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I am now PC

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Tashtego View Post
    In a word, yes. More elaborately: Nixon broke the law and the Post was there to take him down like a starving dog on a raw steak because he was a Republican.

    You have not studied the history in enough depth then. All 3 episodes have a wealth of examples of political motivated manipulation of the news offered to the public.
    Nothing that I read at the time of Watergate showed that Woodard and Burnstein took down Nixon because he was a Republican. The would have took a Democrat down as well. I could see that arguement more if you were saying they were personally motivated, because they were. But political? Maybe now they say that, but then they didn't. And I take people for their word. Most of the time...

    I will conciede that the war was filled with some propaganda but not all of it was. Do you think the reporting on the Mei-Lai (or however you spell it) Massacre was a propaganda piece? If it wasn't for reporters and photographers, we might have never known about that. And there are many stories like that...
    I'm angry because you're stupid


    • #47
      Originally posted by hippietim View Post
      One of the best scenes in a movie ever was when in Mars Attacks when the old lady starts laughing as she's saying "they killed Congress".
      I want the people to know that they still have two out of three branches of the government working for them, and that ain't bad


      • #48
        Originally posted by sandbag View Post
        man in this day and age it seems people are starting to lose sense of humor and get offended by the stupidest things, just to make a ruckus or get attention and get their lawyer to sue someones ass off
        you are implying that most people had a sense of humor to begin with?:ROTF: ...d.m.


        • #49
          I find this thread offensive. You guys will be hearing from my lawyers.


          • #50
            I haven't lost my sense of humor.:ROTF: :ROTF: :ROTF: I guess, I just have to a little more careful. No, I don't and if they don't like it they can hire a Swedish lawyer.:ROTF:
            I am a true ass set to this board.

