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Fucking spiffy!! My drummer's in JAIL!!

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  • #31
    Bah, it shouldn't be too bad. I know the cops out here in NS are EXTREMELY forgiving when it comes to putting forth their recommendation for jail time. He may get 2 years tops, or he may just get 1 year house arrest. (Then again, depends how active he was, and if he was 'exporting' his crop-age)


    • #32
      I can understand the "pot should be legal" argument, but it's not right now. And if the guy's got half a mil worth of stuff, of course they're going to arrest his ass.
      Dreaded Silence - Boston Melancholic Metal


      • #33
        Originally posted by zeegler View Post
        Approx. half a million worth.
        dude, lets just say hes lucky hes in canada. Here, esp. with any criminal record, that much weed, hed probably be looking at life, with the draconian drug laws we got here. Ill bet he can get less than a year up there.
        Its a complete catastrophe. But Im a professional, I can rise above it. LOL


        • #34
          A friend of mine got busted with the same thing (something like 1000 - 1500 plants) and he got 6 months house arrest after 1.5 years in the court system. He had a record already that included more drug charges. So i doubt your drummer will be doing time anytime soon.


          • #35
            Originally posted by zeegler View Post
            Well, he's a farmer of sorts. I don't think I need to elaborate. We have no idea at this point whether he's looking at time, house arrest, or probation. Either way, it's bullshit.
            aaah, say no more. So he's been slipping it to the livestock, eh? Bloody sheep shaggers...
            Hail yesterday


            • #36
              Originally posted by rjohnstone View Post
              So how big was his "farm"?
              ... or a frikkin corn field?
              Some guys here got busted for that a few years back. They just loaded one row of the planter with dope and the rest with corn and went at it. After 4-5 years of them carrying around big canvas sacks full of cash the police finally took note.
              Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


              • #37
                is the 1/2 mill teh dollar amount the police say or what your drummer says ? Police always WAY over estimate the street value of weed .

                while I certainly see no big deal for pot smokers and users to grow and possess small quanities, farming for profit is asking for trouble imho...risks far outweigh the reward for me.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Shawn Lutz View Post
                  is the 1/2 mill teh dollar amount the police say or what your drummer says ? Police always WAY over estimate the street value of weed .

                  while I certainly see no big deal for pot smokers and users to grow and possess small quanities, farming for profit is asking for trouble imho...risks far outweigh the reward for me.

                  Ah, I knew someone would ask eventually, and you are correct. The police estimated half a mill. In truth, sold in bulk, it was probably closer to a fifth of that. Fortunately he wasn't doing any distribution. He was just the technical part of the operation. We still haven't heard anything, and he hasn't been released yet.
                  Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by zeegler View Post
                    Ah, I knew someone would ask eventually, and you are correct. The police estimated half a mill. In truth, sold in bulk, it was probably closer to a fifth of that. Fortunately he wasn't doing any distribution. He was just the technical part of the operation. We still haven't heard anything, and he hasn't been released yet.
                    Yup, probably house arrest then. Maybe he'll get even better at drumming!


                    • #40
                      Beats growing wheat all to hell.
                      I am a true ass set to this board.


                      • #41
                        Can't he plead "personal use for medical reasons" or something, feh, half a mill - barely a lungful.......
                        Almost as rock'n'roll as it gets........unless he explodes in a freak gardening accident as well.
                        Wal - Good from far, but far from good


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Guitarnut View Post
                          Can't he plead "personal use for medical reasons" or something, feh, half a mill - barely a lungful.......
                          Almost as rock'n'roll as it gets........unless he explodes in a freak gardening accident as well.

                          Oh ,it would be like "I'm using this nuclear facility and warhead storage for my personal needs" or somethin' like that
                          I wish my hair-color was EDS :/


                          • #43
                            kinda funny that growing weed is illeagal, it's a fantastic rope material and it's been used for it for ages.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by zeegler View Post
                              Like I said, the whole thing is bullshit. There's much more important things the cops should be doing than wasting tax payer's money going after someone cultivating a fucking plant for christs sake.

                              I'm about ready to do something very fucking unreasonable.
                              Do what you have to do but your drummer gets no sympathy from me. I don't agree with current drug laws in the US (not sure what yours are exactly) but the law is what it is. He knew he was breaking the law. He did it in a pretty big way too, we're not talking about a closet full for himself and a few friends.
                              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                              - Newc


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                                Do what you have to do but your drummer gets no sympathy from me. I don't agree with current drug laws in the US (not sure what yours are exactly) but the law is what it is. He knew he was breaking the law. He did it in a pretty big way too, we're not talking about a closet full for himself and a few friends.
                                You're right Tim, and to be honest, I'm pretty pissed off at him myself.
                                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


