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You need to stay, NOT stiff your parents, and handle this legally. Don't ask the property manager what the HOA rules and bylaws are; get a copy and read them yourself. Then prepare a letter to the HOA demanding that it enforce the bylaws or be sued for failure.
These bylaws can be a PITA sometimes for condo owners, but they can also be to your benefit insituations like this. Also, like the other guy with the nightmare neighbors, state in your letter that if the HOA fails to act and you or your wife are harmed, that your families will sue the hell out of the HOA. As soon as they contemplate spending money on attorneys they will do something about it. An eviction is cheaper than defending a wrongful death lawsuit.
Also, asshole neighbors can be anywhere. What if you move and the next place is worse? Just keep moving? No, you can't do that. Also consider your wife's thoughts about you wanting to run from the problem. She may not say so, but I'm sure she wants to feel that her husband will stand up to protect her. Sometimes you have to do so, you can't always run away.
Get rid of the sonic bullies, or force them to control themselves. I would definitely call the police and state that after they were there for the noise call that you heard them threatening you. They can respond to things like that more so than noise calls which are a nuisance. That's called verbal assault.
Well, Im in a much better state of mind now than I was when I posted, and I agree with your points.
Sure its always possible I could get stuck next to another asshole neighbor somewhere else. And I don't really want to move, but really I don't see another option.
Its all well and good to talk about standing up and fighting an not running away, but believe me its not running out of fear its leaving out of convenience. There's absolutely no question that I would stand up and protect my wife, and the easiest way to do that in this situation is to move. I pick my battles wisely, and this condo just isnt worth fighting for to be quite honest.
I work 65+ hours a week, and my wife is a full time student with a part time job. When I call out sick I get online and work from home so I don't get behind on my work. Frankly my wife and I don't have the time in our schedules to fight this fight, and what vacation time we do have we plan to use relaxing in Vegas on our anniversary, not in court with this jackass. Bottom line is, we just don't have the resources for a long drawn out fight, and with our slow legal system it will be.
As far as the threats; unless the guy threatens me to my face or uses my name specifically there's nothing to say he wasnt talking about someone else. I did speak to the police, and they told me if the guy shows up at my door looking for a fight then call 911, otherwise take what evidence I have and sue him in court.
On a good note, I may have found a way to turn the tables on this guy. I picked up a new amp today and was taking it for a test drive. Apparently my neighbor works nights and didn't appreciate being woken up so he started banging on the wall. I just shut the door to the room and continued on playing. I know I posted earlier that I didnt want to resort to this, but, the rest of the neighbors in my building leave during the day so its a non-issue. I just never realized until today that the nuisance neighbor works nights.
I hate to stoop this this level, but maybe a taste of his own medicine is exactly what needs to happen, on the other hand, it could just get worse at night when Im trying to sleep. Maybe i'm over thinking it.....?
'04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
'94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
'77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
Nice idea, but those are about as useless as tits on a boar. I had a lady friend with a condo whose next door neighbors didn't live there fulltime, so they let the grass and weeds grow to literally three feet tall. Not only that, but there was also a clearly abandoned car in the driveway with junk in the back seat and rust all over. She was trying to sell her place at the time and, obviously, nobody wanted to buy her place with it being door next to such a dump.
After numerous complaints to the HOA, what did they do? NOTHING. That's right. She kept getting the "we can't" chorus. Even though she was paying extra every month for their (ahem) "support," they never lifted a single, solitary finger to help her.
Nice idea, but those are about as useless as tits on a boar. I had a lady friend with a condo whose next door neighbors didn't live there fulltime, so they let the grass and weeds grow to literally three feet tall. Not only that, but there was also a clearly abandoned car in the driveway with junk in the back seat and rust all over. She was trying to sell her place at the time and, obviously, nobody wanted to buy her place with it being door next to such a dump.
After numerous complaints to the HOA, what did they do? NOTHING. That's right. She kept getting the "we can't" chorus. Even though she was paying extra every month for their (ahem) "support," they never lifted a single, solitary finger to help her.
That's where you're wrong.
If the rules regarding property maintenance require proper landscaping and such and no weeds, they have to either enforce it, or have the rule removed from the HOA agreement.
She can take the association to court and either sue to have the rules enforced or demand all the fees that have been paid be fully refunded and request the association be dissolved.
If the HOA states in writing that "we can't enforce the rules", they are no longer a viable body and the HOA should be dissolved.
I've seen people lose their homes for failure to comply with HOA rules.
It's all about an HOA's desire to enforce the rules. And yes, failure to comply with HOA guidelines can, in extreme cases, get you booted from your home in a forced sale.
This story reminds me of when my wife and I got married and moved into our first apartment. It was a small apartment probably about a 600 square feet one bedroom. The front door was probably 15 steps away from our bed. We had this woman and her two daughters (fourteen and sixteen) move in next door. There front door was about 2 feet away from our front door. We were on the first floor and our doors were under a stairwell so it made a little porch like area. Well the mother was never at home. She worked during the day and then would go out almost everynight and sometimes we wouldn't see her for a couple of days. Basically the two girls had the apartment to themselves and they had people over all the time and they would hang out all night long in the porch area. Now this area was very small and I would come home from a long day at work and I would literally have to step over people to get into my front door. Heck sometimes there would be someone sitting in a chair leaning up against my door and they would act all pissed off because they had to get up so I could get in. Also, they would always have their stereo blaring with their front door open. It was miserable because our apartment was so small that I could hear every word they were saying when I was in bed and my wife and I could never enjoy watching a movie because they would be making so much noise. I tried speaking with their mother, but that just pissed the two girls off because they would get in trouble. I called security and they would show up anywhere from an hour to two hours later and it would almost always be after the party was over. So I started calling the police. They didn't show up any faster and after about 3 calls they spoke with the manager at the apartment complex and the manager called me and stated that I need to call the security number. I told him that I was going to keep calling the police because calling security apparently doesn't work. Well the final straw came one day when my wife called me at work and she was at the apartment very sick. I came home to find the oldest daughter and her boyfriend hanging out in the porch area in front of the doors. While I was taking care of my wife a couple of other kids showed up and they began having yet another party during the day. I opened my front door and the girl's boyfriend was leaning in a chair against my door and he fell inside my apartment. It didn't bother me and I helped him up and asked if they could move the party into their apartment or at least keep it down. I shut the door and went back to taking care of my wife. All of a sudden something banged against my door. I walked over and looked out the peep hole and the girl's boyfriend was kicking my door. Two other guys were laughing and trying to help the girl hold him back so he couldn't kick my door anymore. She was telling him to stop before "he calls the police" and he said "... he better not call the police or I will get my gun and shoot him and his bitch wife". Well I did call the police and the apartment manager and meet them outside. By then they had all left, but I filed a formal complaint with the apartment complex and the police. I also told the apartment manager that I would be sending a letter to their corporate office with a copy of the police report indicating that if anything happens to me or my wife that I or someone in my family will be suing them for not taking any action. Well about two weeks from that incident they were kicked out of the apartment complex. The day before they left the mother confronted me and began yelling that I was an asshole neighbor and that this could have been resolved if I just spoke to her. I said well I would have spoken to her if she was ever at home and that if she would be some type of mother to this two girls then this wouldn't have happened in the first place so don't blame me for your own mistake. The next day they were gone, but they had covered my front door with ketchup, mustard and other items from their fridge.
It's so very frustrating when people don't have any respect for others.
I would have read your post, but you would have needed to learn the proper use of a carriage return or the [enter] key. It's actually quite simple. Take a deep breath after each sentence, then hit the [enter] key once. Continue, take a breath, hit [enter] and continue.
You might has well typed "laiksdkljweoidkjsdrf" or IN ALL CAPS, because I still wouldn't have read it.
The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.
HOA's I'm used to are SERIOUS and typically above all local laws...I've been in on a couple that would put a lean on your house if you late on you HOA dues or various violations that were not corrected in whatever timeframe the deem appropriate.
I'm with Rich here...get a copy of. Find he violation(s) and then talk to the management...it is the property owners responsibility to enforece those rules...
Man, I live in a paradise compared to a lot of you guys! :ROTF:
The only thing that REALLY bugs me big-time over here is the punk 21-year-old kid 2 houses down in the '95 Civic with a huge loud "fart can". He always jams past my house with that throttle all the way down (stop sign is only 4 houses away, and my place is right between)...then slams it down again to go on the main street (where a traffic light is just a block away). Cops can do nothing!
Well, Im in a much better state of mind now than I was when I posted, and I agree with your points.
Sure its always possible I could get stuck next to another asshole neighbor somewhere else. And I don't really want to move, but really I don't see another option.
Its all well and good to talk about standing up and fighting an not running away, but believe me its not running out of fear its leaving out of convenience. There's absolutely no question that I would stand up and protect my wife, and the easiest way to do that in this situation is to move. I pick my battles wisely, and this condo just isnt worth fighting for to be quite honest.
I work 65+ hours a week, and my wife is a full time student with a part time job. When I call out sick I get online and work from home so I don't get behind on my work. Frankly my wife and I don't have the time in our schedules to fight this fight, and what vacation time we do have we plan to use relaxing in Vegas on our anniversary, not in court with this jackass. Bottom line is, we just don't have the resources for a long drawn out fight, and with our slow legal system it will be.
As far as the threats; unless the guy threatens me to my face or uses my name specifically there's nothing to say he wasnt talking about someone else. I did speak to the police, and they told me if the guy shows up at my door looking for a fight then call 911, otherwise take what evidence I have and sue him in court.
On a good note, I may have found a way to turn the tables on this guy. I picked up a new amp today and was taking it for a test drive. Apparently my neighbor works nights and didn't appreciate being woken up so he started banging on the wall. I just shut the door to the room and continued on playing. I know I posted earlier that I didnt want to resort to this, but, the rest of the neighbors in my building leave during the day so its a non-issue. I just never realized until today that the nuisance neighbor works nights.
I hate to stoop this this level, but maybe a taste of his own medicine is exactly what needs to happen, on the other hand, it could just get worse at night when Im trying to sleep. Maybe i'm over thinking it.....?
Well, good job on fighting back with your new amp! Maybe that will get the point across. Hopefully you have a cheap beater laying around that you wouldn't mind using as a club too!
I would think hard about just moving though. If you stiff both sets of parents over this, the next time you need help they're going to be less sympathetic, and they HAVE done you a pretty big favor.
As for a legal fight, it's not like you're down at the courthouse every day. You are apt to have to show up only a couple of times. You REALLY need to discuss this situation with the parents at the very least, so they are fully on board with whatever you do. If you disregard their feelings you will regret it the next time you need something from them. Piss off the in-laws and it could affect your marriage down the line too; blood IS thicker than water.
More to the point, if you file a suit to compel the HOA to live up to its own responsibilities, the HOA will have to handle the neighbor, not you. Either that or they breach the covenant and as said above, you sue to be refunded of HOA fees and be absolved in future. I think the HOA will clamp down on the asshole next door before it will relinquish fees from you and, ultimately, everyone in the HOA when the word gets out.
Hell, your in-laws are the current owners. Technically THEY are the ones who would sue, right? If they want to do it and have time, then let them take care of it.