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In a tough spot... need career advise...

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  • In a tough spot... need career advise...

    As the bills keep piling up, Ive been thinking about this more and more... and I honestly dont know what to do. One year ago, I was laid off from my 5+ year job at Lockheed Martin. Since then, Ive been struggling to make ends meet. There are alot of things I do... most Im great at... some I love, some I dont.

    First and foremost, Im a professional electronics assemblyman. I did it for 5 years straight, theres pretty much nothing I cant build... give me the parts, give me the schematics, and Ill build it. I can design and run an assembly line and boost the effeciencies through the roof, while almost eliminating defects. I can do electronics QA too. I love doing it, all of it. Thats great and all, but it seems like that industry is slowly dying in this country.

    Then Im great with computers... MCP certified, blah blah blah... I know my way around a network. Love doing that, but I dont have an official degree that says so... so thats out.

    Then, youve got what Im doing now... carpentry and tile work. Im really great with tile, everyone loves my work. But its hell on the body, and to be honest I really dont enjoy doing it all the time. I currently work for my stepfather.

    Then theres working on guitars... my favorite hobby. Obviously from past experience Im great with the wiring, can do setups and minor woodworking... havent gotten into finishing or fretwork because I really dont have the room for it.

    Since I got laid off, Ive been doing carpentry/tile ever since... its BARELY paying the bills. The physical demand part I dont mind. Ive got a mortgage Ive gotta worry about, my savings is all but depleted, credit card bill is rising... Only way I buy gear is to sell other gear to get the money for it now.

    I just really dont know what to do... apparently I cant get a job Im great at because I dont have a piece of paper that I spent 4 years and 100k getting which says I know how to do it. I cant start my own business because Ive got no money left to do it. Im 25, and since I got laid off, I feel like Im just spiraling down... I had a great job, great benefits... now Im on the verge of losing everything I worked so hard for and I really dont know what to do. If I got just ONE chance to prove my worth, I KNOW my performance would be MORE than satisfactory... But I dont think that chance is coming any time soon. Relocating is out of the question... too much family here, and no money to go anywhere else.

    Any advise?
    Last edited by RobRR; 03-29-2007, 06:45 PM.
    Imagine, being able to be magically whisked away to... Delaware. Hi... Im in... Delaware...

  • #2
    Hey Rob, sorry about your situation, if it's any consolation a lot of people here (me especially ) are living real close to the wire. Perhaps not what you need to hear right now, but I appreciate what you're going through.


    • #3
      Are you saying you're screwed for not having a degree because you've been being rejected by places or because you haven't tried? I'm like you in that I don't have a degree (yet) but can do any job you can throw at me. It's impossible to convey that on paper unfortunately so I'm in school.

      I rely on knowing people to get my foot in the door. Unfortunately I don't really know anyone in electronics assembly or NJ at all for that matter.

      Best thing you can do is get someone that knows their stuff to help you write/edit your resume then send it EVERYWHERE. Call up everyone who might possibly have a job you can do whether they are "hiring" or not. Most of the time you will be unsuccessful but you only need 1 job right?


      • #4
        OK, what have you been doing to FIND another job?
        you need to be combing and the papers (their classifieds on their websites) and sending out resumes left and right.

        you live in an area with plenty of jobs and opportunity so relocating should not be necessary, but it sounds like you need to spread yourself around a bit by getting a ton of resumes out, even to companies not advertising the kind of work you want. sometimes they have other openings they aren't yet advertising...

        also, don't assume that just because you don't have a college degree you won't get hired in one of the fields you mentioned. just keep applying around and you'll run into people hiring who care more about skills and work ethic than a degree (which is of dubious worth these days anyhow).

        good luck to you bro.
        the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


        • #5
          Found two in your area. The first is odd, second sounds like what you want.

          Dragtender in Philly for 19-22/hr

          MIS Tech in Dover, NJ about 100 miles from maple shade, but it's a decent sounding remote type job.
          Last edited by 442w30; 03-29-2007, 10:27 PM.
          When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


          • #6
            Start your own IT business. Setting up and maintaining networks etc for other small businesses. They don't care about yout degrees and they can't pay $175 / hr or more to the bigger consulting companies. Hardly any overhead, huge demand. If you are good and reliable you will soon have more work than you can handle and will lighting your cigars with $100 bills. Probably a good idea to start learning to admin linux systems if you haven't already.


            • #7
              Man, you guys that aren't out of work have NO CLUE.

              Unless you know someone who can get you in the door, there is no way you're going anywhere without a degree/current certification in the field you are applying for.

              And as far as Monster and Career Builder go, in 3 years the only responses i've gotten (with 18 years experience and an MBA) is for sales/scam/bullsh*t jobs.

              It is incredibly difficult out there. I don't think anyone understands unless they are in the situation themselves.

              My only advise at 40 years old (and basically screwed because of the path I chose) is to quickly pick a career path, do what you need to do as far as education/certification goes, and go. Don't waste too much time thinking about it.

              Best of luck Rob, I feel your pain.


              • #8
                Not to make light of the situation, but is male stripping out of the question? You would make a shit ton of money.. I would do it but my weiner is bent and my face is ugly...Oh well, i blame my parents.


                • #9
                  You are pretty young... quite young actually. I would get in school, whatever it took. You could be typing the same post 20 years from now if you are not careful. The key to any such argument: do not waste time, as your supply of it is finite.


                  • #10
                    If you have any decent PLC experience, you should pursue that.
                    You gotta be good at it, and if so, you can pretty much dictate your hours.
                    PLC techs are in very high demand and always will be.
                    Very good money with the added bonus of being able to dictate your hours/time.
                    Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                    "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                    I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                    Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                    • #11
                      Sounds like you would be good at wiring up stomp boxes and boutique amps - check out the 'net for kits/plans, and then source the parts yourself at Mouser Electronics. I'm not saying you'll get rich, but if you know your circuitry, who knows- you might come up with the next Tube Screamer! (just make sure you patent it first!).

                      On a more practical basis, think about night school classes at the local junior college - cheap and practical usually. Then start ditching costs. I assume at 25 that you haven't tallied many yet, but things to consider: ditching any car that you're making a payment on for a paid in full high-mileage Japanese beater, coupon clipping, selling house for renting an apartment, adjust social life for low cost alternatives, etc...

                      As for tiling/carpentry, see if you can pick up weekend work. Most guys I know in the trades in San Diego make darn close to 6 figures (if not over), but they work like dogs. As the saying goes, "The harder you work, the luckier you get"
                      Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...

