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    Hi all, I am currently writing my University disseratation on the effect of globalisation on the music industry - and more specifically the effect the internet is having on the business practices of the major labels. It would be great if anyone at all could take 5 mins (maximum I promise!) to fill out this little questionnaire on your buying/downloading habits. It is totally confidential, I'm not looking to find out who illegally downloads the most, it is purely for numbers and I'll quote the best responses to the longer questions as well. MANY MANY THANKS TO ANYONE WHO TAKES 5 TO FILL THIS OUT FOR ME............

    Also if anyone involved within the music industry from CEO's of labels to guitar tech's had a few spare minutes to do a quick interview via MSN messenger or via email on their thoughts about the industry today and its future, i would be very grateful.

    This is simply for COLLEGE work, and just need to get a few filled out ASAP.

    ANY HELP APPRECIATED. You can either post back here or copy the questionnaire and email it back to me at Comments and criticisms welcome!

    Thanks, Ben

    Questionnaire – Personal Music buying habits and views on the Music industry

    This questionnaire is entirely confidential, used solely for the purposes of personal research for my dissertation – please feel free to answer all questions honestly.

    Please either highlight or delete as applicable where necessary.




    Favourite Music Genre…………………………………

    i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? Yes/No

    ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes/No

    iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format/Digital Download

    Please give a reason for the above choice: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
    iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes/No


    v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?


    vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?


    vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Digital Download/Hard Copy

    viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes/No

    ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be?

    Please feel free to give your answer in any currency!

    Under £5
    Other …………

    x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:

    ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………… ……

    Many thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire; your cooperation is invaluable to my research.

    Ben Hawker
    Last edited by hawkerbc2; 01-09-2007, 09:25 AM.

  • #2
    Age: 33
    Sex: Male
    Occupation: National Government
    Favourite Music Genre: Rock / Metal
    i. Do you consider yourself a regular CD/music DVD buyer ? Yes
    ii. Do you regularly attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes
    iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? Physical Format
    Please give a reason for the above choice: I like having a collection and don't listen to music through my PC / ipod.
    iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Not music on it's own - videos from youtube, shared files on forums etc.
    viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? No
    ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? £8
    x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: Will ultimately need to be controlled if we want bands / tours / videos to continue. Record companies have screwed the public over for years and have made billions of dollars in profits. Now people have a way round it…...
    Last edited by neilli; 01-09-2007, 07:41 AM.
    Popular is not the same as good
    Rare is not the same as valuable
    Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


    • #3
      Age: 38
      Sex: Male
      Occupation: Stamping Press Operator
      Favourite Music Genre: Rock / Metal / Swing / Classical
      i. Do you consider yourself a regular CD/music DVD buyer ? Yes
      ii. Do you regularly attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? No
      iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? Physical Format
      Please give a reason for the above choice: I like having a collection and don't trust my computer.
      iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes, and later bought it if I liked it, and deleted it if I didn't.
      viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? No
      ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? $12 for 12 songs or more. $1 per song seems fair.
      x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: It will not stop because someone will always find a personal justification for it, and will eventually topple the major labels. Indie labels will die as well, but the combination of affordable PC-based recording software as well as high-speed internet delivery will lead to the "professional" recording industry being controlled by internet giants like Google, Ebay, and AOL and telecom giants like Cingular, Nextel, and Verizon.
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #4
        Favourite Music Genre…………………………………Hard Rock/Metal
        i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? Yes
        ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? No, not anymore
        iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format
        Please give a reason for the above choice: Liner notes, reliability.
        iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes
        v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?
        no comment
        vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?
        no comment
        vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Hard Copy
        viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes
        ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be?
        x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:
        I have a collection of well over 3000 CDs. At this point, I will no longer buy something I haven't listened to. I do, however, consistently buy CDs of music that I have taken for a test drive and found worthy. The recording industry would be well advised to take this (I believe common) buying pattern into account and back off.
        This electric phase ain't no teenage craze -UFO


        • #5
          Age: 20
          Sex: Male
          Occupation: Free-lance gigolo
          Favourite Music Genre: Sound Collage
          i. Do you consider yourself a regular CD/music DVD buyer ? Yes
          ii. Do you regularly attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes
          iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? Physical Format
          Please give a reason for the above choice: I like to hold album covers and booklets in my hand
          iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes
          v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month? 101+
          vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally? 0%
          vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Hard Copy (CDs and LPs mainly)
          viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? No
          ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? £6
          x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: I like it because people have access to more music than ever before. It is easy to broaden your musical taste because of it. If people download something they really like, they will gonna buy the leagal album anyway. Big bands such as Metallica don't earn so much money as they used to not because people perfer illeagal downloads over leagal CDs but because people have a lot more options and choices, these days they can choose between thousands and thousands of bands wich album they will gonna buy, 15 years ago they simply didn't knew that many bands. Internet gives people more options. Big bands loose money because many people like a lot of non-mainstream bands more.
          Last edited by Endrik; 01-09-2007, 09:02 AM.
          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


          • #6
            Occupation…Project Coordinator
            Favourite Music Genre…Rock / Metal / Jazz / Fusion
            i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? Yes
            ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes
            iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format
            Please give a reason for the above choice:
            I like having a collection, I like throwing on a CD around the house or in the car, I like all the candy you get when you buy a CD (sleeves, band pics, lyrics, etc)
            iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes
            v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?
            vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?
            vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Hard Copy
            viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes

            x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:
            I object to those who would download an artist's entire works with no intention of ever purchasing their product.

            But with the advent of file sharing programs, I have been able to sample more bands then ever before. By downloading a couple of tracks to get a feel for the band's music, I can feel confident going into a music store that I will enjoy my purchase. As a result, my spending on CDs has increased significantly. If after sampling a band's work I decide not to buy their CD, I see no point keeping the mp3 on my PC and will delete it.

            If I like a band enough to want to repeatedly listen to the mp3, then I will definitely buy their CD. If they can make a little money from my CD purchase, then they may afford to make more music in the future for me to enjoy.

            Thanks to so many bands utilising MySpace now, as well as offering song downloads on their websites, I am able to freely sample tunes from the band's catalogue, and so I rarely, if ever, resort to illegally downloading at all anymore.
            Hail yesterday


            • #7
              Age: 37


              Occupation: sound engineer

              Favourite Music Genre: blues,metal

              i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? No

              ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download?No

              iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format/Digital Download

              Please give a reason for the above choice: I prefer CD. Downloaded music is crap. AN mp3/4 is a watered down version of what was really recorded at the studio. An average song in regular format is around 40 MB and an mp3 is wayyyyyy less. 2MB or so. I want the whole song not a fraction of one.

              iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes


              v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?


              vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?


              vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? CD

              viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? No

              ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? It depends. If its a one song wonder then maybe $6 USD..If it has 4 or more hits then $12 USD.

              x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: Its stealing!!!! The copyrights of songs belong to someone and they worked hard to make that song and get it out. Just because someone makes alot of money selling it doesnt make it less of a crime. Wal Mart makes billions and if ya take something from them its called SHOPLIFTING!! ...

              The RIAA and the music publishers have a right to protect there investments,but its also a known documented fact that CD sales were at there peak when napster was too. Record labels are for the most part greedy scum. They still call a cd a new technology format in alot of artists contracts. New tech formats pay less in royalties. The way to get the labels attention isnt to steal from them. Just dont buy what they are putting out. Let them know that the cd prices are to high. Let them know that putting 1 radio friendly song on a cd and 9 crap songs wont work anymore. Let them know that you want real musicians and singers,not over mixed and auto tuned frat boys and barbie dolls.


              • #8
                Age: 35
                Sex: Male
                Occupation: Company Owner - Mgr
                Favourite Music Genre: Rock / Metal
                i. Do you consider yourself a regular CD/music DVD buyer ? Yes
                ii. Do you regularly attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? No
                iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? Download
                Please give a reason for the above choice: I only want to have the numbers I really like, and I don't care about the usual slack of other tracks associated with a full CD (for the rare exceptions I would buy the CD). I'm still waiting for even better online services though, so CD's are still beeing bought on a regular basis at this time.
                iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes (Napster in the pre-metallica period,YouTube actually)
                viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes
                ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? 10 EUR max
                x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: For individual people with good intentions, I like to think it's a sort of trial. Like what you hear means you BUY, if not you DELETE. For money making purpose, it's a CRIME and should be dealt with it as such. And don't forget the ILLEGAL COPIES of CD's also.. huge business.
                I think the music bizz should stop whining and start thinking about offering some more low priced/high quality e-services. The succes of the iPOD proves a lot of people are willing to participate in such a scenario.
                In Belgium, they have a system (for companies), where you pay a certain tax (depending on the number of people who listens to music while working) which goes directly to the artists. I support that kind of initiative 100%.


                • #9
                  Sex: Male

                  Occupation: Network Consultant

                  Favourite Music Genre: Rock / Metal

                  i. Do you consider yourself a regular CD/music DVD buyer ? Yes

                  ii. Do you regularly attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Not regularly

                  iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? Download

                  Please give a reason for the above choice: Well the answer is depends, if its an artist I really like I will buy the CD...if not I will just download it. Computer storage space is an issue as well. I actually buy/download about 50 percent each

                  iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes

                  viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes IPOD

                  ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? 12-14 dollars

                  x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading: Shit happens....and will continue to happen. How about sharing. Even though I pay for a download of a cd I sometimes still burn a copy for a bud. Cant stop that either. I think the record companies make WAY too much money off of the artist as it is


                  • #10
                    Favourite music genre : Metal
                    iii.I would prefer to buy a physical music format.
                    Because its not only a CD - its also something more - its an rememberance of my favourite band.
                    vii. Hard Copy
                    ix. 5£
                    x.I think Illegal downloading will never stop.. there will always be nottrue-fans that will download music from the internet.. (if they will not buy origanal cd's - tahts bad- but if they will go after downloading and buy the cd.. its ok..)
                    Last edited by VEGETATHEPUPPET; 01-09-2007, 10:09 AM.


                    • #11
                      Age: 17

                      Sex: Male

                      Occupation: Student

                      Favourite Music Genre: Black Metal

                      i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? Yes

                      ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes

                      iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility)

                      Physical Format

                      Please give a reason for the above choice:
                      I love just having something in my hand with a nice booklet and everything

                      iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes

                      IF NO PLEASE MOVE TO QUESTION VIII.

                      v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?


                      vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?


                      vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)?
                      Hard Copy

                      viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes

                      ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be?


                      x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:
                      I think it is nice cause when you are obsessed with music and you spend
                      all your money on cd`s and DVD`s...then you here and there
                      run out of money and maybe then your favorite artists releases
                      their new cd and then you must have it...and you buy it later or
                      if you don`t like it, you don`t buy it...
                      It has it`s good and bad site
                      s ...
                      Cold Hollow Machinery


                      • #12


                        Occupation……………Engineer/Project Manager

                        Favourite Music Genre…………Metal

                        i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? No

                        ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes

                        iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format

                        Please give a reason for the above choice: …I like having the physical CD to listen to as opposed to hooking up the IPod …………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
                        iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes

                        IF NO PLEASE MOVE TO QUESTION VIII.

                        v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?

                        vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?


                        vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Hard Copy

                        viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes

                        ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be? $10-$12 US

                        Please feel free to give your answer in any currency!

                        x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:

                        If someone doesn't want to purchase a CD of a particular artist, then they will most likely not buy it they will just find a friend who has it and burn a copy. I don't think it can ever be stopped. I support illegal downloading of music because to me I will usually d/l a few tunes from a particular band, and if I really like the music I will go and buy the actual CD then.
                        RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
                        RIP Dime


                        • #13
                          Age 40
                          Occupation money manager
                          Favourite Music Genre Metal
                          i. Do you consider yourself a regular (2+ purchases a month) CD/tape/record/music DVD buyer ? No

                          ii. Do you regularly (3+ times a year) attend concerts of the artists whose music you buy/download? Yes
                          iii. Would you prefer to buy the physical format at a premium (i.e. CD etc.) or download legally from the internet at a lesser price? (Assume that illegal downloading is not a possibility) Physical Format
                          Please give a reason for the above choice: The discount for downloaded music is not great enough
                          iv. Have you in the past downloaded music from the internet? Yes
                          IF NO PLEASE MOVE TO QUESTION VIII.

                          v. If yes, how many tracks do you download on average each month?

                          vi. If yes, what percentage would you say was downloaded legally?

                          vii. If yes, do you obtain the majority of your music online via digital download or by purchasing hard copy formats (Cds, tapes LP’s etc.)? Hard Copy

                          viii. Do you own an Ipod or similar portable MP3 playback device? Yes
                          ix. What do you consider a fair price for a newly released popular CD to be?

                          x. Could you briefly summarise your thoughts on illegal music downloading:

                          The toothpaste is out of the tube - hard to shove it back in! Given most of a band's money is made on touring and merchandise, music is merely advertising now, and as long as a band can see that, they'll do well in the years ahead. If they hold onto the notion that CD sales=success, they really have another thing coming...
                          Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


                          • #14
                            just a thought; The people of this forum are guitar players, and most of the people who have answered your questionaire so far are obviously mostly into metal/rock/blues etc. You should also try to ask people who listen to other stuff, like techno, trance, dance etc. Find out what they prefer; downloading or buying music.
                            I know a lot of us musicians feel a certain responsibility to suppport our heroes. We want them to live well, so we support them by buying their music, so they in turn can provide us with more music we like. They are our heroes, idols, and deep down we want to be like them to.
                            Find out what the non-musicians think about this too! Do they share our view, or are we just being extremely fanatic about supporting our idols?
                            Just a thought ok? IMO it's only fair, but I don't know how big your assignment should be.
                            "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                            • #15
                              Thanks guitardude86 - its a pretty big assignment at 12,000 words - and I hear what you're saying, so have done some questionnaires in person today and posted on other forums across the net that specialise in different areas or are just very general. Whilst it is college, I've enjoyed hearing what people have to say on the issue given what they've said they download/buy just for personal interest thanks for the response.

                              The key to the research is gaining a fair representation and so this is only one part of a very large amount of research! I haven't got as good a response from anywhere else - so thanks very much to everyone who has answered, its really appreciated and essential to getting a good mark!

