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5 year old killed by pit bull

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  • Cleveland Metal

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  • horns666
    Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
    I've owned Pitbulls for 27 years... My Great grandparents and grandparents had them as well. Never was there an issue ansd they were famil pets.

    It's really not a dog problem here kids... Like always, it's a dumbass human problem.

    Yes, Pit bulls traditionally are not friendly with other animals, and they have genetically oriented toward that through breeding, often in the older days as butchers dogs to take and hold animals for slaughter. Eventually oriented more towards fighting. HOWEVER, they are ALSO genetically bred towards being able to be handled by the owner DURING these fights and the slaghter, with out the owner being bit (hown many dogs would YOU stick your hand near when they were fighting another dog?).

    Manbiters get put down in the dog fighting world. Hence the end result is that on a whole, a well bred pitbull it extremely unlikey to bite a human.

    But being terriers, when some one does breed whacky ones, or totally whacks a good one out (and these idiot do that a lot), the pitbulls are VERY focused and intent on doing whatever it is they are doing. And that could mean attacking anthing. THAT is the messed up human part. Us human can sure manage to mess stuff up.

    Sad state that what was once the All American dog, Petey on the lil' Rascal was pitty... And the animal that was often used as an American icon in WWII propaganda, has ironically been maligned to be something horrible. And they arent...
    Ditto, John KNOWS this stuff!!!..

    John always had and loved his Pitts..and they are beautiful, lovable dogs..they don't like small animals like rats, squirrels and shit..but his dogs have big slobbery tongues that like my face..but that's OK!

    BTW..we had a Pittbull Homicide in Cleveland back in about '91..yeah the dog was actualy trained to kill the wife..pretty clever..I forgot how they discovered that, it was a friend homicide detective that did..she showed me the pics of the crime scene!!

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  • Cleveland Metal
    I've owned Pitbulls for 27 years... My Great grandparents and grandparents had them as well. Never was there an issue ansd they were famil pets.

    It's really not a dog problem here kids... Like always, it's a dumbass human problem.

    Yes, Pit bulls traditionally are not friendly with other animals, and they have genetically oriented toward that through breeding, often in the older days as butchers dogs to take and hold animals for slaughter. Eventually oriented more towards fighting. HOWEVER, they are ALSO genetically bred towards being able to be handled by the owner DURING these fights and the slaghter, with out the owner being bit (hown many dogs would YOU stick your hand near when they were fighting another dog?).

    Manbiters get put down in the dog fighting world. Hence the end result is that on a whole, a well bred pitbull it extremely unlikey to bite a human.

    But being terriers, when some one does breed whacky ones, or totally whacks a good one out (and these idiot do that a lot), the pitbulls are VERY focused and intent on doing whatever it is they are doing. And that could mean attacking anthing. THAT is the messed up human part. Us human can sure manage to mess stuff up.

    Sad state that what was once the All American dog, Petey on the lil' Rascal was pitty... And the animal that was often used as an American icon in WWII propaganda, has ironically been maligned to be something horrible. And they arent...

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    My friend has a Bull Terrier - its very friendly and nice...

    People can train dogs to be friendly, but its very popular to have a mean dog here in Poland, well mean for races like PitBull , Bull terier.....

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  • Rich#6
    It sucks that people turn these dogs mean and give the rest of them bad reps. I would never own a rottweiler myself, too big and no one should never own more than one. They are pack dogs and that's when they attack kids. My wife had 2 pitbulls when I met her . One was the sweetest dog and the other had been a fighting dog before she got him. Both great with kids, but the one had issues around other aggressive dogs. We always bring our current dogs around other dogs and kids to make sure they are not aggressive. Dogs don't have to be mean to defend you or to make you look tough. I guess if you're a gangbanger you can't waive a gun around you have to have a mean dog. I'll stop before I get on too big of a soap box

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  • markb
    Some places have made them illegal... its a good idea. There have been enough deaths with pit bulls and weilers that it is no longer a matter of opinion. They are dangerous around children, and that is that.

    A pitbull is definitely a status symbol for those who fancy themselves "macho" or badass etc. Have seen it many times.

    An unleashed pitbull in a family park?? I would feed you to your dog.

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  • shreddermon
    That's so sad. Too many losers and nut jobs with vicious dogs out there. Those kinds of dogs have become a "badass" status symbol with tough guy and gangbanger-wannabee crowds. And half the time, the dogs turn on the owners' own kids. It's getting bad in my area over the past few years.

    I was at the park with my two girls a couple of weeks back. Lots of dog walkers that day. Pit bulls & rottweilers without leashes + children running around = unsafe environment. I left when some chick with an absolutely huge and aggressive german shepard came too close. That dog was so big, it was walking HER. Not the other way around. If that dog went after a duck or a kid, there was no way she would have been able to control it.

    How f'n sad is it that my kids can't enjoy the park because of these a-holes?

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  • 24seven
    started a topic 5 year old killed by pit bull

    5 year old killed by pit bull

    Todays news, the pit bull a family pet has killed the little girl! also injured the grandmother....the dog has been put down........awful start to the new year for the family, that's the second killing in 3 months of a kid by dogs, the other one was a baby by a rottweiler...:-(