So I decided to pull the intake off the truck... couldnt hurt to reseal everything, and I wanted to see weather the holes were tapped for the spider hold down for a roller cam swap...
Well this was what I found:
Im still in shock... this thing has about 80k miles on it, and runs like a friggin BEAR! Ive never seen a lifter valley THIS dirty before. Well now on to cleaning it all out and preparing for the Lt1 cam swap Im now about to do along with Lt4 springs and 1.6 full rollers!
Well this was what I found:
Im still in shock... this thing has about 80k miles on it, and runs like a friggin BEAR! Ive never seen a lifter valley THIS dirty before. Well now on to cleaning it all out and preparing for the Lt1 cam swap Im now about to do along with Lt4 springs and 1.6 full rollers!