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  • U.F.O.'s

    Anyone here ever seen a U.F.O?

    When I was in my early teens, we lived in a small town in Tennessee, about 70 miles north of Knoxville. My parents were at a neighbors house for card night and some of my friends were over at the house. We were in the basement playing pool when these really bright lights appeared outside the windows. Of course, we all ran outside, and, above my house was a hovering disc-shaped object. It was no more than 500 ft above the house. It made no noise at all. It had small "marker" lights of blue, green, yellow, and red around its edge. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity. All of a sudden, it just takes off at a speed that I could not comprehend. Where we lived, we were surrounded by mountains. Off in the distance, over a mountain peak, three of these U.F.O.'s came together and started flying about in all kinds of patterns that an aircraft could not possibly do. Their lights changed from red to blue to green. It seemed like they were communicating with someone or something. This went on for about 10 minutes. All of a sudden, their lights went out, and they were gone.

    I have seen many strange occurances since then in the skies, and my wife thinks that I am fucking nuts for believing this shit. But, I know what I saw that night. I am a beliver in extraterrestrial life. Are you?

    MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox

  • #2
    Same thing happend to me in rural Indiana. Alot of people just laugh and think I am pulling their leg. Something happend that night and it wasnt an airplane or hele or even a weather balloon.
    Remember, Wherever you go,.. there you are


    • #3
      I think I saw one about 12 years ago when vacationing at Harrison Hot Springs, outside Vancouver. Although there were so many UFO sightings and photos taken during the summer season over the North shore mountains as they normally flew in small squadrons, I thought it was just a network satelite being positioned for the 11pm news, or a helicopter, due to the soft illuminous glow that flashed in soft peach, raspberry and blueberry hues.(Perhaps they were wishing to let us know that they enjoyed oue summer fruit. Then suddenly, it blasted away with such explosive torque disappearing into the ozone.

      I went to tell my friends who were in the camper, who shrugged it off as a fairly common occurrance.

      In addition, an old girlfriend's father may have been abducted in 1975, in rural Sidney, on Vancouver Island. He closed the bowling as per norm on his own and began his 30 minute drive home.

      Just like we've seen in movies, he was jarred awake and found his car and an oncoming car sitting dead silent on a dirt road intersection, with both sets of headligths on. He says his engine then turned over and it was given a bit of gas, without him without him doing a thing.

      Both drivers were a little startled and embarresed, (maybe they were anally probed, I don't know), but he thought he had nodded off whiel at the wheel, as he was running the alley on his own, working extremely long and hard hours.

      He arrived home to find the police in his living room, with a very worried and expectant wife. It was 3:30 am. He should have been home at 11.

      At that time in the mid 70's, if you bought a new suit, the whole twn would know it, so a tryst would have been not just out of character, but extremely difficult to pull off and he was a little old for cow tipping, with no bars in the town and he wasn't a drinker. Ialso highly doubt the he and the other driver probed each other in the woods, either...
      Last edited by El_Kabong; 02-25-2007, 01:16 AM.


      • #4
        When I was 17 my buddies and I saw a bright red light moving across the clear sky. It was very high up - like passenger plane height, but it definetly wasn't no plane, coz it stopped almost right above us and divided into 5 smaller red lights that each flew off in different directions. It wasn't a meteor either - it's flight path and the fact that it stopped before it split up showed that it was being flown.

        The thing was, we were all on acid so of course you tell someone that and they think you hallucinated it. But we all saw the same thing and were very experienced with acid - it was no hallucination.

        I'm very keen to read lots about UFO's. It's a subject I've been very interested in for a long time. Something's going on, but I'll leave my views on that for another day. It would take me way too fucking long to type it all out and you'd all think I'm nuts. Suffice it to say, we are not alone.


        • #5
          Very interesting subject... I for one do believe they exist, not sure if Ive ever seen one. My dad on the other hand... He REALLY believes in them.

          Anyway, about 2 months ago, we were finishing up a job (remodeling a bathroom). I was out on the deck, just looking up at the clouds, was a bright sunny day. I notice WAAAY up two or three whitish-silver "dots" moving around in very wierd patterns. At first I thought they were seagulls, but when I saw them pretty much (or atleast what seemed) disappear in the clouds, I was kinda baffled... I know seagulls cant fly 30-40k feet. I wish I had binoculars at the time. I dont know what they were and didnt get a clear enough view so I cant say for sure.
          Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...


          • #6
            I think the majority of this stuff is military.

            I get Aviation Week & Space Technology magazine which is a very reputable weekly publication. Every once in a while they will come out with a story on recently declassified programs. The last one I remember is a story on a single stage to orbit spacecraft that they were launching from the belly of an XB-70 that they had assembled from spare parts they had stored in a wharehouse in California. For those that don't know what an XB-70 is here is a link:

            They had some eyewitness reports of seeing the XB flying around with the SSTO craft slung under it and a report of the SSTO being loaded onto a C-5 after making an unscheduled landing at an AF base after apparently being damaged in flight. How they can be flying something like an XB-70 around the country and it not making the front pages of the USA Today amazes me. But then again maybe most people just shrug it off because it is obviously a plane of some sort.

            That being said my curiousity was kinda peaked after those reports from O'Hare about the UFO hovering over the airport. ( I work there.) There are some good reports about it here:

            I don't know what it was but I think they saw something weird.

            The only thing I ever saw was at O'Hare about 10 years ago or so. I was standing outside our hangar and low on the horizon was something going north that looked like the Goodyear blimp but without the logo and stabilizers.
            It definitely wasn't a plane or helicopter and I don't think it was a blimp because of it's speed and because it travelled so straight and level. Anybody who has ever seen a blimp fly, and I have seen so many I can't count, they don't fly fast into the wind and they bob and weave like crazy when travelling with the wind. A couple of us watched it for the couple minutes it took it to move from the south until disappearing in the north. It was strange.


            • #7
              when I was 15-i was up home in Toccoa, Ga and me and my cousin was outside around 1;30am. We saw something coming in the distance and flew over about 100 feet-right over our heads and the barn-No noise and it was hauling ass-We just stood there looking dumb like wtf?


              • #8
                I'm interested in this topic as well although I never saw one myself. Sure I saw some strange things but I can't identify them as being UFO's. I'm not narrow minded enought to think we're it all of universe. I do however think its very logical to assume that a lot of reported UFO's are not UFO's but advances in military aircraft. If you think about it we've had no breakthroughs in aircraft design or propulsion (at least made public) since the 60's. Everything else in terms of technology has advanced so I think a lot of them are infact experimental military aircraft. That is why the government discredits sightings as conventional aircraft,swamp gas, planets and mass halucinations

                Because of that UFO sightings and aliens dont always go hand in hand. What does spark my interests are abductions when folks are taken up into these crafts. I think a lot of thse folks are nutcases or implanted via hypnosis but I also believe some are real. We are not alone in the vast amount of space ...


                • #9
                  Wow, those are some great experiences. I had heard that former President of the U.S., Jimmy Carter, had witnessed a U.F.O. sighting. At the time, he was the Governor of Georgia. Here is a link:

                  I always find myself looking at the sky, day or night, hoping to see something. Maybe that's one of the reasons I took up amateur Astronomy.

                  MakeAJazzNoiseHere: You kidding me? I'd suck her fartbox dry in a heartbeat. 9/29/2011 quote about Megan Fox


                  • #10
                    There are almost certainly other civilizations in the galaxy, but the physics and energy requirements of interstellar travel make it as close to impossible as it can get.


                    • #11
                      I saw one while standing in front of my house as a little kid (maybe around 10). I remember my friend and I were just waiting out there for his mom to come pick him up, it was just starting to get slightly dark, about 5 o'clock or so, we saw this big silver disc in the air, don't remember anything else about it. I didn't think UFOs came to New Jersey. I've never had any other experiences like that.
                      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                      • #12
                        I dont think they come here either Though one time my dad and I were sitting out watching a lunar eclipise, and we saw (now mind you the moon is red at the moment) I black object move amazingly fast "against" the moon. Completely silent, no lights or anything. We first thought it was maybe a stealth fighter of some kind as there is an Air Force up a little ways (Harrisburg I think). Other than that no outstanding stories


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                          Because of that UFO sightings and aliens dont always go hand in hand.
                          You're right. I see aliens all the time... illegal aliens.
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #14
                            All your base are belong to us....


                            • #15
                              Check this out:

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              And this guy:

                              I've always believed in UFO's and read and search all the time for that.

                              Check out Billy Meier also ... interesting to say the least.

