Originally posted by marcus
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Brady Campaign to Reduce Gun Violence (formerly Handgun Control Incorporated)
Million Mom March
Violence Policy Center
Democratic National Committee lol
umm... now I gotta think.... There are a number of others, including 'fake' hunting groups, but I can't think of them off the top of my head....
And do you know, there is no 'large membership' group of anti-gunners? Million Mom March is hundreds of thousands...
Also, did you know:
The most vocal anti-gunners compromise of a small group of individuals backed by multi-national corporate sponsors and from billionaires like Soros?
Most of the pro-gun lobby is funded by private individuals in the USA?
That when Handgun Control, Inc was asked for records to prove 1,000,000 members like they advertised, they declined? NRA was willing to prove it had 3,000,000+ unique individual members...