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Ya know who really pisses me off?

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  • #31
    Some times we are all guilty of paying too much attention to the messenger, rather than the message.
    Below are some Bono Quotes:

    "Senators, I spend a lot of time in this country. Maybe too much for your liking. I spend a lot of time in buses. At truck stops. In town halls. In church halls. I do all this, and I'm not even running for office."

    "It's patently clear to anyone living in New York or London that whole corners of their cities were about to be taken out, whether with chemicals or dirty nuclear devices. So I'm not full of criticism for the way the Americans have behaved. I'm with them."

    "America is not just a country; it's an idea. You have to defend the idea as well as the country, and that idea is being attacked."

    "Me, I'm in love with this country called America. I'm a huge fan of America."

    "You see my country, Ireland, is a great country, but it's not an idea. America is an idea, but it's an idea that brings with it some baggage, like power brings responsibility. It's an idea that brings with it equality, but equality even though it's the highest calling, is the hardest to reach. The idea that anything is possible, that's one of the reasons why I'm a fan of America."

    "When the potatoes ran out, millions of Irish men, women and children packed their bags got on a boat and showed up right here. And we're still doing it. We're not even starving anymore, loads of potatoes. In fact if there's any Irish out there, I've breaking news from Dublin, the potato famine is over you can come home now. But why are we still showing up? Because we love the idea of America."

    "There are potentially another 10 Afghanistans in Africa, and it is cheaper by a factor of 100 to prevent the fires from happening than to put them out."

    "Imagine if a third of the kids at your local primary school were AIDS orphans. That's a reality in Africa where the parents of 13 million children have been killed by AIDS."

    "Look at what happened in Southeast Asia with the Tsunami. 150,000 lives lost to the greatest misnomer of all misnomers, "mother nature." Well, in Africa, 150,000 lives are lost every month. A tsunami every month. And it's a completely avoidable catastrophe."
    ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


    • #32
      Bono isn't from here, so he has no obligation to HERE. He should worry about Ireland. I'm sure there are folks there that need help. Before I want one dime to go to Africa (or anywhere else) I want it in my country where there are homeless and hungry people every day..but if we would feed the homeless to the hungry we could take care of that issue..hmmm. (J/K) relax.
      What pisses me off about here is MOST of them CAN work and WON'T. WTF? But, in reality, there are children and other poor folks that need help and get overlooked because no one pays any attention to them. Help your own first.


      • #33
        Corporate greed over human need.

        Off shoreing, importing means less jobs here. Welfare is a joke due to abuse. Wal-Mart forces tax payers to shell out for the medical of its employees, ask Califorina who paid Millions of dollars for health care, as if Wal-Mart couldn't. You save big there, don't you.
        ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


        • #34
          Originally posted by zeegler View Post
          I hate Bono too. What a fucking twat he is.
          I really couldn't have put it better myself. There just aren't enough hours in the day to hate the prick...


          • #35
            Welfare is a joke due to abuse.
            I have been a landlord for the last 3 years and my mother did it for 30+. I can't tell you how true this statement is IMO. I can't remember the last time we showed an apartment to someone who wasn't trying to rape the system in some way or another. Here in VT, if you are a single mother the state will help pay a portion your rent,(among many other things) but, that's only if you and the child are the only ones living there. Well, I have only seen 1 "single mother" ...9 out of 10 times they show up with thier freeloader boyfriends which they want me to pretend don't exist. It's common for them to ask me to lie to the government about who will be living there. Sorry, not happenin'.


            • #36
              I'm thinking Africa is screwed because of their misc governments... Lotsa corruption and animosity amongst nations...


              • #37
                Ok, to all you Bono haters out there. Ignoring U2's music, please explain what he has done to deserve your wrath.
                I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                - Newc


                • #38
                  As the late great Sam Kinison once said...."If you really want to help them, don't send the food or money. Send them U-hauls and luggage. Get their kids and their shit and move them to where the food is!! You live in a fucking desert!! Nothing grows there, nothing is gonna grow there...WE HAVE DESERTS IN AMERICA, WE JUST DON'T LIVE IN THEM ASSHOLE!!!!"


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                    Ok, to all you Bono haters out there. Ignoring U2's music, please explain what he has done to deserve your wrath.
                    A pompous dickhead with more money than God is not a good spokesman for the poor starving folks of the world. Many people think "Fuck that twat, he can afford to buy them all a new car each, why doesn't he stump up the readies". Then there's that whole tax-dodging affair. And the sunglasses indoors. And the schmoozing with Bush and Blair.

                    And I ignored the shit music.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                      Ok, to all you Bono haters out there. Ignoring U2's music, please explain what he has done to deserve your wrath.
                      can't stand his voice as a vocalist thats all.

                      I think its great to raise money for good causes..any help from any person or group is always appreciated but as far a boner goes ..he attracts too much attention to himself in my opinion.

                      When I donate to charitable cause I don't beat my chest and say lookee me, I'm such a fine oustanding person for being so giving...hell my own wife doesnt know how much $ or how often I donate and to what charity I donate to


                      • #41
                        Some girl I know met him through a business situation after years of adoring him, he could do no wrong in her eyes. He was a complete and utter asshole to her and everyone around him...

                        He seems like he would be....


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by paulbag View Post
                          charity begins at home...
                          Where's Billy Milano? Aren't you hungry?
                          I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                          • #43
                            I think at one time,he really tried to practice what he preached.But one he got a taste of the schmoozing and being a glory whore,it changed him into the arrogant bastard he is today.Geldof got results that you could actually see.Put your money where your mouth is,Bono,lets see your results.......................
                            Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by toejam View Post
                              Where's Billy Milano? Aren't you hungry?

                              Speak English or die!!!!


                              • #45
                                Some of the views expressed here are quite disturbing!
                                You cant even begin to compare the problems of africa to those of the USA!
                                Whoever mentioned about why people live in the deserts.. No one lives in the middle of the desert but desertification means that fertile lands are now barren and people starve. Thousands upon thousands do head for the coasts and the cities and thats how these huge shanty towns come about.
                                Bill Gates is the single biggest charitable donator in history. You cant call him miserly!
                                Cant say I like bono or geldof.
                                Unfortunately one of the main problems is that if you just send money corruption means that most of it goes astray. Also some problems cant be solved just by money, money wont receed the deserts for example, or cure aids... yet!
                                Atleast bono and geldof are more use than idiots like the last pope who wen to africa and said aids is no excuse for using condoms!!! What a fool.
                                If you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer spared your life.

