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So I've been out of my brand of picks

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  • So I've been out of my brand of picks

    for a while so I decided to order 2 dozen from Musicians Friend. They get here and damned if they aren't the wrong ones. I use 3.0mm Big Stubby's, these were 1.0mm, a bit of a difference!

    I realized they put the wrong label on the bag, so I didn't fuss with it because it wouldn't have been worth sending these back, besides I could trade them off. So I went to order more, but they were backordered...

    Fast-forward a month. They have them in stock so I order 4 dozen of them this time. This whole time I'm using extremely worn picks. I like them new and sharp. I wait through the holidays and extra day Bush took upon himself to stop mail and I finally get them... 4 dozen 1.0mm picks!

    Now I'm good and pissed with 6 dozen picks I can't use and now I have to go through the trouble to box these fucks up, waste time getting an RA# and waste money sending them back. All because some fucknuts can't read or identify shape and colors. What makes it worse id the label they put on the bag from Dunlop even says they're 1.0mm!

    I know, "why didn't you just buy them locally", right? Well, GC never has them and the only place I know of that does wants $6 per 6 pack of them... MF wanted $8 for 2 dozen.

    Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!

  • #2
    Yeah, no one has the picks I use anymore locally at all... I used to buy them in bulk and can now hardly find them on the net it seems and them in small quantities. I feel your pain.

    I use the Dunlop Tortex H3's, getting sorta hard to find...


    • #3
      My wife thought I was nuts when I'd rant about not be comfortable playing with an unfamiliar pick. I use 1mm tortex dunlops and nothing else feels the same.

      I feel your pain dude.
      Tarbaby Fraser.


      • #4
        Just got off the phone with MF. They are taking care of it in a very cool way, so no harm really. Just frustrating.

        At first dude was like, you want to exchabge picks? Prolly thought I was some sort of nut or something.
        Whataya Mean I Don't Support The System? I Go To Court When I Have To!


        • #5
          I always look on ebay for a deal 1st before I'll use MF

          there are a few people who sell the 3 mms on ebay. you will pay a little more but its better than MF


          • #6
            Luckily here in germany there is a neat online shop for guitar parts and accessories (i think they have every pick ever made or at least it looks like it). I never received the wrong ones there.
            Yes i also order my picks online as i never find them locally and i am very specific with my picks. I hate to use picks i am not used to.


            Thrash/Death-Metal from Germany


            • #7
              Musicians Friend pisses me off too. I won't go into details again let's just say that honesty is not always the best policy.


              • #8
                These "picks" you guys always talk about....I'm gonna have to try one. Does it make the tone better?
                My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                • #9
                  No, they just give our right hand something to do while we noodle around with the left mostly...

