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McDonalds can lick my sack.

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  • #31
    Originally posted by slayer32390 View Post
    If you want greasy heart stopping burgers, go to Mcdonalds. Simple as that.
    If you got a greasy burger at McD's, it's been doused with Afro-Sheen :ROTF:

    Seriously, McD's doesn't know what cooking oil is, or how to make a greasy burger, thanks to all the lard-azzez who sued them for making them fat, lazy, and stupid.

    I prefer a BK Stacker - Triple or Quad - no room for the filler like wilted lettuce and mushy tomato.

    But then Wendy's is great too.

    Too bad there's not enough smart people working in fast food, but then again, is it really a surprise?
    I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

    The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

    My Blog:


    • #32
      Originally posted by El_Kabong View Post
      Spi-vo-ni-ous works at Mac-Do-nald's,
      Spi-vo-ni-ous works at Mac-Do-nald's,
      Spi-vo-ni-ous works at Mac-Do-nald's,
      Spi-vo-ni-ous works at Mac-Do-nald's.

      No, but I used to work at Burger King during high school. I'm just trying to stand up for the little guy


      • #33
        Originally posted by Spivonious View Post
        No, but I used to work at Burger King during high school. I'm just trying to stand up for the little guy
        The little guy is the guy in his car at 6AM trying to get to work, who you are telling him he has to come inside to redeem his coupon. Now that is fucked up, you want to know why?

        It's an attempt to NOT redeem coupons at all - to welch on the deal you make when you put them on drink cups or wherever. Your manager figures most people will say "Fuck it, I'll pay for the coffee" and you make that money.

        There is NO VALID reason to deny coupon redemption through the drive through. It can ONLY be for some bullshit reason like the one I outlined above. So that makes the coupon deceptive advertising if they won't redeem it.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #34
          Who eats at those shit places anyway? It all smells like crap, tastes like crap and looks hella tasty. I'd rather suck the fumes off an exhaust pipe(probably healthier too)


          • #35
            Originally posted by Thoraby View Post
            Who eats at those shit places anyway? It all smells like crap, tastes like crap and looks hella tasty. I'd rather suck the fumes off an exhaust pipe(probably healthier too)
            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


            • #36
              My main complaint with McD is the prices.. 2.70 EURO for ONE lousy BigMac is INSANE!
              "I hate these filthy neutrals! With enemies, you know where they stand. But with neutrals... who knows? It sickens me!"


              • #37
                I know for a fact that at least here in Canada, fast food restaurants are cleaner than most fancy expensive restaurants. I have worked in plenty of ritzy restaurant kitchens when I was younger, and let me tell you, they are pretty fucking gross. One place I worked at, it was common place to pick food up off the floor and serve it. Not to mention rats, bugs, and just plain filth. I also worked at McDs for a year when I was 15. That place was ludicrously clean. When we weren't cooking, we cleaned ALL THE TIME. We also had frequent inspections. I don't remember having a single inspection ever at any of the "high class" joints. Just some food for thought.
                Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!


