Were some of those dots moving in the bottom of the pitcher?!?!!!!!!!
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Why I filter my water
Won't work. Tried that, but I live in a trailer.Water is life. I just hope those Briita filters are protecting me. What outside stuff you eat, drink, take or smoke is your decision. I want clean water.
I am a true ass set to this board.
I filtered my water when I l;ived in Santa Monica. The tap water there is horrendous and my shop sold filtrations systems so I bought one. I couldn't drink the unfiltered tap water there.
Here, the tap water is clean and palatable so I don't use filtered or bottled water anymore. Well, after Kaqtrina, we all did for quite awhile, because there were periodic boil notices. It was easier to drink bottled for awhile and you could get it for free at POD centers. But it's been fine for quite awhile.Ron is the MAN!!!!