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got kicked out of my band

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  • got kicked out of my band

    ... apparently insisting everyone actually learn their songs before we play out in public was too much to ask.

    Guess it's back to the home studio for me! Another JCF Jam anyone?!

  • #2
    Originally posted by Bert View Post
    ... apparently insisting everyone actually learn their songs before we play out in public was too much to ask.

    Guess it's back to the home studio for me! Another JCF Jam anyone?!

    You are better off not playing live with a bunch of hacks anyway.


    • #3
      Nothing is more frustrating than being the most committed band member. It's let down after missed opportunity after embarrassment.

      Formula: Know your chops/lyrics. Show up on time. Setup/tear down fast. Be in tune. Don't noodle or rat-a-tat between songs. Don't take a disporportionate area of the stage. No drama, no drug problems. Leave any wife that is not yours alone. Have your wive leave band concerns to the band. Don't offend the venue or audience. Finish strong. Oh, and don't wear anything that resembles an untucked, button-front, short sleeve print shirt (see also: flames, over-sized superhero graphics, guitars or drums of any ilk, or anything relating directly to motorcycles, muscle cars, alcohol or gambling). Wearing a fedora does nothing but underscore your homosexuality. Don't stare at your frets/shoe laces. That's not a performance. Additionally, "showcasing" your ink or body mod is pathetic. There. Success.


      • #4
        Originally posted by jgcable View Post
        You are better off not playing live with a bunch of hacks anyway.
        Just one more guitar!


        • #5
          Heh, funny stuff. It's all good, time to find some more compatible musicians. They had only one thing going for them -- an excellent practice space. But that didn't make up for the lack of talent!


          • #6
            You didn't want to go out and play half-assed live with those posers anyway, did you? I've beenin the same situation once, a guy who owned a family business so he had a beautiful rehearsal space full of gear, always plenty of good weed and beer when we took breaks, nice house to watch movies in, and he was even a great guy. But I had to teach him ALL the parts and if we missed a couple rehearsals it was back to square one. The drummer was one of those guys who could play killer licks but not keep a tight beat. The bass player was a jazz player and really good, but he and I were the only ones who were on top of things.

            We never did hit the clubs; they went out after the bass player and I were gone, and it was pretty sad. They didn't realize it though, you know drunks miss a lot of fuckups, so it was like full-band karaoke.

            Some of us are musicians and some are posers. Hard to tell sometimes until it's time to work....
            Ron is the MAN!!!!


            • #7
              Sounds VERY familiar Lerx! Funny how the weakest members always seem to be the most deluded when it comes to evaluating their own talent. I do believe the best way to get better is to go out and PLAY, but you need to at least get to some basic level of competence first.


              • #8
                so Bert what did they tell you when they kicked you out?
                the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                • #9
                  It basically came down to telling me that they really wanted to start performing more and didn't think my goals were "aligned" with the band's. I didn't really argue... I'd stopped taking things seriously a while back because of the general lack of ability and failure of other band members to show any significant improvement. We had played a few low-key gigs and I was fine with continuing to do that, but my disdain for a bigger public display of our incompetance was a bit too much for them I guess.

                  No hard feelings really, should be for the best, but I am a bit irritated... this is the worst band I've ever played in, yet it's the first I've been kicked out of! :ROTF:


                  • #10
                    yeah that is ironic.

                    I actually was in a position last summer to go with either of two bands, one that I sort of put together myself and another I was looking at joining as the lead player they needed to complete their 5 pc.

                    I had to go with joining the established band cause they were just way further ahead and better players and had a real studio to rehearse in. this meant having to tell my other bandmates of just a few weeks, sorry, I have to join this other band rather than continue on with you guys, so that was tough.

                    but I made the right decision.
                    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                    • #11
                      oh yeah I went and played with hacks like that-all they want to do is get out play half-ass and pick up some skank at the bar. Now I always say-I'm taking the time to learn stuff note-for-note and you better not waste my time-Is so go home and stand in front of a mirror-bitch


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cybersavior View Post
                        Nothing is more frustrating than being the most committed band member. It's let down after missed opportunity after embarrassment.

                        Formula: Know your chops/lyrics. Show up on time. Setup/tear down fast. Be in tune. Don't noodle or rat-a-tat between songs. Don't take a disporportionate area of the stage. No drama, no drug problems. Leave any wife that is not yours alone. Have your wive leave band concerns to the band. Don't offend the venue or audience. Finish strong. Oh, and don't wear anything that resembles an untucked, button-front, short sleeve print shirt (see also: flames, over-sized superhero graphics, guitars or drums of any ilk, or anything relating directly to motorcycles, muscle cars, alcohol or gambling). Wearing a fedora does nothing but underscore your homosexuality. Don't stare at your frets/shoe laces. That's not a performance. Additionally, "showcasing" your ink or body mod is pathetic. There. Success.

                        Best post ever. Seriously.
                        THIS SPACE FOR RENT


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Cybersavior View Post
                          Don't noodle or rat-a-tat between songs.

                          AMEN! God,do I hate when people feel the need to do that.

                          Here's a few more tips I've picked up over the years if it helps any :

                          Don't smile. Unless you're EVH,metal isn't supposed to be happy joy joy,you look stupid smiling while attempting to rock out.

                          Don't point at the crowd or cup your hand over your ear. Unless you're playing a stadium or something,it's just cheesy.Stop it.

                          Don't throw picks into the crowd. See above.

                          Don't kick your picks into the crowd. That's Yngwie's job.

                          Do not under ANY circumstance flick your tongue in time to a trill while pointing at a hottie in the crowd and nodding at her as to say "Yah,this is what you'll be getting backstage". Unless you're Jimi. And you're not. So don't do it.

                          Do not hit your drummers cymbals with the headstock of your guitar. There's a reason you're not a drummer.Be glad.

                          God forbid if someone make a mistake during practice,do NOT stop the song. If your drummer drops his stick,pick it up for him or something,if you drop a pick,keep playing with your fingernail until you get to one,but don't quit.It's a bad habit to get into,and you certainly would not want to do that while playing out.

                          If you weigh twice as much as your singer,do NOT insist that you two try to recreate the "Tribute" album cover.Chances are you will hurt his back,the fall will most likely injure your crotch,snap your guitar in two and just look plain stupid in the process.

                          If you must,absoultely must flash the metal sign,please do it in moderation.

                          If you play a reverse pointy Jackson,please be aware of your surroundings,you might be rocking out and swing around and knock out one of your other bandmates. (I've seen this one happen) (My headstock is fine)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cybersavior View Post
                            Nothing is more frustrating than being the most committed band member. It's let down after missed opportunity after embarrassment.

                            Formula: Know your chops/lyrics. Show up on time. Setup/tear down fast. Be in tune. Don't noodle or rat-a-tat between songs. Don't take a disporportionate area of the stage. No drama, no drug problems. Leave any wife that is not yours alone. Have your wive leave band concerns to the band. Don't offend the venue or audience. Finish strong. Oh, and don't wear anything that resembles an untucked, button-front, short sleeve print shirt (see also: flames, over-sized superhero graphics, guitars or drums of any ilk, or anything relating directly to motorcycles, muscle cars, alcohol or gambling). Wearing a fedora does nothing but underscore your homosexuality. Don't stare at your frets/shoe laces. That's not a performance. Additionally, "showcasing" your ink or body mod is pathetic. There. Success.
                            Wait, Short sleeve T-shirts are a No-No ?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by jgcable View Post
                              You are better off not playing live with a bunch of hacks anyway.
                              Cold Hollow Machinery

