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Another Trial Update

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  • Another Trial Update

    For those of you interested - I have another update on the trial -

    His defense attorney has stepped down, citing health reasons. So the motions trial that was supposed to be February 5 has now been pushed to March 26th. There is a status hearing on Feb. 26th to see if he has new defense counsel. If so, then that motions hearing might actually happen on March 26th.

    This all means that there still is no trial date. And no real sign of having one set right now.

    He is however still sitting in jail. They are still holding him in solitary for his protection.

    April 4 it will be four years since my attack. I've waited this long, I can wait longer.

  • #2
    At least he's in jail still.
    If it took this long and he was running around, it'd probably be that much harder.

    Hang in there.
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • #3
      Let him rot in his cell through the whole process, scum bag.

      Stay strong, we're praying for ya.
      Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


      • #4
        Ummm what happened? Im outta the loop.


        • #5
          Originally posted by yard dawg View Post
          Ummm what happened? Im outta the loop.
          No problem - I've been on and off of here from time to time. The background - April 4, 2003 I was sexually assaulted in my home at gun point - middle of the night. They have been investigating for the last almost 4 years, even to the point of using FBI profiling. Last summer - in June - an arrest was made in a case and the guy was charged with stalking and attemted breaking and entering - the girl heard him messing with her window. This lead to a break in my assault case and three other sexual assault cases. Turns out the alleged rapist is a police officer with the Bloomington Police Department - 17 year veteran. He was arrested back in July of 2006. There are 20-some counts of aggravated criminal sexual assault as well as some other various charges.


          • #6
            You're a tough lady, kudos to you for your strength in dealing with this. It sucks that the bastard is still getting paid his salary while he sits in jail.

            He will go down for this when all's said and done, and will probably have to spend his whole sentence in solitary - or he'll get his pretty quick if they put him in the GP. Rapist AND cop? He wouldn't last long.

            Hope the judge makes the sentences consecutive, too. That'll help make up for the bastard losing his pension, he can use the State Pen Retirement Plan!
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #7
              Damn girly.... I had no idea... Very sorry to hear this!!!

              Hang in there, and as Lerx said, he won't last long in prison!!!

              Don't blame Congress or the President - blame yourselves. ~Newc


              • #8
                Thanks guys. When I first came around here, I had learned to deal with everything and didn't necessarily talk a lot about it. Since the arrest and subsequent articles - some on national news - after the arrest it was even on I decided that I needed to talk about it more. I didn't hide before, but now Ill talk. I just hope it helps some other person deal with their own situation.

                As for him - if they get him on one of the most serious counts it could bring 45 years. Last I knew he's 41.

                I do feel bad for his kids - he's got two in high school I think. Those kids did nothing wrong and now have to deal with all this crap too. Hopefully this doesn't totally screw them up.


                • #9
                  Damn that fuck to hell. You are a trooper for being so patient. I keep wishing positive thoughts for you and that this trial will be a slam dunk and put this scum away for a long time. He didn't just screw up the ladies he assaulted, but his own family as well. Too bad he didn't die in the womb and save the world all his grief.

                  "Those who know what's best for us, must rise and save us from ourselves!"


                  • #10
                    Weired it was only the other day I was thinking about this....

                    Hang in there hopefully it will get sorted soon....



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 442w30 View Post
                      At least he's in jail still.
                      If it took this long and he was running around, it'd probably be that much harder.

                      Hang in there.
                      I agree, atleast that asswipe is still in jail.


                      • #12
                        They need to take him out of solitary so he can play friendly with the other inmates , then he can go to trial! After he's been passed around a few times for a couple packs of smokes. Justice in my world is swift & very painfull!
                        Hang in there though , his day will come & you'll get justice! It doesn't fix anything ,but atleast he will pay for his crimes.
                        According To The Prophecy


                        • #13
                          The "Wheels of Justice" seem to turn a little slowly. Particularly for the victims. At least, he is rotting in jail. Don't be surprised if he gets off with "Time Served". You are bringing home to us just how screwed-up the system is. Keep the faith.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #14
                            holy shit..... i didn't know about this story, and all i can say is, as stated above, keep the faith

                            Rapists should be CASTRATED.
                            "It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. [ ... ]
                            The truth will seem utterly preposterous, and its speaker, a raving lunatic."

