Originally posted by SouthPlatteDemon
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Dude, you are SO F'd in the A..you gave me a purpose..I haven't had anyone fun to play with in a while!!

Now I do..you have zero credibility..the only people that don't like cops are bust-out, low life, maggots..and that's excatly what you are..and that's excatly how I'm going to treat you from this day on..in every single thread!

I have many good friends here in my corner..they are certainly not in yours, and if they were..they're not anymore..

You just shot yourself in the dick, you dumbfuck..now go put your shirt on, and go suck on your momma's titty..you inbreeded lil' fuckface.!

I warned ya, Joe warned ya, a few others warned ya ..OK...you're what I scrape off my shiny steel-toe boots. Now go grab your sister in that cockroach infested, one bedroom, trailer you live in and make her squeal like the fuggin' pig that she is..

with all due respect ..fuck your mother,
Bill Z Bub