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Trial update a/k/a sometimes the legal system sucks

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  • Trial update a/k/a sometimes the legal system sucks

    So, there was a status hearing yesterday to see if the "accused" rapist's new attorney's were ready to proceed - the new attorneys that he has had for a little over a month. Turns out they want to withdraw from the case too - for "financial concerns". The link:

    So now we wait until May 24 for the judge to decide if they can withdraw. If they can, then we wait for him to find another new attorney, for that attorney to get up to date. Then we can maybe set a trial date.

    The one positive - he's still sitting in solitary and will as long as this all drags out because he can't come up with $100,000 cash.

  • #2
    Man this has been going on a long time.
    I'm glad he's still behind bars and can't come up with the bond.
    It saddens me you haven't gotten closure yet.
    Someday it will be over.
    Good luck.
    Thanks for keeping us up to date.


    • #3
      Sounds to me that not many defense lawyers want to touch this guy. He just might be "Way too guilty" to defend.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        Well, look at it this way. He's still sitting in jail, his attorneys are withdrawing one after another, and now it sounds like he's broke, too. I'd say things are not going well for him.


        • #5
          Yeah, this has been going for quite some time. My attack was April 3 of 2004. They finally arrested him July of 2006. He's been sitting in solitary since then. From what has been stated by his attorneys, there is a stack of document 3 feet high in relation to this case.

          It's kind of irksome that they would even consider having the taxpayers foot part of the bill for him to get private attorneys. I totally understand the need for representation, but that seems to be an excessive request. But if it gets it over with, then go for it.

          I appreciate you guys letting me vent around here! Nice to have the support!


          • #6
            Wow, can't believe it's still going on. At least he's still locked up. Hope all goes well for you.
            I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


            • #7
              At least he is in solitary every day. Hopefully, it breaks him and he pleads guilty.


              • #8
                It is nice to know that he is sitting in jail...I am sure that isn't much fun. He will get his in the end either way.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Stinkbug View Post
                  It is nice to know that he is sitting in jail...I am sure that isn't much fun. He will get his in the end either way.

                  I bet those 4 walls are closing in. fuck that scumbag.
                  the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


                  • #10
                    As much as I can appreciate folks personal problems, this isn't really the best place for you to be venting all this is it?
                    I have things going on in my day to day life that are just (or very nearly) as devastating as yours, but I honestly don't understand your need to post this info on a public forum, especially a guitar based forum. If I were you, I'd keep this whole ordeal on more of a personal and private basis, and deal with it accordingly.
                    I sincerely hope everything works out for you, but quite seriously I'm not sure this forum is the place for you to lay out your life problems for the world to see. I do wish you the best though.
                    My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                    • #11
                      I honestly don't think she is laying out her problems. I think she is taking control of her life and making these things public so that if others can see these things happen it can be learned from and possibly prevented in the future. If it helps anyone who has gone through it then that is a plus. It' also a method of support for herself to take back here life.

                      She didn't just come here out of the blue and start posting this stuff, her and her husband were members of this forum long before this subject ever came out here. This forum (IE Non Char/Jac Talk) can be used to argue politics,religion, sexual inunnuendos, jokes and yet something like this doesn't belong here? It simply doesn't make sense...

                      Not picking on ya Mark, I just fail to see how she is doing anything wrong. She has my support for sure..

                      On a side note... I love your sig file, my co-worker and I laughed when I saw that one ..
                      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mm2002 View Post
                        As much as I can appreciate folks personal problems, this isn't really the best place for you to be venting all this is it?
                        I have things going on in my day to day life that are just (or very nearly) as devastating as yours, but I honestly don't understand your need to post this info on a public forum, especially a guitar based forum. If I were you, I'd keep this whole ordeal on more of a personal and private basis, and deal with it accordingly.
                        I sincerely hope everything works out for you, but quite seriously I'm not sure this forum is the place for you to lay out your life problems for the world to see. I do wish you the best though.

                        It might be different if this was the first time I had brought this up here. But it's been a topic before. This case actually has hit national news - it was on CNN for crying out loud. A number of people here have asked for updates - posting in the non-jc related forum is truly the easiest way to do that. People come here and discuss deaths in their family, health problems and more - yet I don't see you telling them this isn't the place to discuss personal problems.

                        And why keep it private and personal? Women and men are getting raped everyday and people want to cover it up and not talk about it. Having people bring the topic out in the open is the first step to helping those that have been raped and are dealing with it on their own - afraid to raise the topic with anyone around them. There should be no shame in being a rape survivor but there are so many people saying keep it to yourself don't talk about it in public many of these survivors do feel ashamed. People refuse to talk about it, maybe because it's dealing with sex, I don't know.

                        I refuse to keep it to myself. The country needs to discuss these kinds of things. We need to be aware of the turmoil that's around us. The first step to ending the stigma is to bring it out in the open. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men have been sexually assaulted in their lives. Most never speak up because society has decided that this crime is to personal to discuss. We talk about murder, muggings, theft - but not sex crimes. If my standing up and talking about it helps one person open up - then it's worth it. It's truly been amazing how many people have come to me since all this started, how many thanks I've gotten from people who had been raped and were scared and ashamed to tell anyone.

                        I was the victim of a violent crime. Why shouldn't I talk about it like anyone else that has been a victim of a violent crime? We don't tell people whose home have been broken into to keep it to themselves. We don't tell people that have been held up on the street at knife or gun point to keep it to themselves. Why tell a rape victim to keep it to themselves?


                        • #13
                          You guys are right I suppose. Those are definitely some good points. I guess we all have different ways of viewing things, and in my case, I pretty much keep my private life off of internet forums.
                          Besides that, I'm so ugly that nobody would want to rape me in the first place!
                          My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


                          • #14
                            Atleast he is still sitting in Jail for now.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by mm2002 View Post
                              You guys are right I suppose. Those are definitely some good points. I guess we all have different ways of viewing things, and in my case, I pretty much keep my private life off of internet forums.
                              Besides that, I'm so ugly that nobody would want to rape me in the first place!
                              A few points...
                              1) There are plenty more details to her situation that she has told only those who are very close to her. As one of those people, I can tell you that her ordeal is much more intense and horrifying than ANYTHING you have been through in your life. She has not said anything here that has not been brought out in the public record.

                              2) There is a level of privacy on this issue, however as part of her neverending recovery she's conveying a message. The stigma of rape and sexual assault prevents many people, men and women alike, from reporting it. She is trying to lead by example. Her bravery will hopefully show someone who happens to be reading in this guitar forum that they do NOT have to be a victim all of their life.

                              3) This section of this forum has been used for everything from complaints about the forum, people talking about restoring old cars, rantings from minds that nobody understands, weight loss, sickness/health, girlfriend/wife problems, and more. I'm sure you understand this point.
                              I know I don't post here much any more, but to see somone try and discourage my wife from discussing this issue in a forum that has already welcomed her, and asked her for updates, truly chaps my hide. Needless to say, there is nothing I wouldn't do for her. If discussing this topic on this forum helps her, then I will do anything that I possibly can to ensure that she can do so.
                              Occupy JCF

