See my point with the Kandy Kain remark.Why try to be lofty and poetic with names.I know it can be a very hard thing to name a kid.But think of the kid first.I have an odd last name I can't get rid of and was made fun of a lot growing up. Got in lots of fights kicked ass most times but got my shit stomped plenty.You do what you think is right.Be it a masculine name for his sake.
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His friends can call him "KJ".Scott
Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.
"Ace" is not a two-syllable word, even here in TN
I'd have to echo the advice about "clever spellings" of names. While Canaan will be horribly butchered by teachers and others who read it, Kayne will also be misread as Kanye (the racist pig rap fag), and pronounced "Cayanne" by many.
And yeah, "Kandy Kane" will definitely be one he hears a lot.
Any version of Cain will pretty much put the guy on the outs due to the Biblical connotations, so I'd strongly suggest something that the small-minded idiots won't mistake for "Hello, my name is Mr Bada$$".
"Raising Cain" sounds like a neat joke, but not when your own child has to bear the brunt of it.
That said, I do like Maximus, or Maximillian, but he'd be teased as "Maxie" or Maxine.
Either way, put the kid in Tae Kwon Do early. He'll need it.I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood
The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.
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Just watch out for the Baby Name Police. I hear they're cracking down on heinously named toddlers... yesterday
hey, the two sylable thing was good advice, but who doesn't want to be named "Ace"
What's wrong with Paul Stanley Roberson?When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley
I definitely wouldn't want to be associated with the wrestler, either...a merciless battery of low brow wrestling/white trash jokes would follow you around constantly.
Kane wouldn't make a bad middle name, but you never know. Depending on his field, the kid might even have trouble getting a job or whatever with that name. The Honorable Kane? Dr. Kane?
Again, not trying to rip on your choice of names dude, just IMO.
Ace Carolla used to do a great bit on Loveline where he'd parody some of the bizarre names that are stereotypically given to African-American kids, using names of different pharmaceuticals.
Michael works well.
I would spell the name traditionally, Kane, or better yet, Biblically as in Cain. I think offbeat spellings of offbeat names are nothing but a curse for your children. My last name is Breinin. That is pronounced "Brynan", not Brennan, not Breenan, not Broonan. However, even after I pronouce the name first, people call me anything BUT the correct pronunciation. I have been answering to "Brennan" since I was about 5.
A friend of mine named his kid Karleigh, I about puked when I saw that.
MikeSleep. The sound doesn't collapse to riffs of early eyes either.
How about Kane Sugar Ray Roberson???Transitioning from Retired Musician from cover bands to a Full time vocalist/frontman/guitarist in an original and covers's been a while and this should get NASTY!
Check out the new band at -
Originally posted by MBreinin View PostMichael works well.
I would spell the name traditionally, Kane, or better yet, Biblically as in Cain. I think offbeat spellings of offbeat names are nothing but a curse for your children. My last name is Breinin. That is pronounced "Brynan", not Brennan, not Breenan, not Broonan. However, even after I pronouce the name first, people call me anything BUT the correct pronunciation. I have been answering to "Brennan" since I was about 5.
A friend of mine named his kid Karleigh, I about puked when I saw that.
Well his first name is gonna be Kainen, as in the land of Canaan(sp?) in the bible. lol, I don't even know how it's supposed to be spelled.Anyway, Kain will be his nickname. Or Kai, if he doesn't like Kain i guess.
For his middle name, I think we're down to either Thomas (which is what I told my family a couple months ago) or Joram. I always liked that name, i read it in a book once, then I heard it was a biblical name...
Kids will find a way to make fun of ANY name. Just don't name your kid something utterly GAY or strange and they'll be ok.
I had a buddy that said he wanted to name his son Jebediah Bosephus (sp?).