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43,000 pounds of coke all gone

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  • #16
    Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
    This fallacious argument could be applied to every crime. There will always be more murders, robberies, rapes, you name it. Giving in is not the answer.
    Who's arguing?
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #17
      I don't trust a person who hasn't put a good schnockering on themselves-lol
      to quote Ace Frehley.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #18
        Originally posted by fett View Post
        I have and never will use coke. But this is the bust of the century. Just heard this on the news. It was in a freighter that got snagged and they didn't even try a hide the stash.
        Even on a freighter, where do you hide 43,000 pounds of coke? :ROTF: I would've been snorting the shit out of that stuff right up til they cuffed me though... in the old days, that is!

        Problem with the war on drugs is that they're trying to deal with the supply when it's the demand that's the problem. They claim to interdict 2% and I think that claim is high, pun intended. Filling prisons with druggies and freeing violent criminals to make room for them is pretty dumb too.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #19
          It's true that the demand is the real problem.


          • #20
            Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
            Who's arguing?
            I didn't mean to suggest that you were arguing, or being argumentative. I meant that the argument itself is logically flawed.


            • #21
              Wow, I didn't even think of it like that Lerxstcat, you're very right.
              But what in the world can they do about the demand? people wanna get hopped up, how can we stop 'em?
              -- The Midnighter


              • #22
                You can't stop millions of people from wanting coke or heroin. Now that they have got a taste. Wipe out the coca plantations and kill all the Afgan poppies. It's really quite simple. The amount of money we pay for fighting drugs is amazing. All down the line. Just give each grower 1 million bucks. Then they can grow food crops and Bolivia can suck on peppermint leaves and the Afgans can grow roses.
                I am a true ass set to this board.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                  Who's on the take? Who are you referring to?
                  The question is who is not on the take. Many veteran DEA agents have quit over this and the frustration with the war on drugs.

                  Everyone from local law enforcement to the top is on the take.

                  In fact the DEA took the CIA to court because the CIA authorized a huge shipment of coke into the US when the DEA has to approve all movement into the country, this coke was later distributed into the ghettos of Southern California all this is documented and on paper not BS.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Maikeru View Post
                    Wow, I didn't even think of it like that Lerxstcat, you're very right.
                    But what in the world can they do about the demand? people wanna get hopped up, how can we stop 'em?
                    There's not much anyone can do about the demand. People will do drugs until they don't like it anymore or until the drugs impede their ability to function which impedes their ability to afford them.

                    This shouldn't be fought as a criminal problem, that money should be used to rehab people when they've had enough and WANT to quit. The fact that it's against the law is part of the attraction anyway, especially to kids. What we have done for the past 70 years is not working; it's time to try something else. Since no politician wants to be seen as soft on crime, though, we'll keep letting rapists and murderers out early to make room for drug convicts instead. It's a huge waste of money, and lives.
                    Ron is the MAN!!!!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by AK47 View Post
                      The question is who is not on the take. Many veteran DEA agents have quit over this and the frustration with the war on drugs.

                      Everyone from local law enforcement to the top is on the take.

                      In fact the DEA took the CIA to court because the CIA authorized a huge shipment of coke into the US when the DEA has to approve all movement into the country, this coke was later distributed into the ghettos of Southern California all this is documented and on paper not BS.
                      EVERYONE from local law enforcement to the top is on the take?!?

                      Your statement is absolutely false.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                        EVERYONE from local law enforcement to the top is on the take?!?

                        Your statement is absolutely false.
                        I believe he meant to say that there are people from all levels in on it


                        • #27
                          True, Some are me on that one, I know a few.. big and little... The US should spend more money on other things than trying to stop drugs.. What a load.... The Doctors here hook a shitload of people everyday....Legally


                          • #28
                            I suspect it is true that there are some people in all levels of law enforcement who are "dirty" - just like in every other profession. There are also many who work their tails off and in many cases risk their lives, for low pay, to protect the rest of us - and that includes keeping drugs off the streets to the extent possible. I support them 100%.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by quiksilver View Post
                              I suspect it is true that there are some people in all levels of law enforcement who are "dirty" - just like in every other profession. There are also many who work their tails off and in many cases risk their lives, for low pay, to protect the rest of us - and that includes keeping drugs off the streets to the extent possible. I support them 100%.
                              Well, because of the huge sums of money involved in the drug trade, the temptation to "take" some of that money is probably greater than in other professions. When you consider that law enforcement is a relatively low-paid and high-risk career that enhances the temptation.

                              A big part of police risk is fighting drug gangs who for the past 30 years have built their power on sales of cocaine and heroin. Now if those things were not illegal, then what would they have built their power base upon? Whatever it would've been, it's likely that they wouldn't be as strong as they are now and probably less of a risk to our police officers. Well, maybe, maybe not. But people are screaming about Iraq after 4 years, while the war on drugs has been going on since the mid-1930s and we've been steadily losing ground. How long does it take to admit our tactics are only strengthening our internal insurgents, and NOT mitigating the problem?
                              Ron is the MAN!!!!


                              • #30
                                imagine the decrease in crime and the national debt if pot, poppy, and coca plants were legal to grow here. It would create revenues, jobs, and just maybe lower the number of killings each year. sick as the thought is, it's true.marijuana alone suppossedly would clear up more than half of the nations debt in less than a year if it were legalized with all the jobs and revenue it would create.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

