the face...

    As it turned out my teacher got rid of the dog because it bit her kids and other kids in the neighborhood... So she gave it to me.... Bitch!

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  • wulfe13
    Rotteweilers are well known for their great temperment. It's all about how they're raised.

    When I was 2 yrs old a little poodle mangled my arm. I still have a small scar from it. The only reason Rotts get mentioned so much is because of how big and scary they are, and a few of the kids that get bit, die because of how strong the dogs are.

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  • markb
    Originally posted by horns666 View Post
    It takes a good, responsible people to raise the dogs..

    Don't blame the gun, blame the asshole..

    Problem #1 ... not enough of those people in point 1
    Problem # 2 ... Id rather deal with an asshole who didn't have a gun

    Theres a raw material issue here... cocker spaniels will never be the poster dog for "badasses" everywhere for a reason. Its a matter of the right breed for the job...

    some people here are assuming the dogs are being 'blamed'... kinda missing the big picture...
    Last edited by markb; 01-01-2007, 01:32 PM.

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  • Rich#6
    In the local suburb of Cicero the mayor(who is now in jail:ROTF: ) past a law about not owning putbulls. She also passed a law that if you were arrested for gang activity you could not enter Cicero even if you lived there. Both laws were tossed out by the courts.

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by UFORocks View Post
    Man, pits are dangerous animals, no question about it. I know that there are some pits that regardless of how they're treated/raised will never attack anyone. I also know that there are pits that will/do attack people for no apparent reason regardless of how "sweet and cuddly" they are. You cant train instinct out of an animal, period.
    It takes a good, responsible people to raise the dogs..

    Don't blame the gun, blame the asshole..


    I'm "dangerous" , it's part of my retirement.. , that's right..due to many years of human bullshit. I am OFFICIALLY "a risk to anyone I percieve as a threat or disrespectful" ..I have MANY papers documenting those very words..

    I NEVER leave the house to avoid people..because I still want to chase the "bad guys" and there's PLENTY here..that's MY "intsict"...and like you said that ain't going matter of training, therapy or meds.

    I feel sorry for these poor animals..put me in a "Pit" with these ghetto motherfuckers,..I'll show you "vicious"..

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  • markb
    Well, the problem is... that unless you can do something about all the gangbangers raising the dogs aggressively, (and you cant) then restricting availability of the dogs is pretty much all thats left.

    Also, pitbulls were bred to fight other dogs, specifically. They dont bite and back off like many other breeds, they continue to attack. That is what makes them dangerous, especially if they are not neutered.

    From 1986 to 2005 in North America, pits and rotts accounted for 72% of the most serious dog attacks (maiming on up to fatal). And that is 100% of the reason for their appeal.

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  • Cleveland Metal
    Originally posted by Chasbo View Post
    That shit is weak! Why do we have to have a license in this country to drive or own a handgun, but shitheads here can own a dog or have kids whenever they want? I mean, by owning a dog or having a child you are taking responsibility for another life! I mean come on! The owner needs a nut-ectomy so they don't breed again.


    For sure...

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  • Rupe
    John is 100% correct...the problem is with the owners and not the dogs. Pitbulls in particular are very eager to please their owners and will become what they are trained to become, whether it be nice or vicious. A child is much more likely to be bitten by a Cocker Spaniel or one of the many nervous "toy" breeds than by a Pitbull or Rottweiler, but the latter dogs mentioned dish out some more serious results when they do attack. Frequently, these "attacks" are merely the dogs playing too rough. A child should NEVER be left alone with any dog, regardless of the breed or its size and temperment.
    Anyone who would like to learn more or discuss man-stopping dog breeds is welcome to PM me. I have worked with them quite a bit (my uncle was a K-9 trainer for police and guard work) and have studied them extensively. A good source for real information (and not the ignorance spread and perpetuated by the media and local governing bodies) is Dr. Carl of the leading authorities on man-stopping guard dogs and fighting dogs.
    It pisses me off when the blame is placed on the dogs...and people (some in this thread) take that as the truth without doing the research. That's not to say that there are not naturally mean/bad dogs...but they occur in all breeds, just like people

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  • Chasbo
    That shit is weak! Why do we have to have a license in this country to drive or own a handgun, but shitheads here can own a dog or have kids whenever they want? I mean, by owning a dog or having a child you are taking responsibility for another life! I mean come on! The owner needs a nut-ectomy so they don't breed again.


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  • Cleveland Metal
    It's not human aggressive instincts, obviously you're ignorant of the reality...

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  • UFORocks
    Man, pits are dangerous animals, no question about it. I know that there are some pits that regardless of how they're treated/raised will never attack anyone. I also know that there are pits that will/do attack people for no apparent reason regardless of how "sweet and cuddly" they are. You cant train instinct out of an animal, period.

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  • horns666
    Chihuahuas....hahha..mine is afraid of his own shadow and don't even have teeth, maybe just a few..I think a bunny or squirrel could easily take him out!!

    Pico is only 4 lbs, he's my wife's baby..he pissed on my bald head once..I don't know why..anywhoo I wanted to return the favor, it's only fair.,.but I was laughing way too hard to actually he's lucky!!

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  • St.James
    Sorry, but I couldn't get half way through that one.. I can't stand to see dogs abused in anyway. I don't understand how people can do that to such amazing creatures.

    I did skip to the end though. I was hoping it was going to end on a good note. I just couldn't get through the first half.

    They mentioned statistically labs and spaniels are more dangerous... Chihuahuas are too. I read a list of the 200 most dangerous dogs and the Rottie wasn't even on the list. The pit was pretty low on there.

    When I was a kid I was attacked and bit in the face by a fucking Poodle...

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  • St.James
    I used to breed Rotties and have had quite a few of them. I have one now actually that is the biggest baby ever. My first Rottie was a huge lap dog too and was the most gentle dog I've ever known.

    I have never come across a bad or mean Rottie. Like any dog though there's gonna be the bad apples.

    Generally I'm not afraid of dogs, but I have seen one pit bull that put fear in me. He was raised to fight. His name was Redneck and was a little red pit. Solid muscle that dog. His collar was a solid leather, thick and wide and was attached to a logging chain. That little fucker pulled that massive chain so hard and tight I thought it was going to break... That was a serious weapon of a dog!

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