of you guys and your ragging on my "cheap" guitars.
I'm single. I don't have a mortgage payment that is a year's income for millions of people. I don't have a $400/month car payment. I buy cheap meat that otherwise would be spendy. I buy all my clothes used. I just bought a very nice pair of New Balance shoes, size 15, for 8 bucks. I don't have alimony payments. Water and garbage is free. My kid doesn't need any money. I don't do drugs. (Beer and cigs are pricey, however). I don't go out. I don't buy fast food. I buy other stuff for dimes on the dollar and do quite well selling it. So I buy guitars. They never go out of style. The older the better. So what if I can't walk in my trailer without tripping on a guitar. You guys are just jealous.
I envy a lot of you.
