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  • #16
    Oxford University (UK) - Maths and Computer Science

    I dont know why I thought that would be a cool course to do....
    What am I saying, I love maths really!
    If you wake up in the morning, it's because Jack Bauer spared your life.


    • #17
      Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
      My wife has over $50k in student loan debt for a Masters Degree that at best, will command her a nice $30k per year.
      Rjohnstone, what does she do with the masters? Teacher or Social Worker perhaps?

      Insert annoying equipment list here....


      • #18
        Originally posted by nateb View Post
        Rjohnstone, what does she do with the masters? Teacher or Social Worker perhaps?

        She has her BA in Psychology and her Masters in Counseling.
        She's also a state certified Marriage and Family therapists.

        She needs to work in the public sector (state run agency) or under a fully licensed Psychologist for 5 years before she can even consider private practice.

        AZ actually requires you to have a degree and be licensed by the state to call yourself a Counselor or Therapist. (No SNL Jeopardy jokes please, we've heard them already).

        In a nutshell, it's not exactly a lucrative field to be in until you've been doing it for a while.

        Most don't survive in the field and go on to other things. My wife has pretty much given up.
        She'd rather poke herself in the eye with a hot spike than go back to working for a state run agency.
        Last edited by rjohnstone; 03-27-2007, 07:02 PM.


        • #19
          BFA- University of Victoria (Can) 1993
          MATESOL- University of Technology, Sydney, Urban Campus (Aus) 2007

          Oxford, MIT, Utrecht, Harvard??? Haven't you kids heard of sleazy women, alcohol and illegal drugs?


          • #20
            I like alcohol but was never interested in drugs. Women are nice but I've been with the same one for 1.5 years now. The thing I really enjoy is playing guitar but I'm not crazy enough to try and make a living from that.


            • #21
              I did a 6 month course at a Business College for a Cert IV in IT once. I hold it responsible for my illustrious career to date....
              Hail yesterday


              • #22
                Right now, I have to choose between the University of Connecticut and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Services. If you read previous sentence, you can probably guess for pharmacy. I'm kind of learning towards MCPHS since it's much less competitive than UConn, but would also mean selling a lot of gear and paying a shitload more tuition.
                If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


                • #23
                  Never set foot in college. Solid six figures despite. Technology.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by thetroy View Post
                    MIT - Math. Hated it didn't finish I am transferring to Boston University - still Math. I'm most likely going to law school in Fall '08 don't know where yet maybe Harvard if I want to stay in the area otherwise maybe something in New York or California
                    Boston U.
                    My school, loved Boston back in the 80s.

                    Did two more degrees, an MFA at Penn State and a PhD at SUNY!

                    Now, I'm still at a university, but they pay me to be here.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by followthereaper View Post
                      Right now, I have to choose between the University of Connecticut and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Services. If you read previous sentence, you can probably guess for pharmacy. I'm kind of learning towards MCPHS since it's much less competitive than UConn, but would also mean selling a lot of gear and paying a shitload more tuition.
                      Go to UConn. No sense specializing so early when you can just as easily specialize in the same thing at UConn, and for a cheaper price at that. $6k tuition? One year of loans will cover that.

                      Sorry, I'm always doling out unwanted advice on colleges.


                      • #26
                        Johns Hopkins University, B.A. in Psychology, 1995.

                        Worked at a psychiatric hospital for a couple of years to get clinical experience before pursuing a Psy. D., but decided that the field wasn't for me.

                        Been working at IP law firms since, thinking about taking the Patent Bar next year.
                        Until you get weaned off the boobie, you are going to have to do what the wife wants too. -Rsmacker


                        • #27
                          Marshall University, B.A., Sociology, 2001.
                          Marshall University, M.A., Sociology, 2003.
                          Penn State University, Ph.D., Rural Sociology, 2008 (expected).

                          I had a Master's degree and worked as a serivce manager at National Tire and Battery. There's very little you can do w/ a M.A. in Soc. Shouldn't be too hard to find a "good" job w/ a Ph.D., however.


                          • #28
                            B.A Business administration - Ankara-Turkey, M.A International Relations- still in Ph.D. and its killing me right now.


                            • #29
                              Arizona State University - BS Industrial Engineering
                              Washington State University - Masters in Engineering Management - Focused on the Theory Of Constraints


                              • #30
                                Purdue University.

                                Got my degree in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, so I understand your pain, MetalGrasshopper.
                                Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.

