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Extreme songwriting writer's block...

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  • Extreme songwriting writer's block...

    I haven't written a song in years.

    The problem is that I can't seem to write complete songs, and certainly not ones that I'm completely satisfied with creatively or musically. I'll write a verse, or a chorus, or maybe come up with a cool instrumental part but have no lyrics to go with it, or the song doesn't develop beyond a lyrical idea/theme.

    I have bits and pieces of "songs" floating around in my head, but none of them seem to fit together to complete the entire song.

    It's like I'm stuck and the songs can't make it from my head/soul/heart/whatever into my hands or voice.

    When I do come up with something I like, I realize it's a spin-off of some favorite song of mine, or a cool riff that I subconsciously "stole" from another song, which frustrates me because I really like those artists but I don't wanna rip off their songs.

    I've gone from not listening to any outside influences for a while (a sort of musical starvation) to listening to anything and everything I can find (like a musical binge).

    If any of you can relate to my situation and can offer some advice, I'd really like to read about it here. My rockstar dream is being crushed as we speak. I don't wanna play cover songs all my life.

  • #2
    Try collaborating with other musicians. I was having tough time recently, then I hooked up with a new band, and the other guitar player is great. Just from playing with him, alot of theory stuff I'd heard of but didn't quite grasp before sunk in a bit more, and I've come up with a couple of new tunes.

    Great bands, no matter what any one member of said band might say (EVH anyone? ) might say, are what they are because of the collective contribution.

    Also, don't shy away from stuff you think you've ripped off from other bands. Chances are, it's not quite the same.


    • #3

      Im in a similar boat, but I find you need to draw some inspiration from stuff you find intruiging.

      Develop some imagery of your loves/hates, and go off from there. You dont need a theme necessarily, but a state of mind and just go off with some creative poetry or etc.

      Good Songs are fairly primitive when you think about it. intro/verse/chorus/verse/interlude/chorus/outro.

      Come up with a good riff, a few cool lyrics, and see where it takes you.

      If it's been done, or it's generic, fuckit, it's still something you can enjoy and listen to.

      Also, branch out and do something different. for example im not too into emo/gay love stuff, but I wrote a nice song about a girl whom ive had a "slight affair" with behind her lovers back. It's not metal which I love, but Ive gotten a great response from females...
      Last edited by gemini8026; 03-13-2007, 01:41 AM.

