I start feeling queasy at work saturday night (had to go in and test changes they made on our servers) and got home at 1:30am. Stayed up until 1pm today feeling like there was broken glass in my gut, dry heaved four times, slept off and on about 30 minutes at a time all day.
Booted again at about 8pm, and now am wide awake with guts still churning and I believe I have a fever. Ugh, this shit sucks. If the flu going around anyone else's home or work? A lot of the programmers where I work had it, and I figured I was next since I test a lot of their software changes. Thankfully I have a comp day that I'm taking tomorrow, but still... I HATE wasting vacation days on being sick.
Maybe I should take some meds and record some clips!
Booted again at about 8pm, and now am wide awake with guts still churning and I believe I have a fever. Ugh, this shit sucks. If the flu going around anyone else's home or work? A lot of the programmers where I work had it, and I figured I was next since I test a lot of their software changes. Thankfully I have a comp day that I'm taking tomorrow, but still... I HATE wasting vacation days on being sick.
Maybe I should take some meds and record some clips!
