This was sent 2 months ago to a chap in Chicago. It never got there, Canada Post isnt offering any help. I am out a LOT of money on this guitar and sold it off to pay for schooling costs. I have to refund the amount full to the buyer.
Anyhow, It is unique in that it is a burnt Cherry Burst SL2H with APC pickups. IF by chance anyone see's it in a pawn shop or the 'bay, please contact me via PM or email as I would love to be compensated for my loss, or find out what happened to it.
This was sent 2 months ago to a chap in Chicago. It never got there, Canada Post isnt offering any help. I am out a LOT of money on this guitar and sold it off to pay for schooling costs. I have to refund the amount full to the buyer.
Anyhow, It is unique in that it is a burnt Cherry Burst SL2H with APC pickups. IF by chance anyone see's it in a pawn shop or the 'bay, please contact me via PM or email as I would love to be compensated for my loss, or find out what happened to it.
