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Question for San Diego members

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  • #31
    I had a lot better time at seaworld than Disney. Disney had a bunch of stuff under construction or shut down. Plus the lines were really rather long. Getting on the buses was no treat either.. cattle call anyone?


    • #32
      Originally posted by fett View Post
      You mean the seals fucked up our water or the other way around?
      I use the toilet for that...usually...

      What's happened is a bunch of PETA looney toons have decended down there and caused problems for anyone looking to so much as step on the beach (the rope was removed, as it impeded public access, as per a court ruling). The problem is the colony was able to acheive critical mass and take the whole beach over now. Which leads to a bunch of unthreatened, lazy fat seals crapping everywhere. Which leads to them taking over beaches next to them (they're trying to move up to Shell Beach, and will have La Jolla Cove soon).

      The large problem is they are particularly tasty to sharks. Add 2 and 2 to see how quickly the visitors stop showing up once a surfer or swimmer gets nabbed...
      Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


      • #33
        Originally posted by missionguitars1 View Post
        I use the toilet for that...usually...

        What's happened is a bunch of PETA looney toons have decended down there and caused problems for anyone looking to so much as step on the beach (the rope was removed, as it impeded public access, as per a court ruling). The problem is the colony was able to acheive critical mass and take the whole beach over now. Which leads to a bunch of unthreatened, lazy fat seals crapping everywhere. Which leads to them taking over beaches next to them (they're trying to move up to Shell Beach, and will have La Jolla Cove soon).

        The large problem is they are particularly tasty to sharks. Add 2 and 2 to see how quickly the visitors stop showing up once a surfer or swimmer gets nabbed...
        Never read about shark attacks while I was in SD... Has there been some in the last few years?


        • #34
          I went to California for two months when i left school, i stayed with a family who lived in Escondido...I was able to see all those beautiful places you mention, La Jolla, Disneyland, Balboa Park, Hollywood, most of the beaches....
          ...because i am an artist i have been to the comic conventions in SD.
          weatherwise it was too hot for me, but then coming from England anywhere is going to be hot so i thawed out!

          I have felt relatively safe in the US and come back in one piece despite hearing real life shooting stories....

          overall America is one fascinating place to visit, a vast country.


          • #35
            I'm with fett on this, We went to Disnyland when I was 8 and disnywold when I was 16, DL at 8 ears old is god like
            I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


            • #36
              Originally posted by iced_earth View Post
              Never read about shark attacks while I was in SD... Has there been some in the last few years?
              Not yet, but it's just a matter of time. It's somewhat of a political powderkeg, believe it or not....
              Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...


              • #37
                there's been a few at Scripps from what I've heard, no deaths, but some bites and chomped boards, nothing to sneeze at if you ask me.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #38
                  Yeah, blues hang out around Scripps pier, but bites are sporadic and kind of come with the terretory - it's a fair amount north of the Children's Pool and the mass of humanity at La Jolla Shore beach keeps it in check. In general, blue sharks won't attack much that is larger than them, and their mouths are fairly small, but it's still a bit of a wake up call when an attack happens. I'm more concerned with the Great White issue as there is a large, deep trench just off shore in La Jolla that they are known to patrol...
                  Crime doesn't pay. Neither does lutherie...

