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  • #16
    If you don't mind moving, come on over to Houston. I haven't seen this kind of boom since the mid-70's. It's crazy here. All types of professions are hiring. If you don't like your boss one day, quit and go across the street.

    Also, I'd try to hit up the recruiters hard. They do the walking, you do the talking

    Don't feel ashamed! I've been there done that. You have more potential than you realize and your posting here with friends that can help and lend assistance.
    Tone is like Art: Your opinion is valid. Listen, learn, have fun, draw your own conclusions.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
      I think it's safe to say HT's middle name ain't Sherlock...

      C'mon, we've all been guilty of that ... well ... not me ... I'm just saying ...


      • #18
        Originally posted by heartfielder View Post
        C'mon, we've all been guilty of that ... well ... not me ... I'm just saying ...
        I know, i'm just bustin' on HT (he's really a good guy)...


        • #19
          Hey guys:

          I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

          - Newc


          • #20
            Originally posted by Ralph E. View Post
            I think it's safe to say HT's middle name ain't Sherlock...
            I could take a really great cheap shot right here...
            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

            - Newc


            • #21
              Isn't there community jobs where you live?
              We have that here in NS, Canada. There's this company you go to, ask for some work and they'll give you random jobs. I know it's no career, but at least it's some income...
              -- The Midnighter


              • #22
                Originally posted by MadJack View Post
                for $700 I can become a "certified bartender"

                That's the biggest scam on earth!! Bartending is an on-the job vocation. "Bartending school" is a big f'in joke - don't fall for it!! Most bars you'll spend the majority of your time pouring beers and twisting caps off. Most drinks are an easy pour. If you have the personality, you can learn most of what you need to know on the job in a matter of weeks. I learned the job at 19 in a supper club, and ended up working at 3 bars simultaneously during college. It's an okay gig, but not the healthiest living...

                If you are in the construction trades, have you considered moving to a ski town like Bozeman, MT (Big Sky area)? Construction is off it's rocker there - BIG $$$ places going up everywhere...

                And like I said in my first post (and was echoed by RacerX) take a look at temp agencies - it's kinda cool, and you might just find a good fit accidentally!
                Last edited by chrisolson; 03-23-2007, 07:46 AM.


                • #23
                  Lots of good ideas here. Temp agencies can expose you to work you never considered before but might really like, you can go back to school for something you want to do, you can consider moving to a different geographical location where you would like to live. Don't lose sight of the fact that this can be a positive thing. Believe it or not, you may well look back on this in years ahead and be glad that this happened.


                  • #24
                    Construction jobs are way down here, as well as the housing market, Best bet is look for a field of work that is going strong and BS yourself into a job if you can pull it off.
                    I say the boy ain't right!


                    • #25
                      Thanks again for the support. Nice to know there are people out there with compassion. I've got alot of irons in alot of fires and I know something will arise soon. "Fight or flight" keeps kicking in and its hard to keep a tight grip. I've been running mental circles for a month now and still dont see a solid path. I aint one to make leaps of faith but the truth is running in circles gets ya nowhere and drains yer strength. I'm applying today to set up barricades for roadwork. I have an appointment thru unemployment for skill assesment/job placement on 4/4. I'll keep y'all posted.
                      "tie two birds together and though they have four wings, they cannot fly"


                      • #26
                        I thought the unemployment rate was only like 4.6%. What a fucking joke that stat is. So a guy loses a $50,000 a year job and can only find a 25K job. He or she is employed and has taken a hit on income that will eventually hit the economy very hard. But, according to the "Stats" that person is employed. I don't even want to think about having to find a job. I trully feel for you guys.
                        I am a true ass set to this board.


                        • #27
                          actually once your unemployment benefits have run out, and you're out there with nuthin, they remove you from the list as umemployed, further slanting the figures
                          I say the boy ain't right!


                          • #28
                            How do they "Stat" people that have just given up looking? Ding. Ding, Ding!!!!! They don't.
                            I am a true ass set to this board.


                            • #29
                              I don't know how far you would be willing to relocate but the construction industry in Alberta Canada is going absolutley crazy - both industrial construction and residential construction. They can't find enough labour, especially trades.


                              • #30
                                Last edited by texasfury; 10-04-2008, 07:37 PM.
                                Just a guitar player...

