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After Pat's Birthday

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  • After Pat's Birthday

    By Kevin Tillman
    Editor’s note: Kevin Tillman joined the Army with his brother Pat in 2002, and they served together in Iraq and Afghanistan. Pat was killed in Afghanistan on April 22, 2004. Kevin, who was discharged in 2005, has written a powerful, must-read document.

    It is Pat’s birthday on November 6, and elections are the day after. It gets me thinking about a conversation I had with Pat before we joined the military. He spoke about the risks with signing the papers. How once we committed, we were at the mercy of the American leadership and the American people. How we could be thrown in a direction not of our volition. How fighting as a soldier would leave us without a voice… until we got out.

    Much has happened since we handed over our voice:

    Somehow we were sent to invade a nation because it was a direct threat to the American people, or to the world, or harbored terrorists, or was involved in the September 11 attacks, or received weapons-grade uranium from Niger, or had mobile weapons labs, or WMD, or had a need to be liberated, or we needed to establish a democracy, or stop an insurgency, or stop a civil war we created that can’t be called a civil war even though it is. Something like that.

    Somehow our elected leaders were subverting international law and humanity by setting up secret prisons around the world, secretly kidnapping people, secretly holding them indefinitely, secretly not charging them with anything, secretly torturing them.

    Somehow that overt policy of torture became the fault of a few “bad apples” in the military.

    Somehow back at home, support for the soldiers meant having a five-year-old kindergartener scribble a picture with crayons and send it overseas, or slapping stickers on cars, or lobbying Congress for an extra pad in a helmet. It’s interesting that a soldier on his third or fourth tour should care about a drawing from a five-year-old; or a faded sticker on a car as his friends die around him; or an extra pad in a helmet, as if it will protect him when an IED throws his vehicle 50 feet into the air as his body comes apart and his skin melts to the seat.

    Somehow the more soldiers that die, the more legitimate the illegal invasion becomes.

    Somehow American leadership, whose only credit is lying to its people and illegally invading a nation, has been allowed to steal the courage, virtue and honor of its soldiers on the ground.

    Somehow those afraid to fight an illegal invasion decades ago are allowed to send soldiers to die for an illegal invasion they started.

    Somehow faking character, virtue and strength is tolerated.

    Somehow profiting from tragedy and horror is tolerated.

    Somehow the death of tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of people is tolerated.

    Somehow subversion of the Bill of Rights and The Constitution is tolerated.

    Somehow suspension of Habeas Corpus is supposed to keep this country safe.

    Somehow torture is tolerated.

    Somehow lying is tolerated.

    Somehow reason is being discarded for faith, dogma, and nonsense.

    Somehow American leadership managed to create a more dangerous world.

    Somehow a narrative is more important than reality.

    Somehow America has become a country that projects everything that it is not and condemns everything that it is.

    Somehow the most reasonable, trusted and respected country in the world has become one of the most irrational, belligerent, feared, and distrusted countries in the world.

    Somehow being politically informed, diligent, and skeptical has been replaced by apathy through active ignorance.

    Somehow the same incompetent, narcissistic, virtueless, vacuous, malicious criminals are still in charge of this country.

    Somehow this is tolerated.

    Somehow nobody is accountable for this.

    In a democracy, the policy of the leaders is the policy of the people. So don’t be shocked when our grandkids bury much of this generation as traitors to the nation, to the world and to humanity. Most likely, they will come to know that “somehow” was nurtured by fear, insecurity and indifference, leaving the country vulnerable to unchecked, unchallenged parasites.

    Luckily this country is still a democracy. People still have a voice. People still can take action. It can start after Pat’s birthday.

  • #2
    link please?

    Edit :: Ignore...

    Insert annoying equipment list here....


    • #3
      Hey Strat God...some whining anti-Iraq pussies for ya...

      btw, while i disagree with your politics, i dig your playing...
      Last edited by SeventhSon; 03-13-2007, 03:57 AM.


      • #4
        Hey man, I know I'm in the minority.
        Liberals hate me, but I sleep like a baby.

        My dad was a USAF fighter pilot in the Korean Conflict so as an AF brat I heard stories about how they shot down first generation MiGs in their F-86 Sabres, and how he lost lost of friends who got shot down, tortured or killed by the enemy after they survived a crash behind enemy lines.

        Fast forward 40 years....

        For about the last 6 years my security company has been a direct contractor for DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) in NYC starting with the Rudi administration. I was in downtown Manhattan on 911 (16th st.) when the sky turned black and it snowed ashes - I've got a bottle of it on my mantle. I attended 6 funerals.

        Before that 911 attack, I really didn't give a shit about politics, but I will never be the same now.

        My view is that since US intel will probably never be clear and concise regarding who and where the enemy is, we have no choice but to move on what we have, move on gut instincts, and above all - be proactive against the bad guys before they can pull off another 911 in here in our country.

        If during that process we have innocent collateral damage - so be it.
        It's us or them - and it damn well aint gonna be us if I have anything to do with it. (spoken as an angry 50 year old).

        I don't expect anyone to side with me, I'm just sayin my thoughts.
        Strat God Music


        • #5
          Hmm.. So Saddam got hanged, Osama is still out there.. Now what?
          As an "outside party" I'd like to know what's happening, just in case WWIII breaks lose..
          "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Strat God View Post
            Hey man, I know I'm in the minority.
            Liberals hate me, but I sleep like a baby.

            My dad was a USAF fighter pilot in the Korean Conflict so as an AF brat I heard stories about how they shot down first generation MiGs in their F-86 Sabres, and how he lost lost of friends who got shot down, tortured or killed by the enemy after they survived a crash behind enemy lines.

            Fast forward 40 years....

            For about the last 6 years my security company has been a direct contractor for DHS (Dept. of Homeland Security) in NYC starting with the Rudi administration. I was in downtown Manhattan on 911 (16th st.) when the sky turned black and it snowed ashes - I've got a bottle of it on my mantle. I attended 6 funerals.

            Before that 911 attack, I really didn't give a shit about politics, but I will never be the same now.

            My view is that since US intel will probably never be clear and concise regarding who and where the enemy is, we have no choice but to move on what we have, move on gut instincts, and above all - be proactive against the bad guys before they can pull off another 911 in here in our country.

            If during that process we have innocent collateral damage - so be it.
            It's us or them - and it damn well aint gonna be us if I have anything to do with it. (spoken as an angry 50 year old).

            I don't expect anyone to side with me, I'm just sayin my thoughts.
            My Dad was in the Korean War. My brother and sister lived (and continue to live) in Manhattan and I didn't know if they were alive/dead. We are all Americans and suffered through 9/11. Some more than others obviously, but no one has a monopoly on the shock and grief we experienced that day.

            I would like nothing better than to see Al Qaida's head on a stick and I would be honored to do the head cutting.

            But what does our involvement in Iraq have to do with the goal of destroying Al Qaida? All I see is Iraq being a recruitment poster for moderate Muslim fence sitters. I'm not going to get into the politics of whether it was good intel vs. bad intel or whether it was manipulated. For the sake of argument let's just say that's water under the bridge. We are there.

            Now what?

            Can you explain to me how sacrificing any more of our brave young men/women in uniform in Iraq is contributing to our mission goal of destroying Al Qaida and protecting America from terrorism? I see this Administration papering over a bad decision by continuing to send more troops there for God knows what. As if the act of sending more troops makes the original decision a good one. I don't expect anyone to side with me either...I'm just sayin as well.

            However, I do object to pro-Iraq folks describing anti-Iraq views as anti-American, liberal, cowardly, etc. I can attach those same labels to the pro-Iraq side as well. I mean how anti-American and cowardly is it to justify continuing to use our troops as cannon fodder to avoid the political fallout of admitting it was a bad decision?


            • #7
              I just can't comprehend how people can be so cavalier with the lives of our soldiers. I know a lot of the guys on this forum that champion this war are young enough, why don't you guys sign up and fight? And you older folks (like me), are you encouraging your children to sign up and fight? Or is it only a great war when other young men and women are fighting?
              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

              - Newc


              • #8
                Originally posted by SeventhSon View Post
                But what does our involvement in Iraq have to do with the goal of destroying Al Qaida?
                Hail yesterday


                • #9
                  "This ain't no Arsenio Hall show, destroy something!"


                  • #10
                    Why is it, the anti-Iraq side always makes it sound like we're being slaughtered by the thousands?

                    Al-qaeda IS in Iraq! Even Hitlery Clinton says she wants to keep troops in Iraq, because Al-Qaeda is there!

                    Illegal Invasion??? How the heck was it illegal? There were NO laws broken. Damn near every Dem has been quoted on the record after 911 saying they would have done the same thing. I don't care what they're saying now.


                    • #11
                      Bush may be the anti-christ.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by wulfe13 View Post
                        Why is it, the anti-Iraq side always makes it sound like we're being slaughtered by the thousands?
                        That's exactly hippietim's point. Why is it that because we aren't being slaughtered by the thousands it's somehow ok to die by the hundreds. I believe the count is around 3200 KIA now. That person that is being blown to bits by an IED is someone's son/daughter. Are you willing to encourage your newborn to sign up 18 years from now if we're still there?

                        Al-qaeda IS in Iraq! Even Hitlery Clinton says she wants to keep troops in Iraq, because Al-Qaeda is there!
                        Not because they planned 9/11 with Saddam. Bush has gone on record to acknowledge this. Al Qaida is only in Iraq because we are there. And this is not the old Al Qaida. This is something that we created by being there: Iraqi Al Qaida.

                        Besides, I'll never vote for Hillary lol.

                        Illegal Invasion??? How the heck was it illegal? There were NO laws broken. Damn near every Dem has been quoted on the record after 911 saying they would have done the same thing. I don't care what they're saying now.
                        For the sake of argument, consider it water under the bridge. Let's not politicize it. We are there. Now what? What is the end game? To continue to police a civil war that we created?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SeventhSon View Post
                          For the sake of argument, consider it water under the bridge. Let's not politicize it. We are there. Now what? What is the end game? To continue to police a civil war that we created?
                          Simple. Money.

                          Why are we in Iraq but not Darfur? No money in going to Darfur.

                          I was watching a show the other night about the mercs we hire to go to Iraq (Blackwater Corp). Their executive said they could go to Darfur and control that situation easily, but no one is willing to pay for it. Everything in America now is all about the $.

