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Damn my bass player!!

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  • Damn my bass player!!

    So we had a show Saturday night! And the stage we were playing on, only had 1 set of small steps to load shit up on the stage!! So the plan between me and the bassplayer was to get my bass players shit on the far side of the stage first, then the drums would go next, and then my amp on the end closest to the steps etc... Sounds logical right?? Well I helped my bassplayer move his shit to the other side, then we helped my drummer get his million drums up in the middle! So my bass player then went to his rig plugged his bass in and started tuning etc... I looked at him and told him what about my shit! The motherfucker then looked away, and continued to get his rig ready!! I fucking lost it after that! I couldn't ask my drummer to help since he was still putting his cymbals up etc... My singer was nowhere to be found too! So before my amp was even on stage my bass player had already micchecked his bass rig/vocals, tuned, and was ready to go, all while my amp was still sitting backstage!! Note that the owner of the venue only lets bandmembers behind stage! I then had to go all the way to the parking lot to find a member from a previous band to get help me get my amp on stage etc... So by the time I got plugged in, and michecked our 45min set got cut to 25min, and we only got to play 5 songs!!
    Last edited by sl2lover; 02-26-2007, 11:38 AM.
    I love admins!

  • #2
    Sounds like that guy needs to be checked. Surprised you didn't bust his mouth for being a punk.

    Looked away and ignored you after you asked his help? WTF? Not so much he didn't help ya, but to dis you like that? Fuck that disrespect shit... Only show going on now woulda been me beatin his ass in front of everyone...


    • #3
      I take it you and the drummer are looking for a bass player now?
      When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


      • #4
        Naw, what we got going is too good for such drastic measures! Unfortuntaly he is a wicked bassplayer and can't easily be replaced especially in my area!! But he does know what he did, and just ended up hurting himself, and the rest of the band in the end! Everyone let him have it!! I just don't hope shit like this don't happen again!!
        Last edited by sl2lover; 02-26-2007, 11:40 AM.
        I love admins!


        • #5
          Unresponsible people are always unresponsible.Just fire him.People may quit bad habits,but they don't change.
          I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


          • #6
            I could never jam and be friendly or creative again with someone who treated me in that fashion. Sad to say, he didn't think enough of you to offer assistance when you needed it and denied you when you asked, that's just totally bogus.

            He'll do it again.


            • #7
              Your bass player is a putz.... Maybe he's ready for a solo act.


              • #8
                Wow, I am not going to say fire him but I mean damn, that is really fucked up.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cleveland Metal View Post
                  I could never jam and be friendly or creative again with someone who treated me in that fashion. Sad to say, he didn't think enough of you to offer assistance when you needed it and denied you when you asked, that's just totally bogus.

                  He'll do it again.


                  • #10
                    lmao.. wasn't the acadamy awards last night? This is great band drama. I'm sorry.. I know it pissed ya off.. but what a f'n jerk.
                    Piss in his beer-just a little, and get a smaller rig.


                    • #11
                      Fire his ass, with the quickness. No amount of talent is worth that assbaggery.
                      Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


                      • #12
                        next time.., if there is a next time, I would say your stuff will always go up first. Its very disrespecful and I don't know what the band dynamics are so I shouldn't comment further. We always took responsibility for setting up of our own shit but loading gear onto the stage and PA setup was always a team thing. Usually someone if not multiple people were more than willing to offer and it sounds like something else is going on here. In some bands I've been in, members who did setups & teardowns of lights and truck loading of gear were paid a little extra for doing 'roadie duty'.
                        Last edited by charvelguy; 02-26-2007, 01:32 PM.


                        • #13
                          Yeah. Give the guy another chance to see if he really cares about his bandmates. He is trully wrapped up in himself. Maybe the verbal bitch-slapping your band gave him woke him up.
                          I am a true ass set to this board.


                          • #14
                            My EX-bass player had some serious rock star attitude. He would show up right before a gig and be the first to leave. Of course he wanted equal pay and did not do any of the un-fun stuff of being in a band. (and we have a lot of gear) Remember I said EX-bass player.
                            Just one more guitar!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sl2lover View Post
                              Naw, what we got going is too good for such drastic measures! Unfortuntaly he is a wicked bassplayer and can't easily be replaced especially in my area!! But he does know what he did, and just ended up hurting himself, and the rest of the band in the end! Everyone let him have it!! I just don't hope shit like this don't happen again!!
                              Why do you need a wicked bass player? Are you in a Rush tribute band? Jazz band? Chili Peppers covers? Otherwise, it's pound the E string. Sheesh.

                              Go get a Seinfeld DVD and play it for him and say "look bitch, we can replace you with Seinfeld samples and a $25 Alesis sequencer".
                              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                              - Newc

