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Iran Takes 15 British Soldiers At Gunpoint

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  • Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Well hey, at least you're not a racist about the Irish! Regardless of what you "admit" history is clear and you bear the consequences for your ancestors. Think about that when you act today, as your descendants will also pay the price.
    Naaah, in common with most English people I don't like spicks, micks, wops, dagoes, chinks, wogs, pakis, coons, frogs, krauts, sheep-shaggers. Hmmm, nor cockneys scousers, jocks, geordies, brummies, etc etc. That covers most of them. Anyone I've forgotten, I apologise, please feel free to add yourself to the list.
    (There, smilie added so that everyone knows I'm not serious. Phew. You're right Lerxstcat, it's difficult to tell who's joking, rest assured my posts may be full of wry cynicism and dry humour, but I don't really rant about anyone. Much. )
    FWIW I don't mind the Irish, I don't have any Irish blood. A huge portion of the population here does have Irish in them somewhere, there is a massive Irish community here, the labourers and their descendents who rebuilt this country during the boom after the war. Ask them what they think about Irish pikeys and they will say the same as me! They come over here because the Irish attack them at home!!!

    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    You know Muslims have not existed for quite 1500 years yet, don't you? Of course you don't...
    As close as makes any difference. Let's say that old Mo was having visions from God for 23 yrs before he croaked in 632, so use that as a start point - that makes it about "1398 years". Close enough for the purposes here, it's a long time, 1398 or 1500 years.
    In the same way most people say Christianity is 2000 years old. Close enough.

    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Regardless, the Muslims attacked Europe first and have been trying to subjugate IT ever since.
    Until the Christians kicked them out of Spain, they were doing quite well too. I would imagine they would say they were "converting" the places they conquered, in much the same way as we Christians "spread the word" to all those unwashed savages in Africa. And then gave them almighty kickings if they dared to carry on with their "primitive" ways. Salvation and enlightenment at the point of a bayonet. Christian or Muslim, not much difference there, apart from the Christians grew out of doing things through force and violence. Eventually.

    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    The US does have the Monroe Doctrine which basically prohibits European powers from interfering with Western Hemisphere affairs. The US ambassador probably cited that until getting further instructions.
    Perhaps, but as we all are now clear, the British didn't attack any Latin American country, it was merely fighting troops who had invaded Sovereign British territory, pre-dating the Monroe Doctrine.

    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    Our resupplying your vessels and looking the other way WAS supportive. As fopr using Chile instead of US faciliti8es for your actual springboard, have you looked at the map? Could you have run that operation from the nearest US naval base, thousands of miles away? Blaming us over that is prety ridiculous if you know geography.
    Hang on a mo! I think we are getting confused here! My point was indeed that it was judicious for the US to be looking the other way from their own point of view, leaving Chile as the only overt helper, but in reality, Ascension Island, although British territory, hosted a US airbase, and it was the US that allowed British use of it. It's a tiny speck in the Atlantic but was essential to the Task Force, and thankfully the US co-operated. The way the British Government suddenly snuggled up to our new best pals the Chileans was, IMHO, more to do with giving the Argies a fright. They had been not been getting along with the Chileans for some time and when the crisis kicked off, Chile moved large forces to the border area. Consequently, the Argies redeployed Mirage fighters from the Falklands to that area. A diversionary tactic? Maybe, but it meant less danger of air attack to our ships, so thanks Chile. (We repaid General Pinochet not so long ago by refusing to deport him to Spain where he faced genocide charges)

    Originally posted by lerxstcat View Post
    I don't throw the word around much, but reading your post here pretty much outs you as a serious racist. How do you feel about becoming the minority in your own country, as is happening?
    Now, this last paragraph I have been wrestling with. If I have missed the joke here, I apologise in advance. Also in advance, this is not me having a go at you Lerxstcat, maybe it just highlights cultural differences between our two nations, and how much PC has pervaded our lives over here.

    The thing is, your final sentence would be viewed by many people here in the UK as a racist statement*. Alas here we have been browbeaten into believing that we British, English in particular, are racists and to criticise any immigrants or ask for the doors to be shut because "we are becoming a minority" is nothing but pure evil. According to official figures at least, immigration is tiny, so there can be no way we are becoming a minority. Walking down the street may indicate otherwise, but your eyes must be deceiving you, all those Asian gentlemen in their Islamic robes are British. To distinguish them from me and mine, white working class born and bred, is Racism - pure and simple. "They", the chattering classes, would hang you out to dry for making a statement like yours, you should know we are all one big happy family here and anyone who says otherwise is a monster, to be stoned in public.

    Who is going to be first to stick their head above the parapet and say "Hang on just one minute...." ? Not me mate, there is only one thing worse than being called a racist in public, and that's to be called a kiddie-fiddler, though it's a close thing.

    In defence of myself being called a racist, no, not at all. I do believe fervently that British interests be put above all others, and that may put others at a disadvantage, but that's life. Anyone who doesn't want their kith and kin to be on top is bloody strange. I don't hate any other races, nor think I/we are racially superior, which is the key ingredient to being a racist, so, sorry, "Not guilty"!

    * Not necessarily me.
    So I woke up,rolled over and who was lying next to me? Only Bonnie Langford!

    I nearly broke her back


    • Originally posted by Rsmacker View Post
      Sorry DD3keegs, I think you are way off.

      If we are talking about "Al Quaida", this mythical organisation run by Osama Bin Laden, sitting in his hollowed out mountain like Blofeld, the great threat threat to us all, well, squaring up to Iran is not going to help. Apart from the fact there is no such organisation as Al Quaida, it's just an umbrella term, used by the West to label any raghead group who set off a bomb "for Allah".

      Iran is a country run by fucking idiots, but A-Q don't have any presence there, in the same way no-one in Iraq had heard of them before we invaded.
      I'm sure there are state-sponsored Islamic terrorists there, but saying they are Al Quaida is just crass.
      When you hear of anti-Americanism around the world, it is caused by Americans saying A-Q this and A-Q that, it smacks of being totally ignorant of the different factions all vying to make their own version of Islam the dominant one, all it has done is conjure up this terrifying bogeyman, the evil Al Quaida. All we've given them is a standard to rally to.
      Sorry been away for few days...Al Queda isn't just my bitch. It's the rise of Isamic Jihadist extremism. Iran jumped on that wagon a long time ago.

