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For all you Cradle of Filth fans.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Lord Of Repulsion View Post
    argh cradle of filth are terrible...i personally cannot stand dani filths voice...They have been mistaken for black metal, where as they fall no way near the category and caliber of bands like Mayhem, Burzum, Emperor, Immortal, Enslaved, Bathory, Darkthrone etc...

    well i guess i just get pissed of at the constant comparison of Cradle of Filth to tr00 black metal, so ive just kind of gotten fed up with them...

    +1. I'm so sick of it....when someone asks me what type of music I listen to and I say "Black metal", they go like: "So you listen to COF and Dimmu Borgir and that kinda stuff".
    Arghhh....that's not black metal!

    Old Dimmu (their demos and original Stormblast album) were cool melodic black metal. They're not that anymore.

    Great black metal bands are: Satyricon, Gorgoroth, Darkthrone, Burzum, Taake, Behexen, Satanic Warmaster, Horna, Immortal, Graveland, Judas Iscariot, Ragnarok, Sargeist, Vargsang, Dark Funeral, Nargaroth etc..


    • #17
      Dusk And Her Embrace and some of the never stuff like Damnation And A Day... and the classic The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh...
      But, they are NOT black metal...
      They are more some symphonic kind of music...

      Nazgul has written down some of the best black metal bands in my opinion...
      Darkthrone are my fav
      Cold Hollow Machinery


      • #18
        I still consider Dimmu Borgir black metal...however they have loved gaining publicity by being NORWEGIEN. Their old stuff is more tr00 black metal though. Satyricon also have swayed alot towards commericialism, nevertheless they are a very good band.



        • #19
          A wrote a little something here last night and was thinking about it.
          Then this morning, on my way to work, one the XM stations was playing Venom "Black Metal" and could not help but smile.

          I remember my mother yelling at me when I bought my first Venom album, over 20 years ago!! She was screming something to the effect "you are becoming a devil worshiper, etc. etc." Then Ostrogoth came along....

          I grew out of it and now Venom, to me, sounds like Air Supply or Christopher Cross compared to some of the bands I hear daily on XM, etc.
          I can give you that written lyrics might be well put together and "some" of the riffage could be cool.
          I guess my point is what good are they if you CAN'T understand what they fuck they are singing and sometimes can't hear the riffs because the bass drums are hitting so often it makes the vibration in my bucket seat tingle my prostate.

          I hate to sound like my mother, but I am to some point out of phase with their music. I have one song from COF on regular circulation and that is "The phoetus of a new day" and that would be it. It is just hard to follow what the hell they are singing about.
          Mr. Patience.... ask for a free consultation.


          • #20
            My pud is "true" black metal..I put corpepaint on it, it's covered in nails and spits blaphemous venom all over the place..

            Seriously..there is nothing more evil or satanic than my balls..

            with that said..COF kicks ass IMO!!

            I personally like "Midian", "Dusk and her embrace", "Cruelty and the beast", "Bitter suites to succubi"..but I like' em all really.

            They always put on a good show..I guess the last tour was kinda singer who loves them was a bit disappointed this time around.

            I liked them best when John (guitar) and Nick (drums) were in the band.
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #21
              I guess Marduk & Mayhem are the only bands IMO that have not "strayed" from their roots. All their albums kick serious ass!


              • #22
                As much as I respect Mayhem for being the epitome of black metal... fuck I can't get into them live. Emperor, WinDir, and the like are all amazing on both fronts, but...

                Speaking of black metal, locally we have a killer black / thrash scene. It's what almost EVERY single band plays, haha.


                • #23
                  True. It had been ages since I listened to Marduk or Mayhem. I just popped in Opus Nocturne when this thread started. Still kicks ass. Emperor and Dimmu are on my ipod and I listen to them all the time. Did I mention, I am going to see Dimmy on May 13 in san francisco?


                  • #24
                    Haha, ass.

                    You should check out this band... true black metal for sure... only about 10 people know of them, haha.

                    Here's a link to the their only online MP3... I'm still trying to convince them to rerecord their demo and release it.

                    Nexum - Sacrificial Horror
           has been shut down on the 31st of August 2023. Find out what that means for your site and how to move it to another provider.


                    • #25
                      hey man, that mp3 does not play cause its only 60 KB in size.


                      • #26
                        Haha, hilarious. I personally haven't looked at it in ages, it's one of my ex-bandmates old bands. Really REALLY good black metal, 'cept they all would of rather gotten stoned then to release their demo, and put up a decent website.

                        Anyway... any Naglfar fans here? :P


                        • #27
                          yup! Love Naglfar ! Vittra is my fav album of theirs. But I like only a few songs from Diabolical. How's their Harvest album?


                          • #28
                            I've only heard a handful of songs from it... they recently came though the maritimes, but I had to work that weekend :/ My buddies band opened for them though, I heard it was a wicked show.

                            Listen to Dragonlord at all? I originally picked it up for Steve Smyth and Steve DiGiorgio, but damn, I was rather impressed with both releases. Although, they're not exactly 'true', haha.

