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Thats it ... We're moving

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  • Thats it ... We're moving

    Back in October I posted here about some noisy neighbors that my wife and I were dealing with. Since then we’ve had nothing but problems with them, at lest 1 call a week to the police, and ¾ of the time their music turned down by the time the police show up, so they can’t do anything about it.

    Last night though, was the final straw for me. The music was up so loud that my front door was rattling. Two hours later the police show up and tell them to turn it down. The next thing I know these guys are threatening to beat up my wife and I for calling the cops. They didn’t say this to my face, but you can clearly hear conversations from the hallway between the condos.

    My wife and I really like the place, but Im just sick and tired of dealing with this neighbor, and now I have to worry about getting jumped, or worse what might happen to my wife when I’m not home.

    Unfortunately we can’t afford a house on our own right now, so it looks like its back to renting for us. The original agreement was that our parents were going to pitch in and get the condo as a wedding gift, (we pay the mortgage + condo fee), and then sign it over to us after two years. This way they would get the tax deduction on the interest and we’d be able to afford the payments. The problem we run into is that it’s only been a year so selling the condo is going to mean we’ll get hit with capital gains tax, and our parents refuse to sell the place. Well I’ll be damned if I’m going to live there for another year with these neighbors.

    So Im stuck between a rock and a hard place here. Do we leave and stiff our parents with the mortgage, or do I stick it out for another year in this dump? The irony is that we moved into this place because it was mostly full of quiet retirees and working professionals, and we’re leaving because of loud obnoxious neighbors.
    Last edited by UFORocks; 03-30-2007, 12:28 PM. Reason: edited title
    '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
    '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
    '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
    VOX AD30VT

  • #2
    I have new neighbors not as bad as yours but they have a bad habit of letting their car idle for minutes. It's gassing me out. After numerous complaints they seem to have stopped. But if they really haven't, I was thinking about offering them a $100 bill to knock it off. Make it worth their while to be considerate. It beats gettng beaten.
    Last edited by fett; 03-30-2007, 12:41 PM.
    I am a true ass set to this board.


    • #3
      Originally posted by fett View Post
      I have new neighbors not as bad as yours but they have a bad habit of letting their idle for minutes. It's gassing me out. After numerous complaints thay seem to have stopped. But if they really haven't, I was thinking about offering them a $100 bill to knock it off. Make it worth their while to be considerate. It beats gettng beaten.
      Im not paying this jackass to not beat me up, thats extortion. I'm no fighter, but Im not made of glass either.


      P.S. guys... please, the last thread I had got hijacked and turned into a thread about beating up neighbors... can we stay on topic this time
      '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
      '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
      '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
      VOX AD30VT


      • #4
        Have you tried to talk to the management about these people? I'm sure if the condo community is mostly retirees then other folks should be complaining as well?

        Also if and when you call the police on them again tell them about the threats they've made. They can't do anything if they don't hear the music but they can about personal threats. Keep calling them, I assume you have no raport with the people and asked them to turn it down yourself so keep calling the police. They'll eventually get tired of coming out there and do something about it
        Last edited by Shawn Lutz; 03-30-2007, 12:46 PM.


        • #5
          Do you have a HOA?
          I know most Condo communities have HOA's and there are certain clauses in some in which they can force an owner out for failure to comply with the rules.
          If you have one. read through it and see if you can find any rules regarding their behavior that could get them booted.

          Second, get a video camera and record ALL the incidents.
          The noise, the vibrating door... all of it.
          The key is to get them making threats on tape. If you can hear the comments without the aid of special equipment, it's considered an open threat against you. Which means they meant for you to hear it.
          Or were too drunk to realize it. Regardless, get it all on tape and play it for the cops the next time they show up.


          • #6
            You are paying the jackass to keep the music down. Call it what you will but you are the one that is pissed. Not them. You are the one that wants to move. Not them. Then you have your parents to deal with. I would rather bribe the pricks than go through the alternatives and consequences.
            I am a true ass set to this board.


            • #7
              Originally posted by fett View Post
              You are paying the jackass to keep the music down. Call it what you will but you are the one that is pissed. Not them. You are the one that wants to move. Not them. Then you have your parents to deal with. I would rather bribe the pricks than go through the alternatives and consequences.
              sorry, I dont agree with you! If you pay them the bribe, what makes you think they might shut up. they will be like "cool, this dude is dumb enough to pay us if we make some noise" and keep doing it. I've never heard of bribing anyone for shutting up. I had a noisy neighbour too who used to play loud at 3 am in the morning. I reported it to the security but the same problem, by the time they arrive, the guy has stopped it and I have lost my sleep for the night.

              do what rjohnstone says. get a video camera and record everything. You can go to the cops with that. hell you could sue the condo management for throwing a blind eye to your problem. With the money obtained by lawsuit, you can finally afford a nice quiet place ( a single family home I mean). This is exactly the reason why I have not yet bought a condo. Good luck my friend!!


              • #8
                Put your guitar amp up against the wall, crank it! See how those fuckers like it.
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #9
                  Well you could tell them to; "Fuck Off!!! And Die" but something tells me it's beyond that point. How about a few cases of beer? That might work.
                  I am a true ass set to this board.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by toejam View Post
                    Put your guitar amp up against the wall, crank it! See how those fuckers like it.

                    Someone with some sense,finally!

                    I think that you should vide tape the incidents,too.

                    And crankin' your amp to eleven is a pretty good solution.Do whatever they do to you.Are they bastards?So treat them like they're bastards.
                    Last edited by Norton; 03-30-2007, 01:41 PM.
                    I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by toejam View Post
                      Put your guitar amp up against the wall, crank it! See how those fuckers like it.
                      that's what I did to my previous downstairs neighbors. this guy was a stickler for "quiet time". Our apartment quiet time was between 11:00 PM - 6:00 AM. Even if I have my tv on (doesnt matter if its loud or not) until 11:05, he used to call the security. So, I used to play the heck loud on my amp until the quiet hours. He cant complain then! He eventually moved.

                      Then this guy moved in who would just not shut up even if I played my amp loud. a 30 watt amp is no match for a 500 Watt stereo I'm thinking.

                      the other option is to talk to all the neighbours around that noisy guy and ask them to sign a petition of some sort to oust the guy. that SHOULD work!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by toejam View Post
                        Put your guitar amp up against the wall, crank it! See how those fuckers like it.
                        The beauty of it is that even if your other neighbors here the amp, they'll think it's the guy next door and not you.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
                          Do you have a HOA?
                          I know most Condo communities have HOA's and there are certain clauses in some in which they can force an owner out for failure to comply with the rules.
                          If you have one. read through it and see if you can find any rules regarding their behavior that could get them booted.

                          Second, get a video camera and record ALL the incidents.
                          The noise, the vibrating door... all of it.
                          The key is to get them making threats on tape. If you can hear the comments without the aid of special equipment, it's considered an open threat against you. Which means they meant for you to hear it.
                          Or were too drunk to realize it. Regardless, get it all on tape and play it for the cops the next time they show up.
                          Yeah, actually three neighbors called the police on him last night because it was so bad. I'll have to start with the recordings. We've started to document all the dates and times and which times we've called the police. We've thought about a restraining order, and also suing them in small claims court.

                          EDIT: The Management office and HOA have told us to continue calling the police. They dont want to get involved.

                          Originally posted by toejam View Post
                          Put your guitar amp up against the wall, crank it! See how those fuckers like it.
                          I thought about the ol' amp against the wall trick, and if it wasnt for the neighbors downstairs I would have done it already. The woman just had surgery and needs her rest, as much as she can get anyway, and I dont want to contribute to her discomfort.

                          Originally posted by fett View Post
                          Well you could tell them to; "Fuck Off!!! And Die" but something tells me it's beyond that point. How about a few cases of beer? That might work.
                          They drink Natural Ice, no offence, but I wouldnt buy that with your money, let alone mine.


                          I saw them today when I got home from work, and they were staring me down hardcore from about 20 feet away. I stared right back and didnt back off until they did, I think they got the message. But messages are easily forgotten when you're drunk.


                          '04 Jackson SL1 - Flametop Cabo Blue Trans Burst
                          '94 Charvel Predator - Fire Crackle
                          '77 Ibanez LP Custom Copy - Black
                          VOX AD30VT


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by fett View Post
                            Well you could tell them to; "Fuck Off!!! And Die" but something tells me it's beyond that point.
                            That would have been my non-productive suggestion, meant for another thread, or is it this one. hmmm

                            Document it, record it, everything is ammo. They need to be removed a legal way, and it takes evidence. What about neighbors? Surely there are others who feel the same way, power in numbers.


                            • #15
                              EDIT: The Management office and HOA have told us to continue calling the police. They dont want to get involved.
                              If there are rules against such conduct in the HOA, they will be involved... voluntarily or not.
                              You could sue them for failure to enforce the HOA rules for which I know you PAY for.
                              Failure to enforce one rule technically nulls the whole document.
                              They cannot be selective about it unless the rules are written in such a manner that allows committee review and agreement on each infraction.

