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  • #31
    Currently in my freshman year at Carthage in WI.


    • #32
      Tallinna Ülikool - Eesti Humanitaarinstituut - Lähis-Ida ja Aasia kultuuriloo õppetool
      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


      • #33
        Millersville University, B.A. Music, B.S. Computer Science.


        • #34
          Originally posted by followthereaper View Post
          Right now, I have to choose between the University of Connecticut and Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Services. If you read previous sentence, you can probably guess for pharmacy. I'm kind of learning towards MCPHS since it's much less competitive than UConn, but would also mean selling a lot of gear and paying a shitload more tuition.
          DO NOT go to a specialized school. What happens when in two years you hate everything to do with Pharmacy and end up transferring? You just wasted boatloads of money.


          • #35
            Northwestern State University 1996- BS in Finance and Minor in Music Performance.


            • #36
              BS in Biology from William & Mary, then went to Dental school for 3 1/2 years. Loved it up until clinical rotations, then figured out I couldn't spend the rest of my life hating getting up in the morning. Thought about pharmacy, pharmacology, or going back for a Ph.D., but my mom got MS & my girlfriend & I moved to be closer to home. I ended up in the irrigation business & bought out my boss a couple years ago. I love being my own boss, the customers are happy & appreciative about 95% of the time (as opposed to about 5% for dentistry ), and the money's good. No regrets about any of my schooling. I learned a lot, had a great time, and wouldn't have met my wife if I hadn't done it the way I did.


              • #37
                Trinity College Dublin, B.A. (mathematics) 1996, Ph.D. (probability) 2000.

                Without my education, I wouldn't be bitter, sick and twisted where I am today; I'd be bitter, sick and twisted somewhere else.


                • #38
                  All you young guys. Go into the "Trades". The last time I checked, if someone's toilet is backed up it is not cost effective to ship the Crapper to India.
                  I am a true ass set to this board.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by fett View Post
                    All you young guys. Go into the "Trades". The last time I checked, if someone's toilet is backed up it is not cost effective to ship the Crapper to India.
                    You raise a good point. I joke with the other dads at Little League games (they're mostly contractors) about their jacked-up F-350s and 6000 square foot houses on the salaries they're pulling and how I should have started apprenticing straight out of high school and studying to be a general contractor.

                    The way I see it, in a couple years, the shoe will be on the other foot...and I won't have to drop 10 ibuprofin tablets each money just to get out of bed...
                    Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


                    • #40
                      Fortunately I grew up with a very hands-on dad. We do everything ourselves. If we don't already know how to do something, we just ask someone who does or spend a little extra time and money to figure it out ourselves.

                      Projects often take longer or maybe cost more than they should if we knew what we were doing to begin with, but in the end it's usually worth it to learn.

                      I figure by now I know enough that I could do most any trade with a few days of training in the beginning. If it doesn't come in handy professionally, at least it will help me out personally.

                      Also living with a bunch of "engineers" at MIT that don't know how to do ANYTHING with their hands (especially power tools, most of them are afraid of a regular drill) has shown me why some product designs are so fucked up. A lot of these kids don't have a clue how to do anything besides solve math problems
                      Last edited by thetroy; 03-29-2007, 06:14 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by danastas View Post
                        Go to UConn. No sense specializing so early when you can just as easily specialize in the same thing at UConn, and for a cheaper price at that. $6k tuition? One year of loans will cover that.

                        Sorry, I'm always doling out unwanted advice on colleges.
                        I'd really like to go, but it's just too demanding. In order to get into the professional program, I'd have to compete with every other kid going to Storrs or a branch and I can't imagine how many other kids are fighting statewide for one of the 100 available spaces. It used to be anyone with a 3.5 or higher gets in automatically, but of course they have to change that the year I enter.

                        Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
                        DO NOT go to a specialized school. What happens when in two years you hate everything to do with Pharmacy and end up transferring? You just wasted boatloads of money.
                        Well, I understand there's a 99% chance you're gonna hate your job. There are the few lucky ones though. So with that in mind, I know I'm gonna stick with it no matter how much I possibly end up hating it. And even though it's a specialized school, there are other medical fields I could study there. It's funny that you mention wasting boatloads of money because when I considered pharmacy, I thought of going for other majors as being pointless. Why the hell do people go to get a degree in something like English or psychology unless you plan on being a scholar or a shrink (which many people don't end up doing)? I picked pharmacy because it's in high demand right now, so I know I'll have a job after college and not a useless diploma that says I'm good at reading. Thanks for the input though, it has given me another factor to think about. Did that end up happening to you?
                        Last edited by followthereaper; 03-29-2007, 09:30 PM.
                        If you're flammable and have legs, you are never blocking a fire exit. Unless you are a table.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by followthereaper View Post
                          I'd really like to go, but it's just too demanding. In order to get into the professional program, I'd have to compete with every other kid going to Storrs or a branch and I can't imagine how many other kids are fighting statewide for one of the 100 available spaces. It used to be anyone with a 3.5 or higher gets in automatically, but of course they have to change that the year I enter.

                          Well, I understand there's a 99% chance you're gonna hate your job. There are the few lucky ones though. So with that in mind, I know I'm gonna stick with it no matter how much I possibly end up hating it. And even though it's a specialized school, there are other medical fields I could study there. It's funny that you mention wasting boatloads of money because when I considered pharmacy, I thought of going for other majors as being pointless. Why the hell do people go to get a degree in something like English or psychology unless you plan on being a scholar or a shrink (which many people don't end up doing)? I picked pharmacy because it's in high demand right now, so I know I'll have a job after college and not a useless diploma that says I'm good at reading. Thanks for the input though, it has given me another factor to think about. Did that end up happening to you?

                          College really is what you make of it. A lot of the skills that were formerly thought to be useless are now in demand. People who know how to read/write well, can do research (most students never learn this skill, ie how to find information), and in general develop a good critical eye, became invaluable in corporate America after the internet boom. Who do you think is writing and overseeing everything that you see on a corporate webpage or news page? We know who is doing the programming. But who is writing? Who is making the aesthetic decisions about what the page looks like, and what kinds of information should go on that page? As I say to my students, there are hardly any more useless degrees in our society these days. We've become hyper-service oriented. As long as you're willing to "serve" you can find a spot.


                          • #43
                            University of Denver/Yale/Oxford - finishing degrees in Philosophy, Political Science, and Public Policy.


                            • #44
                              University of British Columbia: International Relations, B.A.
                              University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law: LLB (equivalent of J.D. for all you Americans)

                              I just got back from taking the New York Bar Exam... hope I passed

                              Though I am already considering alternate career paths. Volunteered with a few law firms, I don't think this field is for me.


                              • #45
                                no wonder you guys play so well your all smart!!!!! Bridgewater state Aviation Science, Ran out of money no degree became a electrician Buttt Nailed 6 figures last 7 years but you work your ass off so STAY IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! Finish you will never regret it!!!!!!!!!!
                                85 Jackson 87 model1 87 model6

