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Refrets in the UK?

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  • Refrets in the UK?

    Alright guys, this only really concerns the folk in the UK but i see most of you hanging out here.

    My KV2's frets have a big groove in them where the E and B strings are and just basically clang like hell when i fret them.

    A refret is in order i think.

    Anyone know the average price for one and know if even Soundcontrol do them?

    Cheers guys!

    Sorry if this is wrong forum. If a mod moves it, can you please drop me a PM to say where you've moved it else i'll probably never find it again, hahahahaha


  • #2
    No idea if Sound Control do that sort of thing, but personally I'd not trust that sort of establishment, basically because they are just box-shifters. I'm sure there are the odd people there who know what they are doing, but on the whole they will just be, well, shop assistants! They probably farm out the skilled work to a proper luthier.

    So, cut out the middleman!

    I'd drop John Diggins at Jaydee Guitars a line if I were you - he's done plenty of work for the pros (Tony Iommi, Mark King etc). Dunno about cost, but at least you know it will be done right.

    Also another chap at Noise Works in Coventry, whose name escapes me right now, does a decent job. He used to build his own models a few years ago, Nerve Guitars, so he's a pretty clued-up guy. I'll try and remember to dig the details out for you.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • #3
      Chandlers in Kew/Richmond do them
      Not sure on prices though, a bit far for you to travel too me thinks.


      • #4
        Rob Williams from woodworm is good and has a great reputation. He was in Birmingham but last I heard he moved to Wales.....
        Popular is not the same as good
        Rare is not the same as valuable
        Worth is what someone will pay, not what you want to get


        • #5
          HAhaha cheers guys!

          IF it means a good job, i can get a train to one of the major cities and just crash with a friend till it's done i guess....


          • #6
            I don't know whereabouts in Scotland you are, but what about Moon Guitars in Glasgow?


            • #7
              Originally posted by Snoogans View Post
              I don't know whereabouts in Scotland you are, but what about Moon Guitars in Glasgow?

              stupid question but is that Jimmy moon?

              Glasgow is pissing distance away!


              • #8
                That'll be him! I don't know whether he's still building guitars, but he always seemed to have a pretty good reputation.


                • #9
                  Aye man, bit of a legend up here, hahaha

                  I never thought about emailing him...

                  You rock dude!

                  I dropped him a line, waiting reply

