Pretty sure I already bitched about this but anyways, back in August, I had to cut off about 6 inches of my hair to get a job. I was pissed off at this, but figured I should just do it because they're the only place that called back. I haven't cut my hair since then and now all of a sudden they're bitchin' that I need to cut it again and now I'm pissed. I started tying it back while inside like they said (it's in a grocery store) and there's lots of chicks with hair much longer than mine was and they don't have to tie it back. The employee handbook says longer hair has to be tied back, off the nape of the neck, and secured under a hat, but they keep saying it has to be cut. I think this is fuckin' bullshit and unequal or sexist practices. Girls can have long hair, but guys can't? The managers explained to me that it's because the store is supposed to have a conservative look, even though there's a gay cashier who wears lip gloss and plenty of chicks with short hair. I just want to hear your opinions because this is really pissing me off. Like is this something that I could sue for because of unfair practices?
