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band crap - need advice

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  • band crap - need advice

    Ok, I'm playing in a cover band doing hard rock, a few metal and even some satriani/vai/eric johnson covers. It's pretty much a dream gig for a guitar player. Been in this band for 3 years or so.
    Drummer started a band with high school buddies after we'd been together a year or so, said it was just for fun and not serious. Well... they lost their bass player, so our bass player started playing with them. They started getting more gigs. The other band is more classic rock, and they do more dance oriented stuff too, and even some country.
    I just found out our keyboard player is auditioning for this other band, so everyone in the band but me is likely going to be playing in another group.
    What would you guys do? I think I'm going to start looking for something else and whoever can keep me busier gig-wise is who I stay with. Just pisses me off that I can dedicate myself to one band but they can't. Anyone else have something like this happen?

  • #2
    are those guys intending to continue with both bands or just that other one?

    personally I can't do two bands at once. gigging cover bands take enough work and time to do it right, that one band is enough for me.

    but yeah it sucks to have people bailing on you.
    the guitar players look damaged - they've been outcasts all their lives


    • #3
      I have never played in a band and I admire you that have. But, it sounds like you have to go with the flow. Artistically, that sucks. But, if you want to get the gigs, you have to compromise. And, that really sucks.
      I am a true ass set to this board.


      • #4
        They are going to do both bands, I left a message for our drummer/vocalist that I'm going to look for another band to play in also. I don't think it's fair for me to devote my time and energies to one band while everyone else divides theirs. *shrugs* we'll see how it goes.



        • #5
          I don't know shit about being in a band. Band members have always split off to do other types of music. (Hot Tuna and a lot more). They did it for artistic reasons. Are your guys doing it because "That's were it's at?"
          I am a true ass set to this board.


          • #6
            Pete, if I was you, I'd look for something else too. My personal belief is anybody only really has "quality" time for one band. I told our singer not too long ago if he was going to start another project, we'd replace him. I know it works for some people..but no one I personally know.


            • #7
              Talked to the drummer, we're going to change our band's direction a bit to make it more gig friendly (some dance oriented stuff, which I'm going to 'rock up' a bit - think Extreme II type guitar parts) and he said that if we did that then we could gig more, and that the band I was in was the main focus band. We'll see how it goes, amazing how well things work out when you talk to people in your band.



              • #8
                Let me ask you this Pete, how often does 'your' band play?
                Does the other band these guys are in have more gigs or gigable potential?

                How often does 'your' band rehearse?

                How often to 'they' rehearse?

                Doesn't really matter I guess on the whole.. it seems they've put you in a spot and left you out.
                They made your choice and it seems you've already replied in kind.

                ahh, I see you replied again. Looks like ya worked it out.

                Its not easy dividing yourself between two or three bands,..especially if you work and have a family.
                Usually the most gigging one that has the most pay and fun is the one that wins out in the long run.
                Last edited by charvelguy; 05-05-2007, 03:50 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by fett View Post
                  I have never played in a band and I admire you that have. But, it sounds like you have to go with the flow. Artistically, that sucks. But, if you want to get the gigs, you have to compromise. And, that really sucks.
                  But it seemed to work. I'm a fucking Dr. Fill.
                  I am a true ass set to this board.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                    Talked to the drummer, we're going to change our band's direction a bit to make it more gig friendly
                    That was the first thought I had, when reading your original post. They want something that's going to play a little more popular on the club circuit, and get more gigs from it. Sounds reasonable, and it's cool to compromise to keep everyone reasonably happy. Glad that seems to have worked around for you.

                    Be wary of going too far, though. Been there myself. That's when you have little input for your own artistic preferences, and the other bandmates want most songs to be semi-to-ultra cheesy s**t just for the sake of getting gigs. That's when I bailed.


                    • #11
                      My philosophy is simple when it comes to playing out. If you are playing in local bars you are there to sell drinks. You are there to entertain. So you will do much better playing music that people recognize and can shake their booty too. Being self indulgent will not keep you as busy as being crowd friendly.

                      I know this will sounds strange but I don't mind playing songs that are mind numbingly simple/stupid or songs that I really don't care for as long as the band as a whole sounds good. My last group played a few songs that would cause me to change the radio station instantly if they came on but we played them well so I enjoyed playing them.

                      The new band is following a similar direction I suppose but with a bit more balls this time. We're still playing pretty accessible music.

                      Of course I say this all this after we were playing Xanadu by Rush last night
                      I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                      - Newc


                      • #12
                        Rollercoaster.. of love..what?...

                        Some disco tunes are actually a gas to play. They're great to shred to as well.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Twisteramps View Post
                          Just pisses me off that I can dedicate myself to one band but they can't.
                          Things in peoples lives change, so their needs and direction change.

                          A band member gets a girl friend who doesn't really have an interest level like the band member does toward music, BUT he's in love and seems to be the real deal. Do we play selfish and break him from possibly the love of his life because he'll be hard to replace, or support him with his once in a life time chance at the real deal that many never have?

                          Also, some folks grow tired easier and quicker than others, and loose commitment and dedication when nothing in their eyes musically are looking better or worth sticking around for, so they move on.

                          Its tough when band members lives are no longer music like it use to be, but it happens, alot.

                          Take the good with the bad, regroup the troops that are left, and allow everybody to be honest and respect the decisions made, pick up the pieces and go from there. You might even change your mind about the whole band/gigging thing, music in general. You never know whats just around the corner and it can change everything. Don't be hard on yourself or others, as unfortunate as it is this sort of thing happens all the time.
                          Chin up my friend and roll with it and keep it light hearted and fun as much as possible.
                          Last edited by Soap; 05-05-2007, 08:39 PM.
                          Peace, Love and Happieness and all that stuff...

                          "Anyone who tries to fling crap my way better have a really good crap flinger."

                          I personally do not care how it was built as long as it is a good playing/sounding instrument.

                          Yes, there's a bee in the pudding.


                          • #14
                            Ya know.. when I wanted to play Satriani, I was 'told'..(and this was back when Satch and EJ actually had tunes on the radio and in commercials)
                            "who wants to listen or dance to that?" --by a bass player no less.
                            One or two guitar showcase tunes is cool.. the rest should be for entertaining the crowd.. getting paid and keeping the bar owners and wait staff happy with ringing tills.
                            Last edited by charvelguy; 05-05-2007, 08:45 PM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by hippietim View Post
                              Of course I say this all this after we were playing Xanadu by Rush last night
                              Wish I would have been there, Tim! That's one of my faves to play (bass and guitar).

                              - E.
                              Good Lord! The rod up that man's butt must have a rod up its butt!

