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Gene Hoglan to do drums on Dethklok(Metalocalypse) album!

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  • Gene Hoglan to do drums on Dethklok(Metalocalypse) album!

    Read it on one of his blogs on his myspace, that he (Gene) is recording drums for season 1, and season 2 for an upcoming Metalocalypse album due later this summer! Can't wait too hear it!! I predict a Metalocalypse fest by 2010!! Bigger than Ozzfest!! You heard it here first!!!!
    I love admins!

  • #2
    Brilliant! Loved his playing on the Death albums!
    "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


    • #3
      Yeah, I read that alittle while ago as well. Fucking insane! I love his style, and him teaming with the cheesy Dethklok songs will just be amazing!


      • #4
        Cheesy or not! Detklok kicks ass!
        Though I do wish that Slayer woulda picked up Gene Hoglan!! That woulda killed!!
        I love admins!


        • #5
          Gene turned Slayer down because he wanted to stay in SYL. I heard this from the man himself.
          "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


          • #6
            Wow! I think SYL is holdiong him back personally!! Gene with Slayer woulda been a WICKED match!! I hate to say it, but it woulda been better than Lombardo! Don't get me wrong Lombardo still kicks ass, but he has nothing on Hoglan!
            I love admins!


            • #7
              I'm still a fan of Richard Christy's drumming. Now there is a waste of talent, him being stuck on the Howard Stern show!

              Hard to say which Death album had the best drumming on it, come to think of it...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Freyr View Post
                I'm still a fan of Richard Christy's drumming. Now there is a waste of talent, him being stuck on the Howard Stern show!

                Hard to say which Death album had the best drumming on it, come to think of it...
                Richard christy is EVIL!! Gotta check out Burning Inside to hear the best of his stuff! Can't belive how SICK he really is!! But ya Christy needs to get back on track! I heard Stern payes him like 150K!

                Outta of the "three," Death drummers, though my fav, is Reinert! Just love his jazzy style! I love all three of them!!
                I love admins!


                • #9
                  I love drummers!

                  "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                  • #10
                    The is a cool dual drum solo with Portnoy on his website.....
                    Damn this is an expensive hobby.....


                    • #11
                      Hoglan is an incredible drummer!!


                      • #12
                        i cant fucking wait for that album!!!

                        DETHKLOK RULES!

                        i wonder if they'll do a lot of the songs from the show. i know thunderhorse is gonna be there..
                        but sewn together wrong, hatredy, crush my battle oponents balls and a lot of others would kill!! lol
                        You can't play no muthfuggin' arpeggios on a tuba...


                        • #13
                          as poser as this sounds

                          avenged sevenfold has an awesome drummer
                          and........................... DETHKLOK IS THE MASTERS OF ALL........ thunder horse is an awesome song, i would definately buy that album
                          "slappy, slappy" bill sings, happily, as he dick slaps random people on the streets of Cleveland.


                          • #14
                            Scuba Tank Filled With Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartsss!


                            • #15
                              Sewn Back Together Wrong
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

