I sold a barebone laptop on ebay. Seller has 60+ feedback so he seems legit. I didn't accept paypal at the time because my bank closed so my paypal is flaoting with no bank account linked to it.
Well I said I accpeted money orders and I didn't think Western Union offered that... just transfers. He sent me a Western Union M.O.
For some reason he signed the back where I was supposed to sign???
This right away looked wrong to me... I asked the bank teller and she said she can't accept it and to get a new one.
I just e-mailed the guy and said that I'm sending his M.O. back to him. This is a mess.. all I want to do is sell this thing since I bought a newer laptop.
I also read on the back to not accept the M.O. if you can't get your money from the person that issued it to you... This looks bad too... He has the power to take the money back for no reason.
Well I said I accpeted money orders and I didn't think Western Union offered that... just transfers. He sent me a Western Union M.O.

For some reason he signed the back where I was supposed to sign???
This right away looked wrong to me... I asked the bank teller and she said she can't accept it and to get a new one.
I just e-mailed the guy and said that I'm sending his M.O. back to him. This is a mess.. all I want to do is sell this thing since I bought a newer laptop.
I also read on the back to not accept the M.O. if you can't get your money from the person that issued it to you... This looks bad too... He has the power to take the money back for no reason.