Originally posted by OnlineStageGear
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Water levels are already rising.
You're assuming the glass is the equivalent of the earth as a container. When a chunk of ice falls into the ocean, only the H20 melts. The rest of it falls into the ocean. I'd literally have to drop ice cubes into an ALREADY full glass to reproudce the experiment. Look at the earth. It's round. It's not a glass. That means I'm dropping MORE water onto water. The result will always be MORE water. Think about. The ice shelves rest on continents, not IN the water, as they would in a glass of water. I don't care what anyone says, if I ADD an ice cube into a glass of water, I'll have MORE water.
You're telling me the currents won't be affected? The hwole reason that the gulf flows the ways it does right now is because of the interplay of warm water with cold water. You've got some tropical waters flowing to the West of Scotland right now, an anomaly that's produced by the currents and the interplay of water temperature.
I have no problem accepting that weather patterns change. The point is, the changes happening now have never before happened in RECORDED HUMAN HISTORY. It's just wrong to state nothing is happening when something is very clearly happening RIGHT NOW.